Thursday, May 14, 2009

in case you didn't know: CHAIR IS COMING!!!!!!! (again)

Those bitches at the studio are doing the impossible to get the viewers interested, aren't they? It's ok, since you sent Buddy TV as the messenger we wont kill them.

So the spoilers are as follow for the finale:

* Before five of our favorites can get their names called at graduation, Gossip Girl does some name-calling of her own: Whore, Coward, Weakling, Insider, and Irrelevant. Guess who's who....

* Someone's unrequited love is revealed... for Dan.

* Jenny gets unlikely competition for the Queen B title from someone who once threatened Blair's own ascension.

* Leighton Meester could be pulling dorm drama double-duty this fall.

And here are our guesses:

  • Whore: Nate (and maybe Vanessa if GG gave a fuck about her)
  • Coward: Chuck, hands down because really - we all want to hug him and then strangle him
  • Weakling: either S or B. I'm leaning towards B, if either her riske with Uncle J is revealed or her bulimia. I'll GASP violently either way
  • Irrelevant: Dan. Or Vanessa. It's a toss up. Either way, since they're irrelevant I dont care. You shouldn't either. Hence their irrelevancy.
Now for the Dan crush:
  • It's Nate. Or Vanessa. I mean because if it's Jenny, the only other girl left it's going to get kinda weird. Just a little bit. (and yes, I just called Nate a girl, fucking deal with it)
Jenny's competition? Honestly, I dont give a fuck. Next!

Regarding the last one? It's a joke on 'THE ROOMMATE' the film she's making where she goes psycho on her dormmate. Hence they're calling Leighton NOT Blair. Read people! Because I know half of you are panicking thinking the smelly Hobo will be rooming with Blair and that's not going to happen because Blair will be permanently impaled by Charles Bass come this fall.

And now for my husband's words

Question: Could you please give us some juicy scoop on the Gossip Girl finale? It would really make my day. --Kari
Ausiello: One of the cliffhangers involves Georgina... and Dan, and another Blair and Chuck. Actually, the latter is less a cliffhanger and more a itisaboutfreakingtime. (Real word. No lie. Look it up if you don't believe me!)

OMFG!!??? COULD CHAIR BE GETTING TOGETHER IN THE FINALE????? I WOULD DIE JUST DIE OF SHOCK! My poor Ausi has nothing more to say other than PLEASE FUCKING BRING IT or we will personally march to the studio and bang in the heads of the writers.

Thank you all, I'll be here all week.


  1. Well, VB, it does say dorm drama DOUBLE duty.

    Read as in both the roommate and dorm drama at NYU.

    And we know the Uncle Jack secret is going to be revealed.

    And a Georgina and Dan cliffhanger? DOES THAT MEAN SHE COMES BACK NEXT SEASON!? please god please let it be so.

  2. And piece the unrequited love thing with the Georgina and Dan cliffhanger spoiler... see where I'm going with this?

  3. i was one of the ppl who freaked out over double dorm duty but i dont think i'm ready to un-freak yet - we know how the writers rele want to stick vanessa with a main/popular character...

    as for 'irrelevant' i'm going to stick with dan cos i think vanessa is so irrelevant she's not even worth a mention by gg herself.

    also, i totally heart your husband!

  4. you better be here all week bitch! we got some scores to settle :P


    yeah. So. pre drinking at my place before the finale? Yeah good idea. ;)

  5. Okay, my turn:

    Insider - Serena. She was part of an 'inside job' to con her friends out of money.

    Coward - Chuck. Duh. He would rather do anything than tell Blair he loves her.

    Irrelevant - Dan. There's nothing else to say about him.

    Weakling - Blair. It might be a joint CB blast. Like, "C is too much of a coward and would rather sleep with Brooklyn trash than admit he loves B. But it's just as well, because who wants to date a weakling girl who, instead of helping you when your father dies, consoles herself by sleeping with your uncle?"

    Whore - Nate. Duh. And I love you, GG koolaid, but in what world is Vanessa a whore? She slept with 2 guys. I think you might be confusing real life possibilities of dating-to-gain-fame with the character.

  6. Why do they feel the need to lamify Georgie? Why? Crushing on that assclown Dan? Ew.

  7. My guesses
    Whore: Nate (it was in Kristins spoiler chat)
    Coward: Chuck
    Weakling: Maybe Serena
    Insider: Maybe Dan
    Irrelevant: Blair beacuse she won't be queen B anymore
    It sounds Breakfast Club-ish which I would love.
    Also I think it will be Georgina who is in love with Dan and now I'm kind of wishing Michelle was staying as I kind of like the idea of a Georgina Dan pairing.

  8. I can't believe they want us to think Blair has to live in the dorms! Seriously?! If they use this to give Vanessa more screen time I will SCREAM! That is all.

  9. Whore - Nate. Duh. And I love you, GG koolaid, but in what world is Vanessa a whore? She slept with 2 guys. I think you might be confusing real life possibilities of dating-to-gain-fame with the character.We love you too, but you should know that ANY girl that comes near our Chuck is a whore to us. Including her and Elle. They just are, we're completely overprotective of our boy. Someone has to look out for his foolish ass. Same with any guy that comes near our Blair is a asshole, trust us. It's written in the Bible. Judges 4:15 or something ;)

    But we totally agree about the actress

  10. D/G: I actually want these two together. Plus it will give Dan a SL becasue he just seem so pointless. BUT not as pointless as Vanessa.

    I freak out a bit when i thought Leighton might be leaving and Jessica would have more screen time. Scary thought.

    Whore: Nate, becasue they already said it. Although personally it should be Vanessa, but she not that important.
    Coward: Serena
    Weakling: Queen B? It makes sense right, she has a lot of weakness
    Insider: Chuck? Idk I had to put him somewhere
    Irrelevant: Dan

  11. I'll skip guessing about who's who, I care more about this:

    "Actually, the latter is less a cliffhanger and more a itisaboutfreakingtime."

    How much of an itisaboutfreakingtime would it be? Doing the deed? Moving in? Getting a puppy? Eloping to Las Vegas? There will be a cliffhanger for them, surely, after they do get together.

  12. Whore- Nate
    Coward- Chuck
    Weakling- Blair
    Irrelevant- Dan
    Insider- Serena

    We already know for sure about whore and I'm just guessing here.


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