Friday, April 3, 2009

ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKERS do you speak it??

I think we need a nice, positive post. So the talk of today has been the can of worms opened by Korbi. LOVE her so I will go through the insanity posted there by the same three shippers who kept logging in under different names. It's hilarious. I promise LOADS of Kool-Aid inspired wanking. But for now, lets continue to praise those of you who are clearly OFF the Kool-Aid and continue your postings as rationally as you've always done. Cheers to you, my people!!

NB wouldn't have bothered me as much, if we would have gotten some type of build up. It was just SO out of left field. If I hadn't seen the snow pictures, I would've been like huh? Did I flashback to season 1? What happened? I think that this was meant for the end of season 1, but because of the writer's strike they stuck it in here. And it just doesn't fit! At all. I mean NB haven't spoken in FOREVER! And when they did, it was mostly about Chuck. Dude, they spend a week together and all of a sudden it's like TLA? No freaking way, I'm sorry but that's bull and it ruined Nate's character even more! Despite what people may think I don't like hating Nate, I love Chace, and he's so much fun to watch! But I hate what the writers do to Nate's character. I don't give a crap about Vanessa and what he did was WRONG. He didn't do anything with Blair, but they were discussing a relationship before he'd even broken up with her. I'm sorry I just find NB very unbelievable, and unbelievably forced. This isn't the Blair I've been seeing all season long. She's just wrong, like she's trying to make herself want something that she knows will never work. It's hard to watch. I'm sorry this is my opinion, and I know some people think differently. But I wouldn't LOATHE NB so much if I'd seen some type of build up.

ME: This person was brave enough to post this on a general board. I tip my hat off to her because the fact is that there ARE people out there who are speaking the truth, the god-honest trust with sense and conviction that is being swept aside by radical fans who will do anything to ensure that the snore-fest of NB stays on our screens even if it means falling in love (or should I say lust) with a couple (CV) that they never had interest in previously just to keep them AWAY from Nair. Kinda sad.


All of you MUST be high and not sharing. I have never seen such a RUSHED and pathetically written relationship than the one I witnessed on my screen this past Monday. The mature Blair I saw handling adult problems mid-season is GONE replaced by a needy little girl in need of assurance of things past. Nathaniel is walking zombie that falls in love with any girl he bumps into, Vanessa is a slut with no purpose and only got a storyline because she's dating Ed and Chuck in his previous quest to FIGHT for Blair decided the fighting is best done in the bed. AND Serena's thoughts must also be lost with the writer's cohesive story telling abilities when she claimed she was never on Chuck's team AFTER encouraging him only the previous episode. As stated. You all MUST be high and I think it's personally insulting that you're not sharing.

ME: THIS is a person after my own heart. I love her. LOVE her. The vision of Nate as a walking zombie will forever remain my very favorite thing of the day.


Hi Stephanie, I'm a bit at a loss as to where to begin. Could you possibly elucidate us all about the thought process that went into the decision to put Nate and Blair back together and spring Chuck and Vanessa on us simultaneously? I understand that it is apparently now mandatory for characters to behave with absolutely no consistency in order to achieve the notorious OMFG moments, but do you realise what you are losing by continuing in this vein?

These cliffhangers have no resonance whatsoever if you no longer care about the people they affect. What happened to all the writerly care that was put into the show's heart? The beautiful love story which you have spent almost two seasons building up is being tainted to the point where it is barely recognisable. Please tell me that the relationship between Chuck and Blair will be repaired and that Chuck will fight for his Queen B. I cannot bear to watch this massacre until I hear some good news.

ME: Brilliant. This girl needs to write here with us - I may offer her a job. She's fantastic in her dialogue and her wording. Her questions are on-spot with reasonable evidence behind them and legitimate concern for the integrity of the show. THANK YOU, 'ALICE'!

So, when you think you're the only sane person in this fandom please remember there are others who will continue speaking up about continuity, character development and other such trivial things. I know the majority of you CB'ers post OMFG, CHAIR'S THE BEST - and I love you all but often times it's posts like these that remind the stupid wankers out there that CB'ers are quite civil and discontent with the current happenings of the show and are able to eloquently state their opinions that oftentimes leave out the room for questioning.


  1. Beautiful post. It should be the other media outlets reminding the GG writers of this, instead of it falling solely on the fans. Is some kind of TV payola going on?

    Lovely. Spoiler TV seems to have more than half dissatisfied fans off the Kool Aid. I guess that isn't true everywhere?

  2. i heart that last post along with you!

  3. Love that you guys liked my post, it's the first one! It just gets so frustrating to see things like CB is emotional abuse or NB foreva on boards! It's like WTF? Please get off the Kool-Aid, it's making my dizzy!

  4. and you have to be careful because if you listen to their insane rambling enough it'll fuck with you

  5. It will totally screw with your head. I'm not worried about NB ending- it will because Nate can't stay with anyone without wanting someone else in a few episodes...he's that moronic. People drinking the Kool- Aid thinking Blair is herself with him...yeah, you obviously never knew Blair Waldorf.

    Anyway, love the CBers out there posting and really making the Cb fandom heard. Stay strong, guys, stay off the Kool- Aid and hopefully we'll get what we've been waiting for.


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