I love how you all call her the Riddler. We call her The Savage because she's completely out of control, annoys the fucking hell out of us and says shit THAT SHE SHOULDN'T BE FUCKING SAYING.
This woman... I swear this woman....
Ok, let us take this step by fucking step, ok?
Have the "Gossip Girl" producers read all the "Gossip Girl" books? I'm curious to know how familiar they are with them. -Kris
Savage told me they read most of the books. And they got familiar with the stories in the ones they skipped by studying summaries. As fans of both the books and the show already know though, the producers are on their own path: "A lot of the stories we’re telling are not in the books whatsoever -- the whole Chuck and Blair romance [for example] -- so there’s not a lot of material we can draw on. [The show] has to grow and expand and be its own thing."
ME: This is like my only favorite part of this interview. Once more reiterating that it's about Chuck and Blair. Always has. Always will be. ;)
Everyone's all about Chuck-Blair/Blair-Nate blah blah blah. What about Jenny and Nate? I thought they were great together. Will we ever see them reunited? -Christina
Sounds like it. Just not anytime soon. Said Savage, "Nate and Jenny is actually a really big story in the books and we sort of dipped our toe into that pool a few times. As the characters get older and start to feel the same age, that is definitely material I think we can revisit."
ME: I'm not surprised. I saw this coming. I think it was done so quickly and swiftly that I knew they were going to touch back on it. To tell you the truth NO ONE should be hopeful in anything that happens with Nate. He's such a bouncer, they STILL dont know WHAT they want for him, much less who the hell he actually wants.
There's no way all the "Gossip Girl" kids would end up staying in NYC after high school graduation. Please tell me that's not going to happen. -Deborah
I read this question to Stephanie and she responded by saying, "Well, New York is a pretty big city." Personally, I think they should let Dan go off to Yale. We can see him every now and then when he comes home to visit or when Jenny goes down to Connecticut for college debauchery weekends with big brother... but somehow I doubt that'll happen. Still, Savage ensures there will for sure be changes: "It really is kind of a major -- and I think very exciting -- reconfiguration of the show, to leave high school behind and to allow all of our characters to reinvent themselves outside of that construct. They'll [discover] what it means to kind of be a part of the bigger world, so you can expect to see new couples, new family configurations, people living in different places than you last saw them. We’re having a lot of fun thinking about that... keep everything that everyone loves [about "Gossip Girl"], but also really kind of move everyone forward as well."
ME: YAWN. Who fucks who, woman! This is what WE want to know!
Is Vanessa going to school next year? Will she continue her education? -Cat
Savage said we'll have to wait and see, but she also said, don't forget, Vanessa took her SATs.
ME: I dont know what is funnier about this. The fact that they have no fucking plans for her or that she's STILL in the show. This is the same response she gave to anything Vanessa related like 6 months ago. Just write her the fuck off! STOP WITH THE MADNESS! Really, I think people would appreciate her more if she was off the damn show. I will PERSONALLY write a lovely eulogy. And really - what fucking education? We haven't seen this girl study like EVER. I continue telling you all that her purpose if you fuck over other people and you all dont believe me but I'm being as honest as a whore on Sunday.
Any more major "Gossip Girl" deaths I should expect? -Jesse
Nah. Stephanie doesn't see that happening. "I think we have a pretty tight cast and I think we would only be interested in adding, not subtracting."
ME: Damn. There goes our plan, Inca. I was totally waiting for certain useless person to be pushed off a bridge for a mid-season arc.
More Dorota please. -Jennifer
Not to worry, Savage said they knew Dorota was a super star straight away and will continue writing for her. Were you aware that the actress who plays her, Zuzanna Szadkowski, actually speaks Polish, so the producers decide what they want Dorota to say and then rely on Zuzanna to translate it for her character's lines?
On "Gossip Girl" I need to know, will Dan and Blair ever be romantically involved? -Petra
The producers aren't opposed to it. When I questioned Stephanie about a Dan-Blair pairing, she said, "There are only so many characters on our show, so everyone needs to be open to being with everyone at some point."
ME: This is when she fucks up. She was doing OK up until now. Now. I can see many of you are about to panic but I have to say that this doesn't bother me. Not that the PAIRING doesn't bother me because I think it's atrocious but I think Savage has never said 'ABSOLUTELY NO' to any pairing. Hence why you all call her the riddler. Listen, if Nair was brought back for the purpose of Chair ANYTHING that happens henceforth will be for the purpose of Chair. She's not indicating that this is coming, she's indicating that her role as a producer is to be an ass. Remember that.
