Tuesday, May 5, 2009

we're more dangerous than SHOTGUNS

I believe it's no secret that here at the Kool-Aid LOVE loving our peeps. Our peeps being Eddie, Leighton (all hail the queen!) and some others here and there. But yeah. It's mostly those two. So here it goes.

Apparently there was a costume gala. People could dress up as others, like a low-key Halloween party or a night to show off couture. As we've discussed Blake came as a siren (and Penn was her plus one, he makes an excellent +1). Ed came as James Bond. He's gone from HOT MESS to leaving US a HOTMESS. Props to him. Stay on target, McEddie!

Leighton (all hail the Queen!) came as Gretel but I suspect foul play from the corner of Lady Dreadlocks who left the bra and took the weave - at least she left the cannoli home too.

Yeah. Total foul play. At least the thing fits which is more than we can say about Lady Dreadlocks and the case of the missing brassiere/double-sided tape. I do love the Shirley Temple hair and Vuitton did a stellar job of fitting the chest area. But Leighton herself looked beautiful, as if she could look anything else! That's couture for you.



  1. You know the tights is actually what really killed her. . . but I forgive her because she is the only woman I would ever bang. LOL.

    But OMJC Sexwick has struck again. It's too much for me to handle. Please break me off a piece of that!!! *thud*

  2. I'd still do her. I'm not going to lie and if Eddie is in the room too it'll be even better.

  3. OMFG.... He is more and more gorgeous everytime I see him... and his hair. I hope Chuck adopts this style next season.

  4. Ed looks amazing, of course. I pray to god they let him keep that hair for season 3.

    Buuut I think Leighton is sort of rocking the fuck out of that outfit. Look at that devilish expression! That is the very picture of 'you know you love me' if I've ever seen it.

  5. I agree. I think she looks like what people going to this Gala should. It's supposed to be a fun and whimsical party and a lot of people just think it's a ball. It's not, it's to wear what you normally dont and she absolutely ROCKS it! And I did see the pictures of LD and I agree, someone didn't fit her dress at all and the hair was there also.

  6. I'm repeating myself but I'll say it again: Ed is getting sexier, hotter and more handsome every time I see him since his UK vacations!

  7. My first reaction to Leightons outfit was that it was hideous but I think I've been converted by her 'fuck yeah I did bitch, what you got to say about it' look and now I kind of think its awesome in an only suitable for the costume gala way.

  8. I love how you also find Leighton totally attractive lol, Im totally straight. But damn, her and Ed... and me. We would make an awesome threesome!!

    This blog seriously encourages the worst in me, I love it!

  9. VB ita - i'd def still do her. ed's more than welcome to join ofcourse :P

  10. I'm telling you, Leighton is the one girl we would totally go gay for. Well... her and Kristen Bell but who's counting?

  11. Leighton still looks hot and Ed is looking better that ever, please keep the hair for GG season 3.

  12. My first reaction to Leightons outfit was that it was hideous but I think I've been converted by her 'fuck yeah I did bitch, what you got to say about it' look and now I kind of think its awesome in an only suitable for the costume gala way.

    AGREE!!! BTW anyobody look Madonna, Tyra and Rachel Weisz outfits??? Crazy stuff!!! So Leighton was ok...

    And... Can I have a McEddie piece pleeeeasee???
    *drooling, gasping*

  13. I love Leighton, but seriously, this outfit was ridic, let's be honest with ourselves. I mean, just look past the bias for just a SECOND. In all the reviews I've seen, NO_ONE was thrilled by this outfit. And I know I'll get murdered for mentioning this, but Jess actually was the best looking of the GG girls. So. Yeah. (*runs away*)

  14. Ok. No.

    We can't look past the bias because we ARE biased, otherwise we wouldn't be KAG. AND we dont crush the Queen on this site and praise the TROLL. EVER. So no. And she was not. She looked like a trannie with the bad fitting of the corset and the nappy weave and the oily side-parted-now-getting-curly-bangs.

    And we agreed that the outfit was not our favorite but Leighton herself looked beautiful, her make up and hair was adorable despite the whimsicality of her outfit.


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