Sunday, April 26, 2009

the verdict is F

There are a few things that upset up as much as patchy and ridiculous storylines. Nothing as bad as CV which was SHIT ON A FUCKING CRACKER. But when a man is ATTEMPTING to control you the way Nate is in this episode and Blair CONTINUES to live in her little alternative universe? This sets us off.

We? Will not be watching. We will download the CB scenes on youtube and that's fucking that. Oh and for the record - if your boyfriend even RESEMBLES Nathaniel Archibald - DUMP HIS ASS. Dump him. You'll thank us when you're our age.


  1. When did they decide anti-feminist was the theme for season 2? WHEN?

    a) total punishment of Blair (and Jenny) over the course of the season
    b) pimping of Vanessa, the most sneakily anti-feminist character on TV
    c)devaluation of women in ALL the relationships.

    Screw this show. I can't blame Blair for this. This is a fucking *AGENDA* they're on.

  2. we called it some time ago that this was all a government conspiracy. We are now being proven right.

  3. And the Georgina sneak was for 2.23!! FUCK THIS SHOW.

    If 23 isn't good I'm going to SHANK someone. At least CB are back to being friends. Right?

  4. I was actually excited to watch this episode, because I thought we were finally going to start to get back on track. I thought this even despite the NB moving in spoiler and the fact that Nate is acting like a controlling asshat. Now that I've heard that Blair refers to NB sex, however, all my desire to see this has gone out the window. I let myself get sucked in by the promo, and thought I'd give this episode a try, even though I originally said I wasn't watching again until the finale. I was wrong! I will be skipping this one as well. Sigh.

  5. no for me too, reading Nate's actions during this episode has left me appalled by what we're to consider a good perfect relationship. I'm really concerned at the message that is being delivered here to young girls who dont know any better and judging by the comments pro-NB we've read in the past months I know they wont be able to distinguish what is wrong with NB overall. I'm SO grossed out with Nathaniel I can't even begin to describe it. I have personally been in such a controlling relationship and it pisses me off that I have to watch Blair act like a moron during all this because she was my favorite character.

    Sorry. end of rant.

  6. Also, my hatred for Nate has surpassed my hatred for Vanessa.

  7. Also, this episode cemented it. I will not be buying season 2 on DVD.

  8. Ughh and when I was so looking forward to some CB. Ughhhhh. where is the recap?

  9. Agreed. Season 2 is the definition of anti-feminism. It managed to portray ALL of the major female characters, in some shape or form, as stupid, dependent, needy, thoughtless, backstabbing, spineless, uncaring beings, who can't solve their problems in any other way than through sex. Definitely no inspiring, kick-ass girl power this season on this show. I swear, at the end of the day, they'll make it seem that it's all Blair's fault that the wonderful friendship between Chuck and Nate has been ruined. Bad GG writers!!

  10. And...y'know...they brought Blair to this. They've spent all season making her think she's worthless, and that no one loves her, and that the only way that anyone will care about her is to give away all her power. I am seriously going to go write an essay about it.

    Then we get to HERE when she's got like Stockholm syndrome, and you're right, Tateeana, we're going to hear about how Blair can't make up her mind and destroyed Chuck and Nate's relationship. And how Blair isn't fun and cool anymore.

    Then I'll probably have to watch Vanessa pimped as the strong one. MOTHER FUCK I HATE THIS SHOW.

    Sorry, KAGs, to go on. I love your site. It's the only thing keeping me at all interested in GG. I can't believe this is the same show where the pivotal 'romantic triangle' was proved to be all about the GIRL'S relationship in season 1.

    I...feel the need to like go out and burn shit.

  11. omg honestly u was a GOOD episode!! its setting things up for the next few episodes, and i highly recommend watching it! we gotta get the ratings up!

  12. TBH, I dont care about the ratings. They've made me stop caring about the show hence I dont care anymore. It's SO sad that they've taken me to this point but they dug their own hole. I am no longer passionate about these character I'm just hanging around until the finale but to me, this just continues to show that the writers have no concept of pacing. This storyline is being dragged out and it's taking characters down with it. It's just too all over the place.

