Tuesday, May 5, 2009

one way or ANOTHER

Yes. This picture is real. Someone took time out to put it together. You know what this signifies, dont you? WANKING TIME!!!!! OMFG, I love this! I live for this fucking wanking. Because the few that are STILL posting (and not changing their usernames and rooting for Chair) will crack you the fuck up! Are you ready, people?


Let us begin with this thread title; which will go in my top-10 favorite thread titles of all time.

"One day GG will look up on NB and it'll shout SAVE ME. And we'll whisper EFF NO."

ME: Yes. That's how it'll happen. EXACTLY like that! And PLEASE for the love of puppies KEEP THEM COMING! Keep searching through your comic books and keep bringing them!


I'm a huge Chair fan, but hearing Nate say those things to Chuck- "I want her!" - was almost enough to make me want Nair.

ME: He also wanted coffee. Do I sense Nate/Coffee coming up? Naffee would be HOT. Literally.


and now the Interns over at Kristen

Romana in Cape Coral, Fla.: What can you tell us about the Gossip Girl finale? Chuck and Blair! What else is there to say? OK, how about that the spawn of Rufus and Lily will be played by an unknown—extrapolate from that what you will about said spawn's future on the show. (Of course, nobody had ever heard of Jessica Szohr before G.G., and now she's a big star with endorsement deals and everything.)

ME:.... yes. We knew all about the first part. EVERYONE knows about CB. Starving children in Africa know about this. Now. Let us address the last part because you know we couldn't stay quiet. Big Star? You mean big GUEST STAR, right? Because... that's what she is because BIG stars would be needed in every episode. And you wouldn't realize they were missing until it's over and you ask yourself - "wow... no HOT pink combat boots or random camera violations... I dont think we saw Vanessa today. Hummm... look at that... whatever... Chair was awesome." We wouldn't know since we fast forward through anything that has her face in it we're avoiding her like the swine flu. Stay off the Kool-Aid little interns, for the love of all that is holy and Edwardian.


it's too bad Blair wouldn't end up w/ Nate, because after saw episode 21 & this sneak peak. i think Nate trully in love w/Blair. He bought an apartment near NYU & Colombia just because Blair won't take the subway and then he said he want her out loud. he never do that w/ serena, jenny even vanessa. :(

ME: ... one should not do that with ANYONE at the age of 18 most especially someone you haven't talked to in 17 episodes. Most especially someone like that.


N deserves B way more than C.

ME: ...


OMG! I am a Chair fan but I am kinda tilting to the Nate-Blair thing! "I want her!" WAAAAAAAAY too sweet!!

ME: OMG! You're an idiot!


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was soo hot!!! nate looks amazingly sexy when he's like that!! make him like thet every week and blair will stay with him forever!
GO NAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME: ... I just... I'm going to just go away now because you scare me. K?


nate and blair shud b 2gther, blair, wakeup! nate's the ryt 1 4 u always, he knws wat he wants and its blair. nate really luvs blair, chuck cudnt even say ily 2 her, b gave hm al0t of chance but wat hppen? the bass blew her off. s0 blair shud b wid nate. im chuck bass is not applicble n0w.

ME: I hate when they go all algebraic equation on me; maybe I'm too fucking old but can someone translate this Sumerian please?


I completely agree with you, xx-stupid-person-too-xx. Nate has been the most inconsistent character on GG since day one. That's why I love this clip because it shows such growth.

ME: Yes this makes sense. Considering he's inconsistent and hardly speaks ANYTHING he says, does, or eats can be considered character growth. Including any physical attributes like bangs. Those grow too.


It's stupid to see the Chair fans trying to convince themselves that people don't like Nair. You guys got so blind with an idealistc beautiful romance that doesn't even actually exist between Chuck and Blair - it gets on the nerves. I'm posting here for the first time and u guys should just accept that Nair is getting stronger and it breaks my heart to know that the season will end with Chair. I just hope Chuck actually man up and don't ruin Blair and Nate's prom.

ME: Yeah. I have nothing left to say to this crappery. Because Nair is as strong as nails under post-traumatic stress cause by acrylic. It's as strong as that.


if you would read our older posts then you would know that we have already theorized how Serena would react. She wouldn't be upset because she would not have those feelings for Dan anymore because now he is more like a brother to her. However she still knows what a great guy he is and knows how upset Blair is going to be when Chuck leaves her AGAIN, that she will be the one to bring them closer together. Serena will see the potential they have and give them the little push that they need. It's common fact that B and D won't get together on their own because they will be too embarassed with their own feelings.
I am not even going to comment on Chuck because he will move on easily. The only person I feel bad for is Nate in this situation.

ME: So this is pro-Dair, right? Yeah, you're going to have to move A LOT of shit around for this little theory to fall into place. You'll have to remove ENTIRE CHUNKS of personality traits for BOTH Dan and Blair (AND Serena, oh AND Chuck) for this little theory to work. That's a lot of lifting and moving. Here, have a napkin. Wipe your sweat.


