Friday, May 1, 2009

a lot of folks deserve to be WANKED

My inner bitch/monster continues to crave more wankings, doesn't it do that to you too? Nod. Ok. So I am STILL going through all the craziness you all have sent us because some of this shit is out of control! I mean... what the fuck are people thinking? Are they thinking at all? It baffles me!

While watching this scene I was a little scared, that he was going to tell Chuck to have her. BUT HE DIDNT HE WANTS HER! YAY! They are the best couple ever! And i agree totally that this is the same Nate that wanted her back in 1x12, and i loved that Nate! Blair and Nate are so cute! And deserve eachother and he actially loves her! While Chuck makes me so mad and fools around and hurts her NATE IS FIGHTING FOR HER AND REALLYLOVES HER!

ME: Let us begin with the beginning of this statement. 'BLAIR AND NATE ARE FOREVER I LOVE!' I think she means there's a new phone out? While I wasn't looking? The I-Love? Anyone heard of it? Let me know! I dont know what I love more; the Cute-propaganda coming up once more or the fact that she ADMITS to there being multiple Nates. Like THIS time we 'finally' got the 'right' Nate. I dont know what this poor child will do next week once they break up. Like I'm afraid we'll need to take her to therapy or something.


chuck and jenny man
im not kidding i would love to see jenny soften chuck up a little whiles the make passionate love lol

ME: ... I think what disturbs me more about this statement is the words: passionate love. Like... I dont think she knows what sex really is so we will call it 'passionate love'. And really, if Chuck got any softer there will be no Chuck. Why dont people believe in the cultivating of one's real personality? It's like everyone wants everyone in this show to change. It's bizarre.


Like Blair said about Chuck, it's not even a real relationship when you can't even hold hands. Team Nair!

ME: But of course. She missed the ENTIRE point. I dont know what these people do outside of posting online but I can tell you I am more afraid than ever to get drive-thru at Mickey-D's.


the only girl that I can accept Nate with is Blair. Actually I couldn't love him with V, S and J. They are good with him as friends only , but not as a couple. Whereas, C can be really a womanizer. He is good with G, V (better than N), B ( but I prefer that he still be a friend of her rather than a boyfriend.
He is good to be single as well. He can stand by himself. His character is strong, he doesn't need anyone.

ME: I am going to have to quote the finale though it hasn't aired yet. "I'm not Chuck Bass without you." So deal with that for a while. And how have you been even able to ACCEPT Nate at all for all of these episodes while he cunt-jumped from one place to another? I dont understand your logic but whatever, one can't argue with the fucking Kool-Aid.

NATE........I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. when he said "I WANT HER" ,my heart melted Smile
Bass, back off!!!!

ME: ... you know what? Whatever, think what you like, I can't handle anymore fuckery. You all will just drive me to drinking.


I don't think GG's future sucess will rely on Chair, in fact I think it has the potential to be it's downfall, anyway, Chair will be a couple next season, a third straight season dominated by Chair, can't wait.
I just hope that if the series progresses past three seasons, that they won't keep Chair as a couple for that long, not only do I not believe they are good enough to be sustainable for the rest of the series(and I don't) it will be boring to have them together for THAT long, ofcourse, even if they are endgame, I hope there is SOME Dair down the line
as well(yes, shameless ship pimping, but wtf it IS a Dair thread).

ME: OMFG, SEASON 1 WAS DOMINATED BY CHAIR???? Someone DO something! They sent to my fucking house the WRONG FUCKING SEASON! Because MY season 1 was DOMINATED by Darena, I dont know what fucking season you got! Damn. I was totally jipped. (btw, THAT was sarcasm) And yes, the ever 'intriguing' Dair. Because, like I've said before, Blair needs ANOTHER judgmental man in her life. Since Dan is all accepting of everyone's bad qualities they'll be totally perfect. (yes. MORE sarcasm, shamelessly so.)

Peace out, kids. I'm heading out for the night, all these wankings have stirred my inner alcoholic!


  1. I want to know what season that last person got too! Because I want my money back for the Darena infused one that I got.

    I love how every NB is in denial of Nate hurting Blair quote you lovely ladies...falling into Serena's cunt.


  2. You know, I can't wait to laugh in these idiots' faces when Chuck and Blair get together.

    And the only way C & B can be this show's downfall is if they're NOT together. I mean, haven't we seen the ratings take a slide these last few weeks? It's because people are tired of the fuckery.

    And I'd offer you a sip of my vodka tonic, VB, but work was absolute shit today and I can't spare any. Forgiveness, please!


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