Yes, there is stuff out there that is so very contradicting and so very WTFucking that one is left in a state of shock. Thorn between wondering if it's all real or if they're just fucking around. Sadly I believe that sometimes our world is so very full of Kool-Aid that it makes it harder and harder to breathe.
We hereby present you - STUPID FUCKING SHIT.
We hereby present you - STUPID FUCKING SHIT.
----------Chuck and Blair only started cos of meaningless sex behind a moving limo, which Blair admitted she wasn't thinking straight at that time. Chuck and Blair is all about sex, games, lies and scandals while Nate and Blair is passionate, fairy-tale like and real. (oxyMORON much?) Yes Nate has upset Blair a couple of times ('upset' - like sorry I upset you by fucking your best friend) but Chuck is no Halo walking man either (thank god for that, otherwise we'd have another white-bread on this show and no one would be watching). First of all he ignores Blair when he has found another female companion like Elle or whatever her name was and when she dumps him he comes running back to his "beloved" (has Chuck ever called Blair 'his beloved' because I think she must've gotten that out of a Nair fanfic. One of the 50 out there) Blair. Secondly, he brings out the worst in Blair, Blair seems like a lesser bitchy version of Blair when she is with Nate (three words: stepford-fucking-wife) who cares for her (all of the fucking sudden) and who is more sensible than Chuck (heh), and UMMM who was Chuck in the Novel? (fuck! i thought I was fucking watching the motherfucking show! i get so Natefused sometimes) He was a guy who no one liked but never said so cos he was powerful, he had a pet monkey named Sweetie...WTF? And he dated Greg..yes a guy while Nate and Blair had soo many cute moments in the book (despite Nate leaving in one of the books so Blair can be friends with Serena)but let's face it, without the book GG wouldn't have been created no Chair would have been created, so maybe getting a couple of things off the novel (Blair & Nate pairing - which was one of the main story plot anyways) would be a good "Thank You for GG" sign for Cecily von Ziegesar. (OF COURSE! Now it's fucking explained!! WE HAVE A MOTHERFUCKING WINNER, PEOPLE! NOW WE KNOW WHY NAIR CAME OUT OF FUCKING LEFT FIELD! AS A FUCKING THANK YOU TO CvZ!! Thank you, person! Thank you SO fucking much!) Nate can bring out the best in Blair. Seriously did anyone see the passion, care, love and the way they looked into each others eyes in Hi, Society or Remains of the J, yes there are alot of CB moments but compare them to how passionate and romantic the NB moments are (SELECTIVE VIEWING, MY FRIEND. VERY FUCKING SELECTIVE). People are only into the fact that CB look hot as a couple but a couple doesn't only have to have hot-ness it needs love, (She really doesn't want to start on on what people are truly into in Chair because we would clean her ass and send her packing) care and commitment (WTF?? Is English her first language because me thinks someone didn't TEACH her what the fuck commitment is) and I think Nate is ready for that now, since his father is not his problem anymore. (APPARENTLY the entire problem with Nair 1.0 was The Captain. Mystery fucking solved) Plus he needs to settle down cos he has hooked up with most of the female cast and Blair's control and love can make Nate just settle for one person (I just love that a moment ago Blair's BAD qualities were being put down and now they're ok because now she can control him. Equal relationships galore). Seriously I can write another paragraph but you'll have to settle for this one...and i'm not even finished yet (please dont, the more you talk the more you make NO SENSE. Spare us)
where are all the nair fans? chair fans are completely destroying us!
...... you DO know that this is a no-contest thing, right? I dont think she does. Someone send her a memo.
