Friday, May 8, 2009

"Serena, Serena!"

I can see Dan in a decade or so just like Rufus. But instead of sitting in a corner singing "Lily, Lily!" he'll be writing over and over in notebooks: "All Serena and no plot make Dan a dull boy". You see, I really used to like Darena back in the day. Like WAY back in the day before the on and off game began. Now? They NEED to keep them apart. It's just... I mean the media doesn't even care about what the heck happens to them, they mostly ask out loud "Are they together this week?". It's a bad joke. That never ends. I really hope that this time they keep them apart for at least a season because it's getting really hard to keep rooting for them when it doesn't matter what happens they still bounce back to this 'fake friendship' that just them to sex. Who's driving this train?


  1. you mean it leads to the type of sex where they both fall asleep halfway through it? Oh wait. That's Nair.

  2. i actually loved derena circa s1 and maybe season 2 ep 1 but this is absurd trying to make them friends. dan's trying to grab the girl's arse while doing his white-boy dance moves!!

  3. I like them in this clip. We know they're not getting back together and it's friendshippy..they actually seem fun


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