Yes, they continue talking and we continue wanking. I think I've come to the conclusion that along with Kool-Aid poisoning comes a serious case of verbal diarrhea. Now... let us entertain ourselves until we find out if there's to be a Monday in America tomorrow.
"yes, I hope that will happen, then we can see that C falls in love with V, that'll be great"
ME: The stupidity speaks for itself. She's an eediot on the Kool-Aid, a very common occurrence these days.
I used to be theee biggest Chair shipper around and although a part of me is still very much rooting for this couple, I am currently enjoying the Nair lovey doveyness and also although its totally AU and exists solely in the world of fan fiction, I have been convinced that Dair would be the most awesome pairing ever! Any other Chair fans had a Damascus like conversion to any of these ships recently?
ME: MAN, SHUT THE FUCK UP! No. No. No. NO YOU FUCKING WEREN'T THEEEE BIGGEST. YOU dont know the MEANING of being a fan so SHUT THE FUCK UP! The fact that you even CONSIDERED yourself a Chair fan is insulting so I prefer it if you claimed you shipped Rufus/Dan before and I will have more fucking respect for you. I'm beginning to understand why these people love Nate, they jump from one ship to another the way Nate jumps through women. They can totally identify with him and his floundering emotions.
gossipfan, the same thing thats happening to you is happening to me! I still love Chair but I'm loving Nair and think Dair would be great. I know it sounds crazy,but I can't help it!! : )
ME: Yes. It's fucking crazy. We here at the Kool-Aid believe you to be FUCKING CRAZY. Good, since we've established it we can move the fuck on.
OMGF all you "Chair" lovers out there get a life. Chuck is ugly, and dosen't care about Blair one frickin bit. GET OVER IT! There never going to be a couple. Nate is soooooooooooooo much hotter anyway
ME: OK. First of all, if you're going to insult me AT LEAST try to make it grammatically correct. Ok? And second of all AT LEAST attempt to control the stupidity that is flowing from your mouth. Ok?
Does it still matter? Don't you just want Blair to be happy whoever she's with? if she gets Nate she gets YALE!YALE!YALE!YALE!YALE!
Grow up. Just because someone likes another couple besides your precious Chair doesn't mean you should be rude. Saying things like you're not a true Chair fan if you jump ships is ridiculous. You can love a couple, but like others too. There's more to gossip girl then Chair. Live with it.
ME: Since the writers themselves have FAILED to make this show about something more than Chair your entire argument is lacking substance to begin with. Secondly, we can say whatever the fuck we want. Live with that.
"Excuse Moi? Let me put this diffrently. My favourite group is Girls Aloud. But my current favourite song is by The Satardays, despite the fact Girls Aloud also have a song in the charts. Does that make me less of a Girls Aloud fan? No? Didn't think so. So how is it diffrent from saying. 'My favourite pairing is C/B, but i'm prefer the Nair storyline at the moment.'"
ME: Fucking multi-shippers, I HATE them so very much, you all have no idea. There seems like there's no sense of understanding amongst them, no sense of loyalty and no sense of the French language either.
Cowgirl, you're awesome. I'm getting so tired of the 'maturity' argument among those who can't decipher good storytelling, and buy OMFG moments as satisfying television.
ReplyDeleteEven if preferring Nair's storyline at the moment didn't make someone less of a Chair fan, it would at least make them less able to distinguish what a good story line is.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm seeing is that people who prefer Nair's story must be huge fans of pairings that have 25 episodes of absolutely no build-up, are based in childhood fantasies, and revolve around the guy insulting other girls for acting like the girl he is currently boning.
Whereas they hate story lines about people who fall in love for the first time and are at a loss for how to deal with it because they have never experienced any kind of positive relationship before. And story lines about girls growing up and realizing the perfect life they created when they were 12 isn't the one they want anymore? That kind of stuff sucks.
I think my very favorite argument is the entire "You're acting like Blair" to Vanessa and then turning around and hooking up with Blair. I mean... what kind of high as fucking hell stupidity must you be ON in order to find that in ANY way romantic, swoon-worthy and sensible? It's not! It's moronic, idiotic and laughable.
ReplyDeleteI can't talk about this much longer, my ulcer is going to start acting up.
Cowgirl you are freakin AWESOME! I'm totally joining your fan club!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you too, girls! Thank you for staying off the Kool-Aid, the world appreciates it! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh Lord, Nair fans. Still making my head spin, I see. And to think they wonder why I never take them seriously. At least it provides for a lot of hearty laughs though.
Love this one from start of finish...unfortunately people are particularly stupid everyday and deserving of being wanked.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite...besides the Idiot equating Nate and B getting into Yale had to be the apt comparison of Nate's fickle nature and that of the multishippers we've been dealing with. Why oh why must they always start off their bullshit with...'I was or still am the biggest Chair fan' they may have flirted with our ship (like Nate)before flitting off to the next thing but "biggest Chair fan" I think not. Carry on with the good wankings bb ;)
I'm reading Cher's episode recap... ugh. The entire episode needs to be WANKED tomorrow night.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just want Blair to be happy whoever she's with?
Wow, they people are so delusional and unreasonable. *sighs*
ReplyDeleteI fucking HATE those jump shippers and multishippers!!
ReplyDeleteThey probably like Nate because they can identify with his character.
Just like how jump shippers and multishippers AREN'T loyal to CB!!
But The Saturdays are just a cheaper, worse version of Girls Aloud.
ReplyDeleteI mean, two of the members were in S Club Juniors.