I ship Blair/Nate, but this is a relatively new development. (let the lies begin) In S1, I saw a Chuck who didn't get involved with drama, who stuck by Nate, but who definitely had a respect for the best friend's girl. I don't think the limo scene counts as part of an epic romance, because no kindhearted man will go for his friend's ex when she's at least tipsy, and very vulnerable, only to say, 'You sure?'. (so WHEN exactly did she ship Chair?) Their passion is epic, and they have all the same strengths. And all the same weaknesses, and very few people can tolerate their own flaws in other people. S2 Chuck has become someone I can't stand. For someone who claims to be in love, he sold her out to GG (that was in Season 1, wasn't it?), humiliated her when she was finally coming around in her most vulnerable hour (also Season 1), ditched her at the airport (.... WHEN exactly did she ship Chair? Season -1?), thought flowers'd do the trick (twice!), engineered the loss of her social standing, sold out her Barnaby's Game answer...What he said to her in Victrola would be bad enough (you mean BEFORE he apologized and Blair realized all that he was doing was because HIS FATHER HAD JUST FUCKING DIED?). But he thinks that he can sleep with Vanessa and start the pursuit again (Sadly - NO ONE is seeing the pursuit. If you do, give me a call and we'll talk). She didn't mind him sleeping with the twins in room service, because they didn't matter. There's no way that Blair can NOT take what he did with Vanessa personally--(are you familiar with the concept of inconsistent story lines? because they would help you out IMMENSELY here) and there's no way that Chuck would have slept with her in S1. And Elle? Yeah, no, Chuck needs to grow up, find someone more like Jenny than Blair, because Blair has a VERY hard time walking away, and Chuck knows that. (...... so because Chuck is so bad he should be with Jenny. WTF? I dont understand some logic, really I dont.) Nate is not an innocent guy. No one who becomes part of the Non-Judging Breakfast Club can be; he always has his interests first. He wants to make Blair happy more than he wants to be in control (NOTE: Nate will NEVER be in control, which equates to Blair ALWAYS being in control which equates S1 all over again and the classic doormat boyfriend syndrome thus begins). He knows where she's coming from, and neither of them know where they're going to. They're both from relatively old money, and while Chuck suffered from neglect, Nate and Blair both know what pressure feels like. (??? So a moment ago you were saying how CB are too much alike and that's bad yet you're comparing the similarities of NB? As a supporting argument?) Chuck has a very set life before him, with the Bass name to fulfill. I find it telling that CB fangirls toss around 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Wuthering Heights'--stories of sexual chemistry and failure to trust and believe. (Yes, because his life being SET included a father who emotionally abused him, ignored him and basically had no one but his friends. Set alright. And I wonder if she's a fanboy?) Chuck has been orphaned at eighteen, sexually active since his early teens, and engaging in a lot of drug use. He needs therapy. (Blair is a bulimic with low self-esteem, and a mommy complex. Therapy also required, baby) Blair needs a man who knows better than to cross her again, and Nate needs a companion and love who knows who he is, and doesn't romanticize him out of proportion, as Jenny and Vanessa both did (SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T ROMANTICIZE HIM? OMFG, Have you even WATCHED Nair together? Nate is Blair's Prince Charming! The ONE guy she's never romanticized is Chuck because even Lord Pumpernickel suffered at the hands of her romanticism). I know better than to think I'll be heard above the CB shippers, but I will support BN for a very, very long time, if not forever. (This CB shipper heard you and has now disdained you. But carry on with forever because if that's not romantic I dont know what the fuck is.)
I USED TO BE A CHAIR FAN.. (ANOTHER fucking liar. Let us analyze.) but after that chuck thing with VANESSA, IAM NO LONGER A FAN OF CHUCK. i realized that Blair deserves someone like Nate. He may have hurt Blair in the past but at least he didn't do it INTENTIONALLY (I'm going to use this line AGAIN because I think most of you can agree that it will NEVER get old. Nate didn't INTENTIONALLY hurt Blair. He ACCIDENTALLY fell inside Serena's cunt. It was a fucking accident.). and nate apologized for what he did and admitted to blair that something happened between him and serena before nate and blair were about to have sex. (no. I have to disagree. Through the pilot it is CLEAR that Nate doesn't find Blair sexually appealing. To the point that he's got to get high with Chuck for Chuck to pump him up to be with Blair. He's in Serena-daze in the pilot and even before because what kind of guy jumps off the bed with his horny and needy girlfriend on top of him because another girl's name is said?) all couples go through some kind of trouble but Nate has always been trying to save blair from getting into trouble and had always been sweet to her. he really loves her and not just LUSTING OVER HER. AND THAT WAS PROVEN WHEN HE DIDN'T SLEEP WITH BLAIR IN SEASON 2 EP. 20. (.... because THAT would've made sense. To have Nair sleep together in 2.20.) but what chuck did, if you recall in season one, is intending to HURT BLAIR. COMPARING HER TO ONE OF HER DAD'S WHORES AND TRYING TO GET BACK AT HER by insulting her and driving her away (WHEN did she ship Chair again? In an episode? A minute? And he compared her with a HORSE. Because if Bart was into horses we have a whole new set of problems in our hands.). if he really loves her, then he wouldn't want to see her get hurt or DARE TO SLEEP WITH OTHER GIRLS! (then are we ADMITTING that Nate never loved Blair since he slept with Serena? I mean... you all read it, right?) it's definitely not an excuse! (I agree! hehe) he would always be a jerk because he can't help it because THAT'S JUST WHAT HE IS! maybe he does love blair (honey, you have to make up your fucking mind. Love Chair or not. Chuck love Blair or not. Just pick one!) but his feelings for her aren't as INTENSE because he can easily forget her by just sleeping around! BLAIR AND NATE ARE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER, ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL. (Once more, I love how all Nair arguments begin and end with Chair. It's rather poetic.)
