Tuesday, April 28, 2009

win a date with CHUCK BASS!!

As posed by one of our lovely and intelligent readers I will take up the challenge to initiate an intelligent post as to WHY Chuck-mania has spread not only amongst the fandom but amongst the writers of the show. This is in no way to deny said mania but more to explain it.

In my attempts to show why Chuck has become a favorite I will need to break it up in 3 parts.
  1. Part 1- the conditional villain that becomes the anti-hero
  2. Part 2- the actor that steals the scenes
  3. Part 3 - what makes and breaks an inspiration


It is not an uncommon phenomenon that a character originally intended to be the villain (or one that contains villainous-like-tendencies) of a story can indeed become the leading character, a sympathetic anti-hero. I will show some samples:
  • Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Logan Echolls, Veronica Mars
  • Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
  • The Phantom, The Phantom of the Opera
  • Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Danny Archer, Blood Diamond
  • Grendel, Beowulf
  • Keiser Soze, The Usual Suspects
  • Scarlett, Gone with the Wind
  • Snape, Harry Potter
  • Tony Montana, Scarface
  • Riddick, The Riddick Series
  • Tony Soprano, The Sopranos
  • Agent 47, The Hitman
Just to name a few. ;) Why does this occur and why is it, that at the end of the day they tend to create the largest fanbases?

Let us focus on Chuck, as we have explained before in our previous Chuck essay, the honest truth of it all is that Chuck's storyline is indefinitely more interesting than that of Nate or Dan. Poor little rich boy who was never loved? It's got the making of ANY anti-hero story. It is the #1 requirement after the whole 'family was brutally killed and this is why I'm fucked up reason'. I do think it wasn't pre-planned. In episode 1.02 you already know that he has Daddy-issues. You have to give the writers of the show credit here because they took a flat-character from the books and made him into a phenomenon filled with layers, contradictions, passionate desires, blatant flaws and an even more fervent flame of redemption. The character of Chuck then became this twisted boy and in the twisting of his character you learned his motivations, his aspirations and his loyalties.

Hence ground work is set. Now, you compile this with pairing him up with the other twisted character on the show and you have what some fools call an 'unexplained obsession with Chair'. To me it's clear but I can't expect everyone to understand and appreciate complex storylines like I do. ;)

So let us fast-forward to C.E. Current Era. As our observant reader pointed out, there is a blatant and self-proclaimed obsession from the writers with Chuck. The media is also feeding from this as they continue to praise his character on a weekly basis. I like to look at it this way; as a favorite child. The favorite child that can do no wrong and will always be justified? Yes, it's mostly like it but please dont misconstrue this as an attack on Chuck. On the contrary, I have to give praise to a writing team that didn't even need to have Chuck apologize to Jenny for over 30 episodes about the incident on the 'Kiss on the Lips' party for an audience to embrace him in his entirety. The majority of us really thought that this was never going to be addressed but alas it was and it was done in such a way that it STILL made Chuck look in a positive light. I mean... you can't get more awesome than that.

So we know Chuck makes 101 mistakes, we know he loses things all the time, and that he's rained down up all the freaking time. Yet, through all of this he still manages to not only have our attention, that of the writers and the media. How does he do it? Why does this happen? While Nate gets hate and Dan is called judgemental why is Chuck still on top? Well, like he said in 'New Haven Can Wait'. He owns us. He owns the writers, he owns the media and that's what makes him fucking interesting and root-worthy. Fucking deal with it.


A lot of Chuck has to do with Ed. Let us face it. As I have stated before I am the first to admit not being infatuated with Mr. Westwick. He's just not my type yet for all my reservation I will be the first to admit that he's got incredible screen presence and tons of sex appeal. He's not your traditionally good-looking fellow like Chace is or has the stoned poet look to him like Penn. He's a bit more rustic and untamed. But regardless of how he looks OFF set Ed COMMANDS screen presence.

That is something that can neither be taught or developed. You're either born with it or you're not. It's that simple. When Chuck slinks into a room, in the background you instantly notice him. He has a magnetic pull to him, from the way he stands to the way he talks to his actions. You should be grossed out by him. He's sleazy, he lacks manners, he's brash but yet... you're kinda ok with it. He's got a very old acting soul to him; which is what makes him bankable. Exploitable, if you will, as a teen actor. It's a very rare occasion that a teen show can have an actor such as him. Usually actors of his kind, especially British ones are often snapped up and placed in films. So, when having such talent on your set it's NATURAL that the writers are not only inspired by him but more than willing to flesh him out to the bare bone in order to get the most out of their storylines. Which brings us to our next point.


Most avid TV viewers are familiar with the fool-proof method of casting a teen show. What makes a teen show? Pretty faces. What keeps people interested in the show? Faces with dept. That's just a magical equation. The same can be said with Gossip Girl. The producers used Chace and Blake's pretty faces to bring us into the show. However, it's been Leighton and Ed who have taken over the audience and the overall draw to the show. That's just facts, dont bother arguing because I will counter it.

