Ok, so How can you spot a Nairer?

Because they can't fucking hear, their ass is on fire and they think NOTHING is wrong. Carry on, motherfuckers! Sip your Kool-Aid from the sippy cup!
You all ready for it? Because it's going to be FUCKING amazing!!
You all ready for it? Because it's going to be FUCKING amazing!!
i think its really stupid that chuck hasn't mentioned vanessa, they had a deep connection and blair belongs with nate right now and dan with serena and that's how its going to be or im going to cry
ME: *passes tissue* Baby, I've had cookie-sheets with more dept than that.
ME: I can't take it. I just can't. HOW do these people function in their everyday???
(the best conversation of the day)
NBer- Aww NB are so awesome Nate said ily , why do you have to ruin them Josh why??
CBer - ...
ME: That is just WRONG. Granted I had the SAME reaction when I read it. But really. You didn't even offer her a tissue. Or a Valium. Or a fucking clue. Be generous out there, they're starting to fall the fuck apart. The thing is that I know what she's thinking as she types those dots. She's like... you dumb fuck... go find a clue.. somewhere else... you're disturbing the rest of us who are OFF THE FUCKING KOOL-AID!
I dont understand! Why is everyone sad, we got an I LOVE U from Nate, this is AWESOME! Then when they break up it'll be all because they love one another but chuck got in the way and they'll be together again!
ME: ...
hey, i didn't know where to post this, so I'm posting it here.
ReplyDeleteIf you do the CB comparison with other motives etc you should definitely compare chuck and Blair to robin and barney on HIMYM
-chuck and barney are sooo alike....womanizing, wearing suits, never being in a real relationship,never wanting to grow up, never sleeping with the same girl twice, never saying ily, admitting he loves robin to everyone but robin herself (in the finale of this season he will finally say it too, just like chuck), saying he hasn't slept, he can't eat (just like chuck in 1.08), falling in love with her after their first time together, they were "bro-s" before (just like chuck and Blair were best friends)...well i guess there are more...
I don't understand Nate fans, I really don't understand them.
ReplyDeleteCV had a really "deep connection" Really? That's why Chuck hasnt meantion it and Vanessa thought she had a STD. Chuck/Ed are hot not fat, people have got to stop saying that. Maybe they're dealing with weight problems themselves. Nair fans are so effing selfish because it's the 3rd time we had to watch Nair be a couple, and we're having to watch them drown again. Yet Chair turns out to be the selfish one. How is that remotely possible?
Nair fans...their stupid, it burns. Or is it jealousy that Ed/Chuck is better in general than Chace/Nate (and I'm saying this as someone who likes Chace as a person. But he is definitely not the strongest actor)?
ReplyDeleteNah, it's stupidity.
ReplyDeleteStupid *giggles*
girl, I have loose leaf paper with more dept than that