Sunday, May 3, 2009

there's nothing left to EXPLORE

One should always begin a Sunday with a good old fashioned WANKING. It's a no-contest rule. It should be a the 12th commandment because you know the 11th one is thou shall only worship Chair. So... 12th commandment should be followed.

I never said he didn't have feelings for Blair; it just isn't love. He wants what he can't have. When did he put himself out for Nate, and Nate rejected it? When Nate needed somewhere to live? I don't blame Nate.. he probably has a REALLY tough time trusting Chuck after what he did. He knows Chuck can be a huge ass and low life. Just like last episode, he proved himself to be a huge dick by trying to steal Blair away from Nate. Chuck's feelings for Blair? Oh please, he's sleeping with a new girl every other episode. Because he IS the bad guy betwene the two in their friendship. I like Chuck as a character BECAUSE he is a sleaze bag. Yes, he has been sincere at some points in the past (aka trying to help Nate) but sorry, what he did to Nate was so much worse. If my best friend ever did that, I'd have a reeally reeeally hard time forgiving them. Oh right, because a good friend sleeps with his best friend's girlfriend? No, Chuck is the douchey friend.

ME: My favorite part of the whole thing is that she contradicts herself. So Chuck can't be trusted because he's done bad things but he's been sincere in trying to help Nate out. So which is it? And speaking of trust issues aren't we forgetting that it was with Blair's best friend that Nate fucked up with - and Blair is expected to forgive and forget yet Nate can't be bothered to do the same thing for his best friend? Because if I remember correctly Blair forgave her BOYFRIEND instantly. The LEAST Nate can do is offer forgiveness back to someone else. After it was done to him. But he neither forgave Blair or Chuck even when Blair came clean to him. On the contrary, he treated her like shit. Then he 'forgives' Chuck and turns around and gets mad at him for a reason we're still unfamiliar with.

You cannot put the blame on either here, the least you can do is woman up and realize that both have been in the wrong many times. And I'm not even arguing Chuck's feelings for Blair because we ALL know how he feels and Blair will also know in 3 episodes, the only one who is out of the loop is you. And really, once more Blair is not a commodity. She's not a stock bond. She's not property. The girl will make her own decisions and will go her own fucking way that she pleases. HOWEVER, she say it herself. Once Chuck confesses that he loves her she will be his. Just like she confessed that she loved him, hence his heart will always belong to her. They said it. Not me. The writers. Take it up with them.


Well maybe if Chuck didn't completely fuck over Nate in the first place he wouldn't be so worried.. I think he trusts Blair, just not Chuck and I don't blame him.. he deserves a way better best friend than Chuck, soo sketchy.

ME: Blair said it herself. Nate doesn't trust her. He didn't deny it. Flawed argument.


Actually it's not 80% of viewers who would agree with you..... it's only 68% cuz remember we had that poll of Spoiler TV a couple of weeks ago and Nair got 15%....... it's low but come on, it showed that Nair is the second biggest fan base of GG and that says alot. Chicken-Muffin, please get over the fact the Nair actually have fans. I mean, every couple is going to fans no matter what. We do not have to explain to you why we love Nair, it's our opinion. It's like the same way how I can't figure out why people ship Chair because I think that Chuck is ugly as hell. Fat, big forehead, big nose, nerd hair, and did I mention fat? But that's a different topic on it's own. So please get over that Nair has fans! It's no surprise hunny

ME: I HATE 'cuz'. I mean, it just gets under my skin and drives me insane. And really, the online polls DO NOT reflect actual viewers, just the ones online. Which means these percentages can drastically change. I actually believe Darena has much more fans OFFLINE than they do online. Of course Nair will have fans, they were the couple in the books, it's when you try to justify this plot-driven mess that gets you wanked. And ONCE MORE, bringing in physical appearance as a way to dethroning and putting down the ship is really not going to get you any respect from us. We've always said that Nate is really pretty. He's just that - pretty. Find a new angle.


Well here's my prediction:
the GG spoilers made it pretty freakin clear that B will end up with C in this season.
but what will happen next season? one of the reasons i think C is so into B is because of the excitement of the chase. i saw someone mentioned in one of the older posts that C only wants B when she's with another dude, and i think theyr totaly right!
in the next season i think C will grow bored of not having the excitement of pursuin B so he'll just go back to his old ways and let B fall flat on her face lol.
oh B, dont u ever learn? shoulda stuck with handsome lovin nate.

ME: Yeah. I think you're totally wrong. So let's get that out of the way first, ok? And I love that because Nate is handsome he will not let her fall flat on her face. I mean, I dont know why I didn't see it before. I'm baffled. I'm usually smarter than this. Nathaniel that fall-breaker. He's 100% inanimate object now. That's MY prediction.


I honestly think Vanessa is the only girl Chuck could ever fall in love with, every scene they've had i've seen something so different in the way C is with her. It's like she's so anti-everything he is that he has this sort of inherent trust in her, or something idn. He always seems to let his guard down around her, in a way i never see with anyone else.