I read this and I thought 'Yeah, Dan/Blair. JUST WHAT WE NEED.' And next please give us Dorota/Eric, Chuck/Lily, Rufus/Bart (yep, THAT Bart. The dead one) and of course the ultimate OTP: Nate/Mirror. Seriously. She's crazy, that Savage!slash!dirtyladymonsterthingy.
ReplyDeleteI think she's honestly never denied any pairing that hasn't happened but really there's so much you can do with matching up before this turns into a Gray's Anatomy or one big incestuous orgy.
ReplyDeleteUgh @ Dan/Blair. She would NEVER. But I agree that she's only saying it to not rule anything out. Besides, I'm trying to deal with NB right now, so I'm not even gonna entertain this thought any longer. It's like "One thing at a time, please!"
ReplyDeleteAnd color me surprised that I really liked her first answer. Maybe now the people who only ship NB on the show because of the books and who complain about canon can STFU about it.
That's exactly why I stopped watching Grays. BC of the ridic bed hopping. I think though they spend too much time trying to placate all the parts of the fanbase and this is just another example; better to leave it as an option than to outright say no. Which is BS. God i hate that woman.
ReplyDeleteAh SS what are we going to do with you? I don't think she should speak sometimes, actually most of the time.
ReplyDeleteAnd seriously what are they planning to do with Vanessa? Pair her up with another UES boy or hobo. I prefer the hobo. God why is she coming back? Sorry if i want Jessica to lose her job but she's the weakest.
"I think we have a pretty tight cast and I think we would only be interested in adding, not subtracting."
Pretty tight cast? Really? I guess that's why they're pairing people up.
OMG she can't be serious...dan and Blair...this would totally kill the show...i hope it NEVER happens
ReplyDeleteI really hope I never have to see Dan/Blair pairing..that pissed me off. That just means that the UES don't believe in friendship..would Blair really get with the one guy Serena has ever loved? Well..eh..dumb question. Friendship doesn't exist anymore. Stephanie just needs to be quiet now...she's kind of annoying.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm now worried for Dan and Blair...Savage is a dangerous woman!
ReplyDeleteAs this stupid Nair nonsense is still going on...we have to watch even DB in the future?!?
Why can't they keep Chair simply together?
Gosh, I'm exausted.
girls, i just woke up today morning and saw the inteview and came right here cos i knew you wld be on top of it - and i wasnt disappointed :D
ReplyDeleteia, i was disappointed when savage said no one else is going to die - i mean cant they see the possibilities of a vanessa murder like we can? clearly not. creativity = nil.
and wtf on a dan/blair - i mean rele. wtf. i luv the dan/blair moments right now but that's because they alwasy provide me with a good laugh - i luv the awkwardness going on between them and some of their scenes are hilarious XD but a hookup? i remember joking around after cv that they might as well do db and just make everyone hookup with everyhone. how lame of them. like i said, creativity = nil.
they shld read this blog, get their brains working again.
Oh, crap. The characters will be "reinventing themselves". Does that mean we will see more of this attempted fuckery of Vanessa as the New Blair? Because I will HAVE TO CUT A BITCH.
ReplyDeleteUm, Dan/Blair are better suited with their relationship the way it is now. They have that perfect chemistry where they're disgusted with each other but have a secret respect for one another and a common link in Serena that makes them occasionally act friendly with each other or help each other out. It's an intriguing "friendship" of sorts and I hope they never destroy that dynamic for the sake of shock value and a new romantic coupling. I ADORE their scenes together right now and that chemistry would totally be lost if they hooked up because Dan would never continue to act the way he does around her now if they were dating. Blair, maybe, but not Dan. And really, GG writers, all the fans want in the whole world is to see Vanessa jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, so please, just do it already and put us out of our misery. I assure you, you'll have much better ratings if you do. And NJ in the future when Nate gets his head on straight is a total win because they have fantastic chemistry and a great friendship! I hope we get some NJ friendship scenes back before then though and the writers don't just drop the ball on them until they want them to hook up like they did this time between 1x14 and 2x08. That was so OOC. But then again, it's GG. It's been nothing but OOC this season...