Thursday, April 30, 2009

in my world it's TRUE FUCKING LOVE

You all so fucking love me. I know you do! Sending me these things that just melt my heart and make me happy though Inca is glaring at me from the corner and asking me to get the fuck over it. I dont care. But when you point these things out to me it just makes my motherfucking day!

Leighton Quotes:

“I’m not into bad boys. I think the term is stupid. A guy who cheats on you or is not nice to you? What is that?” she told the mag. “Nowadays, I’m much more mature in relationships. I’ve let go of the bullshit. I think more about the deal makers than the deal breakers. I want a guy I can look up to.”

“I haven’t been in a lot of relationships, but I’ve been in love. There’s an inexplicable chemistry. You just really, really want to, like, stare at the person,”

and now the ani to go with that *sigh*



  1. where is that gif from?? i must know!

  2. WHY DO THEY EVEN CONSIDER DATING OTHER PEOPLE?? *Caps Lock vomit* Is it wrong to want them to get together a big scandalous way involving dumping LadyD and whoever Leight is dating after GG ends? It would be epic. I have a sick mind when it comes to these two :D

  3. I don't want them to be together because inevitably, when they break up *coughgilmoregirlscoughonetreehill* the show will go even MORE down the crapper.

    Although I must admit they are adorable.

  4. you see, I told you. She doesn't listen to me, I keep telling her to hang her EL dream ;)

  5. I think they will so get together once the show is over. Actually i pray they do, they are so hot, I see the way she looks at him and the way he looks at her. It would just be amazing. I will ship EL after the show is over. I am not for on screen couples dating each other off screen just because you know if anything happened I would not want anything to happen to Chair.

  6. I could SERIOUSLY watch that on repeat for a good 24 hours and would not complain once- thats pretty outstanding for me. THey just make me swoon :D

  7. Oh god am I the only one who can actually feel the sexual tension between these two. Just watch that clip, its like when they glance at each other they want to rip ech other's clothes off. I want them to rip their clothes off... ok Ill stop :)

  8. I think my favorite part is the half second smile she gives him when he glances over at her.


  9. i'm not sure i want them to be together right now [cos of the whole what-happens-if-they-break-up scenario] but AFTER the show ends - YES PLEASE!


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