  13. Why do we need to get the ratings up? The ratings will go up when people's anger finally cools and they start showing us some consistent storytelling. Right now, it's like the entire first half of the season never happened. The show is already guaranteed a season 3. I'm not going to contribute to the ratings when they're not showing me anything I want to watch. More cutesy NB? References to NB sex? NB moving in together? Nate totally screwing Chuck over and acting like a possessive asshat? No, thanks. It's not like they're going to cancel the show, so I'm not going to watch if I'm not interested. I'll be back for the finale (if it sounds promising). I just don't understand the ratings argument. Season 3 is a go, and the show still does well on iTunes. By not watching, I am expressing my disapproval of the writing and the direction of the show.

  14. I second your argument, 10:41.

    Me not watching is not me thinking under some false illusion that I will affect the show. I just can't stomach it right now and honestly, me watching it will make me dislike the show more than what I already am. So I'm saving what little love I have left for GG by not watching.

  15. I am so disturbed by the things that came out of Blair's mouth this episode as well as the last episode. . . I am so angry I can't even see straight. Calling Chuck a "waste of time"? That one actually hurt. . . Chuck has gone through a lot this season especially after his fathers death and to think that she believes that taking care of him, supporting him and loving him in his time of need was a "waste of time"!!! I actually feel a lump in my throat cause I want to cry. This isn't the Blair I know and love. . . They just ruined Chair for me. I am so angry I think I am going to send the CW some hate mail telling them and Josh & Co. exactly where they can shove Robo!Blair and Nair. . .

  16. *shake head in disappointment* Why? I don't understand how the writer of GG can write this garbage. I having trouble understanding how they can justify Nate's action. How they can write Blair like that. It makes me sick. This whole I-have-to-lean-on-a-man-thing is getting way out of control. I guess I have to wait another week because honestly despite the CB hand holding and moments this episode sounds like crap. Sorry i had rant.

  17. when did Blair call Chuck a "waste of time"???

  18. When she was talking to Serena. . . What the hell is wrong with Josh & Co.? Why are they doing this to Blair? I was so proud of her the first half of the season especially after she was there for Chuck after the death of his father. . . I just don't know what to say anymore. . . This isn't Blair.

  19. I am watching scenes on youtube (and I'm planning to watch again tomorrow) and the episode actually looks pretty good. Yes, some scenes make you angry - but it's not "Dora the Explorer" show. It's a soapish drama. And hating Nate is kind of fun. Plus, there are many great C & B scenes, which emphasize how perfect C & B are for each other, especially in jusxtoposition to N & B scenes, which show how wrong N & B are together. All scenes with Chuck are simply wonderful.

  20. tateeana
    Thing is from this episode when Nate and Chuck are playing basketball

  21. I actually don't have a problem with Blair calling Chuck a 'waste of time' because the episode itself proves that it's a flat-out lie. I mean, she was even worse in 2.16 when she said that Chuck was as dead to her as his father was to him. I mean, talk about insensitive. These are just the things she says to try to convince herself that she doesn't care.

    But Serena knows Blair loves Chuck, and Blair's face when Nate tells her that he loves her proves that she knows she loves Chuck, too.

    If anything, this episode just continued to prove that Nate is pathetic and in over his head, and that Blair's voice will always go up an octave when Nate comes in the picture.

    Plus, Blair's jealousy about Georgie and Chuck's "special bond?" PRICELESS.

  22. Hate/Nate is the only fun i get from this show...
    Damn writers!!!!!!!!!

  23. dreamfaerielove, yeah I agree. That is Blair trying desperately to convince herself she doesn't care about Chuck, when she feels that he doesn't care about her. She does that with other things as well.

  24. "If anything, this episode just continued to prove that Nate is pathetic and in over his head, and that Blair's voice will always go up an octave when Nate comes in the picture.

    Plus, Blair's jealousy about Georgie and Chuck's "special bond?" PRICELESS."


  25. umm...i watched the episode and there wasnt really a reference to them actually having sex.. it was implied that they might since it would be their first night together in their aparetment (..grrr) but ya.. GOOD EPISODE..
    nate tells her he loves her.. blair doesnt say it back:D
    trust me, WATCH IT!!

  26. Nate pissed me off.

    So I made this.

