Wednesday, April 29, 2009

the Blair Ping-Pong Continues



God, this isn't fair! I wanted Nate to go all crazy and batshit.

Fine. Whatever. You'll see years from now that I was totally right and making him go psycho was the only way to go.

So. What do I think about this? I think Chuck needed to hear it but I can't believe a fucking word Nate says about women considering he's our resident cunt-jumper. So yeah. Once more, my point is proven that it's all about Chuck and Nate's inconsistent emotions are just being worked for the purpose of CB's storylines. Fuck it feels good to be right.

Also, I'm slightly turned on by the proximity of the boys! :D Blair sandwich anyone?

Is it Monday yet?


  1. "I WANT HER"

    that hurts to hear. cause I know he only really wants her for like, 3 seconds.

  2. This is a totally out-of-body experience!
    Natefused being right about sth?????
    When did this happen????
    I swear those writers take more kool-aid that their organism can deal with.
    But it serves our purpose all right, someone needed to WAKE UP Chuck.

    Does Nate mean that if Chuck will man up and say Blair he wants her, he'll get out of the way??? Just sayin' LOL

    Anyway, only and I repeat only this once, all hail Nate.
    And Chuck dear? This once you HAVE to take his advice!

  3. As much as I detest Nate as a whole.... For once they are using him for something good.
    I think he is saying I want her and she still wants you so either set her loose or "man up".
    This is a nice twist to the whole CB reunion. Nate can see it... I guess he is not as stupid as I thought.

  4. he's not being stupid because it serves the writing purpose. That's all, if it didn't he'd stand in the background like a mop. :D

    Give him a few weeks and I guarantee that we will once more question his IQ


    But seriously, yes someone needed to say something to snap Chuck into action. Just too bad it has to be Nate doling out love advice. Almost as loltastic as Lily lecturing Serena about responsibility and consideration. Now where is that post on Lady Dreadlocks that I came here for?! It has been too long...

  6. I think in Nate's soft little skull he is banking on the fact that Chuck would choose being a loyal friend over a girl. It's already been established that he was totally oblivious to what Chuck and Blair had going on in the first place. Therefore allowing him to swoop in on Blair with no feelings of guilt. And only now when Blair is with him can he see the connection that B/C have and acts like a psychotic dog in the last episode bc of this.

    I think he still doesn't get how in love they are otherwise he probably never would have basically given Chuck the go ahead to take her. But whatever, it was inevitable that is was going to happen, just as well Nate was the one to open the door to it since he's been a cock-blocking douche for these past few weeks.

  7. Oh Chace, your attempts at acting and 'showing emotion' would be adorable if your character wasn't systemically going through women on this show like they were mere objects to pass your time before your one true wuv Chuck realizes he wuvs you...

  8. There are different ways to interpret this scene. You can also see it as Nate still acting out of his own self interest and needing additional validation and security for his relationship with Blair. If Chuck tells Blair how he feels and Blair still stays with Nate, Nate gets his validation that Blair wants to be in the relationship with him; if Chuck doesn't and cuts her loose, then Nate gets rid of the competition. In other words, I don't think this scene is about Nate worrying about Chuck. It's about Nate still worrying about Nate. And I find it interesting how he doesn't seem to consider Blair's feelings in all of this; if Nate suspects that Blair may still have feelings for Chuck, he should confront HER about it directly and not go around that possibility by confronting Chuck instead. So it appears to me that either Nate doesn't think that Blair still loves Chuck or he wants Chuck to deal with the whole mess and ultimately be responsible (in Nate's eyes) for what happens between Nate and Blair. Nate's "talk" with Chuck in this context is kind of sinister.

  9. They ARE deliciously close, aren't they? :)

    Anyway, Nate's still a whiny, entitled douche.

  10. Even though I dislike it being Nate who wakes Chuck the fuck up, it needed to be done by SOMEONE. Chuck was getting kinda tedious with his whole 'I'm scared' issues. Come on Chuck. Grow some balls! I'm sure they'll be back when Blair's back by his side.

    Watch how Nate will 'want' a brown paper bag next week. Ugh. Lame joke for a lame character. I agree. This would have been so much more fun if he stayed psycho. But he is still kinda psycho in this clip. Look into those eyes....actually don't.

  11. Wow, ummm, this is weird XD Tho I love what this means for CB, but this is totally confusing me in the Nate Hate department... LOL! I still hate him but he's actually saying something that isn't all bullcrap! Miracle!

  12. It's annoying because this scene in and of itself is great for CB and great for CN and makes Nate look like a decent, straightforward human being. But considering that
    A) it apparently took him 22 episodes to finally realize that Chuck sometimes tries to hide his emotions and IS actually in love with Blair
    B) He is apparently aware that Blair still loves Chuck, and yet is willing to be Blair's backup
    C) He is literally begging Chuck not to man up in the same sentence that he orders him to do so
    D) He 'wants' her now, but three episodes ago he 'wanted' Vanessa, and he will 'want' Serena three episodes from now

    I still call bullshit. Go be self-righteous elsewhere, Nate.

  13. I was glad that the clueless twat was snaping Chuck out of his weird little haze..but once he said "I want her"- I lost respect for him again. What a douche! Man up & tell her but oh yeah I want her so...Uh, what?! I can't even take any of Nate's feelings for girls seriously anymore.

    Anyways..I thought Chuck was going to tell her he loved her in episodes 2x18 & 2x19 but was prevented by obstacles again..right or no?

  14. I think Nate is 'trying' to be the better man. Trying being the key word because he still comes off as a psycho.

    I think what he is trying to say to Chuck is, "Either tell her you love her, or let me have her."

    Nate knows that if Chuck reveals his true feelings to Blair, it will be all over for him.

    So he is saying, either tell her you love her, or set her free.


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