Thursday, April 30, 2009

inca from the BLOCK

We have a lot of material this week. I know our inbox is full so please dont think we're ignoring you we're just trying not to do like 400 posts a day. Because you know... we have a life unlike the NB Powder Ranger/ Attention Getter. So hence we're slowly posting all the goodies :D

How about we praise the media for FINALLY getting their fucking heads out of their fucking Kool-Aid buckets? How about we fucking do that? So it seems like we're not the only ones NOT IMPRESSED with the prolonging of what was that Chuck called it? Yeah. The Inevitable.

from Blend TV's recap, the good bits :D

Gossip Girl’s ratings are looking pretty bleak, and although this was a perfectly fine episode, I understand why. I honestly feel as though I’ve been watching this scene forever. The storylines keep going on and on and on, and nothing gets resolved. CW has very few successful shows, so I understand why they would want to milk a buzz-getter like Gossip Girl for all its worth, but this show would be greatly helped by a shortened season.

While last week’s episode seemed to find all of our characters with acute cases of amnesia, this week’s episode finds everyone just generally oblivious. Vanessa returns to Brooklyn, her brief, pointless affair with Chuck apparently over. She has no real purpose in this episode other than to be the Greek chorus. (died laughing)


For her part, Serena spent the entire episode being completely stupid, save for one intelligent observation.


Unfortunately for everyone else on the Upper East Side and the viewers who are stuck watching her dumb, coltish machinations, Serena refuses to believe that Gabriel is playing her. Even though his whole ruse with Poppy is as transparent as glass, she buys his, “I’d rather be poor than be without you” shtick.


They find her upstate somewhere at a Jesus camp where she babbles on and on about how she’s been saved. Even though Chuck doesn’t believe a word of it, it’s not until Georgina finds out that Blair was with him (she subsequently ditched Chuck in a fit of guilt and ran back to Nate [we’ll see how long ,that lasts]) that she somewhat drops the act and heads back to Manhattan with him.

Yeah. And we thought we were harsh on the episode - lol

Another one from Buddy TV who we would marry if it were a person.

And Blair and Chuck still didn't get together. Instead, Nate asked Blair to move in with him, and she said yes, because that makes about as much sense as anything else that happened.


In all seriousness, "Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" was a fun episode, even for those of us just biding our time for the finale when Blair and Chuck will finally reunite. (you see??? we're not the only ones!)


Next week, the gang convinces Georgina to Christian-guilt Poppy into giving back all the stupid people's money, Serena gives Gabriel a second chance, because she has the best taste in guys, ever, and Blair realizes that living in Murray Hill with Nate is worse than living underground with the subway mole men. Wake me up when it's Prom.

Really we're OK with the episode. But I have to agree with the resonating words that people keep asking. WHEN WILL THIS STORYLINE MOTHERFUCKING END?? *has headache* It's like foreplay that leads to nothing and when you get there it's too fucking late. Bring on Monday already, life, we need to watch Nathaniel continue his 'I AM IN LOVE WITH BLAIR THIS WEEK BUT MIGHT BE IN LOVE WITH SERENA NEXT WEEK STORYLINE' because sadly he's the one person who might STILL be in character! (though I maintain firmly so - like my breasts - that Psycho!Nate! would STILL be the best choice)


  1. How can this storyline have gone on for SO LONG and yet there is STILL no character development or scenes clearly delineating things?

    I mean...I get Blair is exhausted. I don't get what Chuck is, at all, and haven't since Elle. For the four thousand episodes in between now and then should we have had more scenes that didn't involve someone else TELLING us how C and B feel, but actually SHOWING us what's going on?

  2. This post has just made my day! This season has started out on an amazing note, but the way it has progressed made no sense at all. I am hoping that the writers realize that this show has many fans who have college degrees or are working toward obtaining them and go back to writing intelligent storylines people can understand and be amazed by.

  3. I think this season would have been golden if we had only been given 22 episodes instead of 25. Then we could have skipped straight from 2.16 (because Chuck needed the company back and Blair needed to lose Yale- the FIRST time) to 2.19. That would have solved like, half the season's problems.

    The other half would be solved by shooting the person who wrote 2.20 in the face and finding some more believable way for NB to get back together that doesn't involve the CW pimping out Ed and Jessica's relationship.

    Okay, maybe I'm being a little too nice to the season, but don't you think it would have been so much better that way?


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