The question now comes into place - WHY are the writers obsessed with all things Chuck-related? The answer is pulled from the previous two sections and combined into the catalysts that make it all happen. You have a character with some serious dept, combined with a stellar actor and you end up with writers that can't stop fucking writing for Chuck. That's it. That's your reason. You have to understand that writers, as a whole, as obsessive creatures. When they become fixated with a story or a plot they live, eat and breathe it. They become part of it, they think about it all the time. And it nearly seems that all else become mute and unimportant against the vast wall they have created for their chosen favorite child.

So it comes as no surprise that the writers of our show are fucking obsessed with Chuck. All actions and all activities will somehow rendezvous back to Chuck. Chuck, chuck, chuck. If you've told yourself to hate him then I can imagine it's unbearable for you to even be around this fandom. If you love Chuck you will see nothing wrong with it ;)

So when we tell you that you have to be realistic and see that Nair will NEVER be endgame it's because we're looking at the back story of it all. No amount of fanciful explanations will ever do because Chuck has been cultured to be the main of this story. Why do you think Nate is falling apart? Why do you think Blair is so in love with Chuck? Why do you think Jenny heard an apology for Chuck? Why do you think there's so much Vanessa hate? Why do you think people even like Eric? Because it really is all about Chuck. I've given you reasons as to why it's all about Chuck. You can take them or leave them, it makes no difference. Like Chuck said: he owns you. End of story.


  1. Oh. Ouch. Time to find a new fandom.

  2. For me, yeah. Sorry, KAGs.

  3. :(

    we will miss you, send us a note once in a while, baby girl!

  4. I'm not hesistant to admit that I am indeed obsessed with all things Chuck, but, uhm, Eric is still adorable on his own <3 And that picture is win. Poor Ed.

  5. I agree. Eric is adorable on his own, the fact that Chuck takes to him like a little brother makes it even better

  6. I know I say this about all of your essays, but this is fantastic. I challenge anyone to write something this good about Nate.


  7. Also, I love that Spike and Logan were at the top of the list. Two of my favorite characters ever.

  8. What you said is such truth, lol. People can deny it all they want, but the writers are OBSESSED with Chuck. Especially Josh Schwartz. Stephanie Savage, I don't know, because her brain is 24/7 crazytown, as far as I can see. But in the writers' podcast, Schwartzy went on about how amazing Chuck was for a full five minutes before McInerney interrupted him and was like, "But Blair is popular, too, right?"

    And while I do think that almost everything goes back to Chuck - Van der Bass, Eric's surge of awesomeness, Dan becoming cool in 2.05, Vanessa losing some judgments in 2.07, Bart dying, Serena's fate, Blair's love life, etc, etc - I don't think the writers are all that horrible to Blair, either. She does have plots that are outside of Chuck. They're just less ... inspired? But, then again, Chuck had to deal with Elle when he didn't have Blair.

    So, though I prefer Chuck's Blairless stories (dealings with Lily and Dan in particular) than Blair's Chuckless stories, I do think they are best together and the writers know that.

  9. Excellent essay! I totally agree. I'm too old for teen shows, yet I get obsessed with GG mostly because of Chuck/Ed! He owns the show and his pairing with Blair/Leighton is 99% of why me and most viewers keep watching.

  10. I personally favor Blair, that's just me but I will admit that BOTH Chuck and Blair's storylines without one another do bore me to death. Mostly because when they're not interacting with one another the characters/actors they interact with are not as vibrant as the other.

    I also do believe that the writers DO think this same way, they do know that the Chair scenes and storylines are stellar otherwise we wouldn't be in the predicament we're in now.

  11. Outstanding essay! I love the character of Chuck and I think Ed is a great actor (So fucking hot, too and then hearing him speak with his accent..yum!). The people who act like Nate is better than Chuck are obviously crazy. It's the only explanation.

    And some of the responses to the new sneak peek are sickening.

  12. How about Chuck/Ed is ugly, now that doesn't need to be debated. It's a fact.


    Fuck! I dont know why I didn't fucking see it before, Inca! She is SO right! Fuck me, I see the light now! It all makes sense now! IT'S BECAUSE HE'S UGLY!


  14. Great actor. I just don't understand the fangirls or the hype.

  15. That just comes with the territory because he's in a teen show. That's all. Were he in CIS Miami or something like that it wouldn't happen. Like she said, talent like his usually gets put in films but because he's in a Teen Drama which young girls watch everyday you'll get the "OMFG I LUV CHUCK HE'S SO HOT AND ED IS 2!"

  16. I think in interview Ed seems so modest and shy, at the same he's funny. That's why I like Ed so much. There's something about him that works well with the show. I can't wait to see what he does outside of GG.

    As for his character chuck, he's works best with blair. i cant stand to watch them apart, Chuck needs blair.


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