ME: OK, NO. You ridiculous Vucker, Chuck is ALREADY in love with Blair. He just hasn't said it. Blair needs him to say it. Statistically speaking the less people have in common, the less alike they are is the less they will last. It's just fact. Long marriages and strong marriages will always tell you 'we had so much in common'. I mean, isn't that what a friend says to you when they meet someone they really click with. Which is in term where the term 'click with' comes from. Any of this ring any bells? And you've obviously missed CHUNKS of episodes if you haven't seen Chuck letting his guard down because I accurately remember 1.08, 2.01, 2.07, 2.08, 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15 of Chuck showing Blair parts of him that no one sees. Stores must be sold out of blindfolds because MAN, you must've piled them on!


But i don't believe he's really in love with Blair, i think he's in love with the idea someone like Blair could love him... but i don't think he actually loves her because he can't accept the reality of being in love with a Blair that's "domesticated". Where as Vanessa is just the polar opposite, way more chill and not so focused on the "future".

ME: I still didn't get a reason as to why they would 'click well' together. I just know that she's his opposite and that she's focused on the future which in term would mean domestic tranquility, would it not? Same will chill would represent someone you can be calm and grow old with which will circle back to domestication.


"Detour with a boho barista and I remembered I`m a 17 year old billionaire with incredible stamina" Obviously Vanessa`s gourgeousness fixed whatever erection problem Chuck had

ME: (give me a moment while I laugh)


CB is alright i just dont see what the fuss is about they dont do it for me i prefer mushy love stories not agnst

ME: Yeah. I prefer people skipping in fields, while ducks swim in the background, and romantic instrumental music plays. It's fucking riveting especially as they stare at one another - in love. Ahhh... mush.


Nate and Blair are so sweet with each other. They actually speak to each other rather than make downgrading sarcastic comments at each other. Blair and Nate really work for me. They're cute together.

ME: Just to clarify. By speaking we're ignoring that they ignored one another for over 13 episodes, right? Because... I'm thinking that's the only way the statement can be correct. If we ignore parts of the show. And once more, since they didn't talk and they're 'cute' they obviously work out.

I'm like out of juice, man. These arguments are getting more and more repetitive. I like, need new material. Some bat crazy shit like the great V defender or something. Something out of a Pollock painting. That would be GREAT.


  1. Can't one of them accuse Chuck of killing their mother or something? Man, Nair fans, no wonder no one takes you seriously.


  2. Nate comes off as God or something, doesn't he? And Vanessa is just the perfect girl for Chuck. *rolls eyes*

    I'm starting to hate Chace a little because of Nate/Nair. Ok i understand Nate/Chace is handsome and Nair is "awesome" please say something else that doesnt involve the word "pretty". Or stop blaming Chuck becasue it's not he's fault. Blair love Chuck and vise versa, let it go Nair fans.

    As for Vanessa, her existence on this show is just appalling.

  3. Those were just too funny and I am kind of scared that I share a world with these people. So oblivious to what's right in front of them!

    I agree with Sleepy Loca so sick of hearing the same reason Nate is 'pretty' and Chuck is 'ugly'. YEAH SUCH A GREAT REASON TO SHIP A COUPLE! gahhh gets me so mad.

  4. I wish they would discuss more the deep level of trust that Blair and Nate share - because that certainly wasn't debunked by the end of 2.22.
    Or perhaps they should recall Blair and Nate's long and beautiful friendship - because we all know that Nate did not claim that they never had a friendship in 2.20.
    Or maybe they should talk about how Nate loves the real her - because Nate certainly didn't admit that he never liked the "same old girl" that he had been dating for 5 years.

  5. Total morons!!!

    Nate is "pretty" so yay Nair feva! "pukes"

    And Chuck is neither ugly or fat! What is wrong with these people?!

    Gee, what's an exciting, complex, intelligent, sexy MAN compared to a pretty, controlling, selfish boy with limited facial expressions and man bangs?! "shrug"

    CV >> "projectile vomits"

  6. OMG, they need to get over themselves. I mean in the first one; Chuck slept with Blair while NB WERE BROKEN UP. If anything Blair is the one who should be having the trust issues, since pretty old Nathaniel cheated on her, she didn't cheated on anybody!

    Seriously, this confirms that most of the NB fans, are just Nate fans who want him to have more screen time, while pissing off Chuck and CB fans...

  7. I want to know where this bitch lives. It's stalkin' time. I don't really want to hurt her, I just want to follow her around to confirm a few suspicions.

    I bet she orders a caramel-light frappacino with no whip-cream at Starbucks every morning, enjoys a nice afternoon with her pocket vibrator after bible-study, and bought a lifetime supply of Dove products once she found Szohr-loser was "the face."

    And that's all fine, I guess. She's probably "pretty," even.



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