I like Jenny and to a lesser degree...I like Serena. But neither of them are good enough for Nathanial. Nathanial Archibald is basically the greatest person living or fictional ever named Nathanial. (Sorry Hawthorne...you can't even carry Archibald's jock.)
How about Nathaniel Hawthorne would at least like you to spell his fucking name right. At least.
Man! We had some crazies today, didn't we? We have to stretch what we have because now they're going to be scare considering that Spoiler TV is plotting against our enjoyment.
I love that all the 13/14 yr old tweenies that ship this "couple" NB always have to bring up CB or bash chuck while CBers dont have to say a THING about Natalie or NB. Fuck this shit is LMAO I cant wait till NB is done and we can laugh at them lol. But just wait they will all come crawling back when CB is good again WTF we dont want or need you Crazy multi shippers
ReplyDelete"Chuck and Blair only started cos of meaningless sex behind a moving limo" - well thank goodness not in front of it!
ReplyDeleteOMG....truly I am impressed. Just when you think those bitches can't get any crazier they serve it right up. Can't get mad about it because it's all so frigging convoluted and twisted. How in the hell do they make sense of it all in their heads...i mean really. But whatever. I'm just wondering what's going to happen to half of these people in...*checks timer* 31 days and counting.
ReplyDeleteOh this summer is going to be one for the books.
Tonight's wankage had me rolling though. Keep it up *still LMAO*
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that Nate ALWAYS gets a pass for his bullshit, but we must call out Chuck on every little insignificant thing he's done? People need to GTFO with that shit. Same with their "Chuck uses Blair for sex!" Shit, I WISH! Then maybe I'd get a hot steamy scene once in a while. They haven't had sex since that strange and glorious time when they were sneaking around between 1.8 and 1.10. Strike another match, please!
And LOL @ that lemming saying Chuck's feelings aren't as intense as Nate's. Are we seriously watching the same show?
I need more wine...
I rich Shiraz, I'd say. That's the only thing that can calm me now.
ReplyDeleteHonest to god, I thought ship wars were only in the Harry Potter fandom, with Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione fans. However, I've at least come across some H/Hr fans who can provide a more convincing argument for their pairing than NB fans do for theirs.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for an NB fan to convince me why they belong together....
Yeah, still waiting to be convinced...
ReplyDeleteThis is painful to read. I would maybe respect NB responses if they weren't so retarded.
Nate needs a fucking blow-up doll, that's what he needs! They'll share similar facial expressions and she wont mind if he puts her in a closet for a few weeks while he cunt-jumps to someone else. I propose Nate/blow-up ship.
ReplyDeleteWow, these Nair shippers are completely contradictory.
ReplyDeleteOn a happier note, I just re-watched 2.13 and was reminded of how good this show can be when it tries. Epic is the only appropriate word for that episode.
ReplyDeleteOF COURSE! *smacks self* HOW COULD I FORGET?! Clearly, good looks >>>>>>>>>>>>>> all that other junk like feelings, intelligence, and passion! God, I need to get with the program!
Lol, when the camera pulled back on that Nair kiss my stupified, I-can't-believe-the-writers-are-going-there silence melted into: THOSE ARE FUCKING GEESE YOU FUCKING SHOW YOU CAN'T EVEN GET THAT FUCKING RIGHT!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome Crazy. Lol, I really love the 'fairy-tale like and real' girl-- that takes talent.
The best part is that they actually believe they are giving good reasons.
ReplyDeleteI just need one NBer who writes something WITHOUT mentioning CB or Chuck, and I'll be happy. Of course, it has to make sense(Not to me, because NB will never make sense to me, But it needs to have logic! something I can follow without WTFing all the time.). AND then, maybe, just maybe, I'll believe that that person IS an NBer and NOT a CB/Chuck hater.