  27. I can't watch this crap! I'll watch CB on youtube (already have) but I saw the Nate/ Chuck clip in his apartment and Nate's a douche. I can't watch the bastard. I won't watch this shit until CB are together...

  28. OK, I watched it and I have to eat my words a bit. Everything you said about Nate being controlling and their dynamic is true, but B is waking up, and the last Nate/Blair scene? Awesome, chilling, but awesome.

    Here's hoping she dumps Nate next ep, and doesn't take Chuck back which seems to be how this episode was pitched. Mostly what I took from the episode is that Blair really really doesn't want to be in love with Chuck, and I can't blame her. When Nate told her that he loved her so easily, she looked like she'd been stabbed in the chest.

    Overall, I thought it was much better than recent eps from Blair's psychological standpoint. Blair wants so badly to be loved, and someone offering committment would be a huge temptation for her with her fragile mental state, but the cracks kept appearing and I don't think she can go back to the fairytale now. Possessive Nate came out of nowhere, but frankly from my view, so did Chuck giving a damn about Blair given recent episodes, so I'll happily take one with the other.

    I'm sure I'm alone here, but it was far better than I thought it would be, as long as the development continues. I thought we'd have CV again frankly, so I was relieved.

  29. I was wondering if anyone could help and find where the best Canadian recaps are? I never really know.. I'm in australia and we are so behind.

  30. This is so fucked up in sooo many ways... How can Nate tell Blair fuckin' Waldorf what to do?????

    Don't get it... One minute he is Jessica Simpson/male version and the next hes a devious controlling bitch!!!!

  31. Blair hurting herself (the most) to avoid the pain of believing Chuck doesn't love her back; Chuck running from committing and acknowledging the love that he clearly feels; Nate being a controlling ass. When will this end?

  32. Nate's willingness to manipulate Blair, and using his knowledge of her romantic fantasies is actually pretty in character from season 1. The heart sweater, for example, or the way he so easily spewed romantic 'perfect boyfriend' things to her while bitching about her to Chuck. It was the one area where Nate was always nastily smart when he paid attention.

  33. yes, you're right. Whcih makes him creepier, IMO.

  34. This Nair with controlling Archiherpes and helpless Blair sounds a little like Twilight to me (another couple to last night's Nairy-ship post). I didn't read the books (only like 2 pages before I laughed my ass off), but from what I gathered Edward is an oh-so-perfect controlling douschebag who messes with Bella's car so she can't MEET HER FRIENDS while Bella is a good-for-nothing whiney bitch with no ambitions whatsoever(like Blair around Archislut.) I really hope that's what the GG writers trying to reflect on - to show us HOW BAD these relationships are. I'm afraid the same little girls who claim Edward/Bella are "so romantic" are the ones who ship NB as well. I wish I could let go of this show and Blair would just stay with him and suffered through this shit and learned the hard way why you SHOULDN'T LET A MAN CONTROL YOUR LIFE. I can't feel sorry for her, I just can't. She made this bed for her, just like I let GG draw me in to a point where I'm physically sick of the crap that's going on. I have no one to blame but myself. *defeated tone*

  35. I was telling Cowgirl last night 'when did Nate become Edward Cullen?' and right you are. There is NOTHING romantic about this at all.

  36. Maybe I'm seeing it wrong...but I thought the show was showing that Blair was learning that very lesson this episode.

    1. She didn't hide anything about her interactions with Chuck from Nate. She even asked him to go with them to see Georgina.
    2. She told Nate 'no' twice to go work on the Serena/Gabriel thing, even after his 'grand romantic gesture' (which agreed, was manipulative and gross). She'd clearly already decided to go with Chuck, no matter what Nate's response (Chuck bringing her her coat, the limo being brought around).
    3. At the end...I don't know what that was yet. Chuck flat out played her, and she let herself get played, and so she was berating herself for that. She confronted Nate about his reasons behind the apartment. I didn't think she was going to stay at the end. I could be wrong.

    From the subway convo to the end, I thought there was a definite shift in tone in Blair. Her fierce love for Serena is intact, and she was being proactive in getting things done. She appeared to have stopped lying to herself about a)loving Chuck (which must be horribly painful for her) and b) that Nate's reasons are pure and selfless.


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