Tuesday, March 31, 2009

beam me up, SCOTTY!

Guys, we have SO much to post. The world is full of mad-Kool-Aid-drinking-fools and it's OUR job here at the Gossip Girl Kool-Aid to inform them in the most eloquent, rude, straight-out bitchy way that they not only have NO fucking clue what they're talking about but that we can and WILL make fun of their constipated, flighty souls. So... are you Ready for my FAVORITE time time of day? And your new favorite time of the day? LET'S HAVE IT!!!


I want you all to notice how we WANK BOTH the NB'ers and the CV'ers because here in the Kool-Aid we believe them BOTH to be of the idiotic nature. This is one thing a lot of people dont understand. You like Chair? Like them BOTH. This favoritism that some people carry around sucks swollen bull's balls. If you EVER claimed of loving a ship. Then FUCKING LOVE IT. That's the lesson for today, boys and girls. LOVE your pairing. Now, because the rest of you are not familiar with that concept. You get WANKED.

Oddly enough, after being a Chair fan for so long, V and C have the ultimate on-screen chemistry because of their relationship off screen. It's hard not to be rooting for them, as well.

ME: I literally had over seven people send this one in. You all are PISSED with this person and I totally DONT blame you. First of all you can't blame this person for what they like. Some people enjoying eating prunes, others enjoy dating JessSzz, so there's all type of unexplainable human behavior that goes on in this world. However, because I'm the bitch that I am I must say that your choice of 'root' must not be SMOKED. Sadly, I think it's too late. This person has inhaled and is motherfucking HIGH on the Kool-Aid. Peace. (oh. and I WILL DIE LAUGHING when Eddie dumps LadyDreadlocks. It'll be the whole Brucas mess all over again for you stupid fuckers that want your RL pairing on the TV)


Chuck has packed on some additional weight...It was probably necessary since Leighton is so heavy.

ME: This one up here forgot their meds. That's all I can say because I can NEVER insult them more than what they've already insulted themselves.


Bluckers are starting to get very very annoying. don't like the show? hell yeah, keep watching, you know you will anyway. i trust the writers and i like NATE & Blair and the Chuck & Vanessa experience. Very OMFG and very Gossip Girl.

ME: Baby, we haven't even BEGUN! Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait! I love that she calls it an EXPERIENCE. Like... going through boot camp or something equally pleasant, you know?


My message to all you useless Gossip Girl fans who only watch the show for Chuck and Blair: get a grip, face facts and enjoy the show for what it is - a masterpiece. I'm assuming these commentors are all too young to fully appreciate how well the show is written; and that's what even sadder - if you can't appreciate the show the way it is, maybe you're too immature to watch it.

ME: She didn't even CARD me! HAH! I dont know what is funnier. The age insult (she must have not read my post of all the little NB'ers dying of heart attacks when NB kissed because she MAY have reworded her statement) or calling ANY writing done lately a MASTERPIECE. Because this is more along the lines of what I would call a MASTERFUCK. Capiche?


I'm a total C/Ber but I love Blair so much that I'll enjoy B/N if it makes her happy.

ME: Observe the above individual. This is what we, in the scientific community, refer to as an IDIOT. And by definition an idiot is; a person affected with extreme mental retardation. Dont believe me? Check Websters. Next!


I think it's obvious enough, without having me to post it, so much over-reaction, like fuck. oh, and.. "This is a thread devoted to Chuck/Vanessa haters." This is great right? people making threads about hating other peoples ships, ofcourse Chair fans are making them, and they like to say how much they wish people wouldn't think of them as crazy shippers who hate on other couple, I wonder what the reaction would be to a CB hate thread. P.S: last part of post was NOT directed to all Chair fans

ME: My favorite part of this ENTIRE statement is that she doesn't direct it towards ALL Chair fans. I'll tell you why - because the smart ones like you and me would rip her a new one. It's that simple. :) Never seen a ship-hate thread before? Baby, you haven't lived 'till you've HATED. Now. I would LOVE a CB hate thread. I almost want her to do it and put a clause in the beginning "I DONT HATE YOU ALL. JUST A FEW."


BUT saying that I think Blair realized she really just loves Nate's company, and wants him in her life no matter what. I think Nate really developed into a respectable character this episode. AND THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING! for me it is... anyways I think the most notable line was "If you wanted to be more like Blair, well condragulations you succeded." He really showed some emotion there and just said what needed to be said.

ME: This chick's post was LONG so I took out the BEST part. The part that made my mouth drop to the floor, drag a few feet and collect dust. Now. I'm not going to be mean because she was eloquent in her madness so I'll TRY to be respectful. So here it goes.

..... FUCK this shit. Listen, honey. He left his girlfriend because she was ACTING like Blair. In that manipulative way that Blair does, ok? Then he TURNS around and goes after Blair! The same girl who OWNS those same notable 'downfalls'. If you can't see that, then your attempt at eloquence has been drowned by Kool-Aid. Drink it. Be happy with it.

Shit this stuff can make you insane.

You all are NOT going to believe it but I have MORE. We will post more AND will also give a hand of applause to those who are ROCKING out there.



    GOD HAHAHA OMFG!!!!! If it the same place you got it from, i was fighting with those retards allllllll morning this morning. SO FUN!!!! they're so fanstastically fucking deluded and stupid! TOO FUN! A bunch of us ripped them to shreds and handed their asses on a platter!



    AHAHAHHA omfg WIN!

    we never get sick of this! of this entire awesomery! ahhaha xDDD <3

  2. i love your comments!

    ugh i hate reading retarded comments about how hot CV is! how sweet NB is?! WTF?!

    CV is NOT HOT! i almost vomitted after i watched their scene! When will people wake up! NB is messed up! CV is disgusting!

    Love this! Keep it coming. These idiots deserve to be wanked.

  3. *giggle* Scientifically termed Idiots. *nods*

    This makes perfect sense! I'd feel sorry for them if they hadn't WILLINGLY DRUNK THE KOOLAID!

    Have I mentioned I love this blog? LOL! <3

  4. OMG, all those people are IDIOTS. That is all.

    Oh wait...

    And I love you <3


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