I agree with this thread omg Ed has NO talent whatsoever he has no facial
expression expect pout his lips and flare his huge nostirls THATS IT his only emotions is pout when guilt/sad and flaring when mad/"planning sumthing" and he smiles liek a a creeper... i never seen a genuine smile from tht guy... GOD hes horrible ... everyonne else on the cast has exprience and actully YES chace is actully a good actor at least he trying i mean i thought haunting of molly was good and he was good in covenant too but yea Ed no exprience no talent dont believe me wikipedia the cast thier all in good movies expect ed

ME: I have nothing to say, your honor. The people have spoken. And too fucking much, if you ask me.

For fuck's sake, please keep sending them in, I LOVE these statements because you know one way or another...


  1. *giggles* *stiffles laughter*

  2. here you go, girls. Because you've given me a new HOT ship!



    Because Chace's confused expression and inability to emote totally is deserving of an Emmy.

    Clearly, they have never seen what movies the rest of the cast has done. Fail NB fans, fail. You make me hate Chace, which sucks cause he's a much better human being than any of you are.


  4. It's a really sad attempt to covince ppl that Nair is a good couple. the first one was funny as hell, it's too easy too make fun of. Nair fan are getting lazy to spell, see that's what happens when you ship them lol

    LD is a big star now? Since when? Because no one would consider her a "big star", at least no one in there right mind.

  5. OMG Isabelle! I have missed your icons soo much! If you make them, do you post them somewhere since your still on LJ hiatus??

  6. *rotflmao* too crazed.

    Naffee..epitome of perfection.

  7. "YES chace is actully a good actor at least he trying i mean i thought haunting of molly was good and he was good in covenant too but yea Ed no exprience no talent dont believe me wikipedia the cast thier all in good movies expect ed"

    <-- A few things wrong with this besides poor spelling/grammar.

    1. Ed has just as much, if not more, of experience as the rest of the gang. And you have to remember, his experience is actually with GOOD movies and stuff that matter. I actually love and think it's really cute that the cast has all been in awful movies and TV shows (Of course V.Mars doesn't count as an awful TV show since that was awesome) but Ed was in Children of Men, for pete's sake. And Son of Rambow (which premiered at the Sundance as an official selection) which I loved loved loved even though I wasn't into GG or Ed at that point. And Breaking and Entering - which I haven't seen, but has a dozen A-listers. So let's not play the "experience" game with Ed (who is still 21) when Chace (23) has... The Haunting of Molly Hartley which was released only on DVDs.

    2. Ed with Leighton are carrying the fucking ship by being subtle. Acting on screen isn't about hammering the message home. It's about believability and subtlety. So I'm sorry to hear that you will only empathize with an actor that makes exaggerated facial expressions.

    3. "At least Chace is trying"? The fact that you can SEE that he is trying while acting hilariously proves that he is an unfortunately bad actor. But he's prettier than Ed, so maybe you can just go superficial the next time you want to compare Ed (who is widely acclaimed even by anti-GossipGirl people to be a surprisingly well-seasoned actor, especially for his age) to a beautiful scarecrow. It'll give you more to work with.

  8. Ugh. That wink. Ugh. Ugh.

    The ship-jumpers infuriate me to no end because I know they'll jump right back on when CB are back. Ugh. Gag me.

  9. Oh, thank god, this week felt like the end of the Bush administration - what are we going to mock now? But we can always count on the crazyness of the NBers :D And Nate/Coffee! I actually ship Nate/Off-screen the most, but this is TOO HOT. Sweet Jesus, I'm a multi-shipper! :D

  10. Whenever people say that they love Chuck and Blair but are tired of the games and therefore have decided to ship Nate and Blair, I find myself feeling rather violent.

    You are tired of the very long build-up? Okay, fine. That's legitimate. But how is that a reason to start liking another couple with NO build up or chemistry, and who the writers are positing as absolutely wrong for each other?

    I mean, Nate said he wanted Blair in the exact same episode that Chuck said he loved her, for goodness' sake! So, how can Nate's want suddenly be more amazing and spectacular than, say, him wanting Vanessa in 2.12 or 2.03? Or Jenny in 2.09? Or Catherine in 2.01? Or Serena in 1.06?

    It's just hilarious that Chuck gets crucified for 'wanting' Elle after he and Blair were distinctly NOT together, but Nate gets a free pass for 'wanting' Serena while Blair was trying to lose her virginity to him. Fantastic.

  11. .... girl you need a hug, c'mere!

    You can't listen to these crackwhores, they're off. They make no sense. If they made sense you think I'd have a job here? I think not. So go on an get mad, anyone on the fucking Kool-Aid deserves it.

  12. This has all been said before but I must vent...

    Who are these people? I have to believe that they are all trolls because there is no way someone could be this clueless. From the minute that Blair & Chuck walked on the screen in Season 1 Episode 1 they have been building the Chair story. There is so much depth and emotion to these two characters and we have watched them grow and lash out and love for 2 seasons now.
    How the fuck can there be a comparison?
    As far as the acting comment.... are you kidding me? They can't possilby be watching the same show as me. This last episode was good but lets face it... it was all fluff until the Chair scene. And everytime Ed & Leighton are in the same room I can't take my eyes off of them and the way they communicate without even having to say anything.
    I am resigned to think that these people who ship Nair or GOD forbid Dair have to be trolls or little preteens whose ideas of love/romance is Ken & Barbie go to prom...


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