Today we're honoring an EPIC battle between Kool-Aiders and human beings. It was documented and sent to us so we wanted to show the world the types of battles you can potentially face by NOT drinking of the Kool-Aid! Here it goes!
Nair slut #1(heh): But Chuck has been treating Blair so badly. I dont know how people still want Chuck with Blair when he obviously hasnt proved hes mature enough to be in a reltionship with her.
Chair-defender #1: As a Chair fan I feel the need to say something. And please take note that it's not my intention to offend anyone. I know that most of you Nair shippers, are fans of the books and that the books are the reasons you want Nair to happen so badly. The show is nothing like the books, in case you haven't noticed yet. I will admit that Chuck treated Blair badly and he has to really work for her to forgive him. But nothing Chuck has ever done to Blair will ever be as bad as what Nate did to her. Let me summarize it for you. Chuck has never slept with her best friend, nor has he pursued that person and in the process lied to Blair numerous times. Chuck may not have said "I love you" to Blair but he proved he loves her, unlike Nate who has said "I love you" to Blair but then admitted he didn't love her. Chuck has never used Blair for his own family benefit and he has never taken her for granted. And the list could go on but I'm bored so I'll not continue. But the conclusion is that Chuck and Blair are epic, while Nate and Blair are just a phase and a past mistake. We forgive you B, we know you and Chuck are meant to be.
Chair-defender 2: AMEN! preach it girl
Chair-Defender #1: And I almost forgot. Nate is a hypocrite too. When he cheats on Blair with Serena he asks for a second chance and he thinks he is entitled to one but when he found out Blair slept with Chuck, he act like she's trash. At least they were broken up when she did it. Leave B alone, Archibald! You don't deserve her, never have, never will.
Nair slut #2: Let me just say that I know plenty of people who like nate/blair together, and havent read the books at all. And I complety disagree with you. Yes they both hurt her but to say that Nate hurt her more is ridiculous. Chuck ended up hurting her the most because she actually loved him and she thought he loved her. Afterall she lost her virginity to him, that kind of attachment to a person is so strong. Im just going to name a few things chuck did that was horriable, believe me the list can go on. Chuck cheated on Blair plenty of times when they were in a reltionship, he compared her to his dads horse, and ruined her reltionship with nate when he saw how happy she was with him. And lastly when he ditched dinner with Blair for some hookers with Jack. Blair was so good to Chuck after his fathers death, and was there for him when he was at his worst. So when he finally become clear headed (sober) after his fathers death, he got a chance to make a reltionship work with Blair and thank her for her help. But what does he do instead? Goes and sleeps with hookers. How do you think Blair felt when she saw Chuck with the hookers, after the way she was there for him, he goes and says something about stop playing the wife. In my opinion that hurt Blair more than anything Nate has ever done. I did like Chair but Chuck is in no way ready to be in a reltionship and treated Blair badly, and just because you dont like nate/nair you have to realize others like them
Chair-Defender #1: I'll get right to the point.
1. Chuck cheated on Blair only ONE time (before they were going to Europe) and they weren't even a real couple on the show.
2. He compared her to a horse because she hurt him. She deserved that.
3. He tried to ruin her relationship with Nate because he knew Nate didn't loved her. (remember that Chuck and Nate are bffs and Chuck knows everything about Nate)
3. Bart was Chuck's family. After his death, he was lost and then he thought his uncle was there for him, ready to be the family he had lost. He ditched Blair to spend time with his uncle, not for those women.
I'm not trying to insult other ppl's opinions, I posted that because someone said Chuck hurt her more than Nate. And that's crap. My friend asked you Nair shippers why do you want them as a couple. Please explain it to us, we are curious. We can give you exactly 260 reasons why Chuck and Blair are epic. If I have the approval of my friends, I will post them for you. Tell me how many reasons you can come up with for Nair?
Let me say something here, I have interject. It's not that I dont respect other people's opinion. It's that mine is right and above others. It's really just that simple as that. I, like Chuck, am not claiming to be a saint and much less a civil saint. If you can't see that you're being USED, ABUSED and posed as BAIT then you DESERVE (no, scratch that, you're BEGGING) to be MOTHERFUCKING WANKED, my friend! Fucking deal with it!
Second, it's not that I do not believe that Chuck has never hurt Blair because he has. Plenty of times - that's the centralization of this relationship. And then let me clarify my final point - the REASON we are mad and by we I mean those of who actually understand the show and the central couple of this show is because there is no CHARACTER CONTINUITY. IF there was Chuck wouldn't have gone after the tranny-nanny, Blair and Chuck wouldn't have gone weeks without speaking and Serena would know what fucking team she's on! Nathaniel wouldn't be such a cunt-jumper, Lily would still be ATTEMPTING to mourn her husband and Vanessa would be dead. THAT is the bottled anger here, THIS is why people are rejecting Nair the way they were (and dont get me started on the fucking mess that CV is because I can be here all night and I want to watch Mad Men).
We can go BACK and FORTH all fucking night long on this pointless argument. At the end of the night we see what we want to see, we believe what we want to be believe and we say what we want to say. So here I see people who are in for A LOT of dissapointment when they realize their 'dream' couple is not as dreamy as they think it to be, I believe you will be just as pissed as we are now and I can say you'll be motherfucking screwed. PEACE, have fun with the Kool-Aid!
I loved that you posted this, and I loved that you put the finger on why we are all so angry. It's that even if we get CB (which we still want, because we are junkies), their relationship is already tarnished beyond recognition.
ReplyDeleteChuck hurting Blair is part of their relationship, and vice versa. Chuck NOT CARING about Blair can never ever be part of their relationship, and that is how it has been written of late. From the very first episode, Chuck was always very very aware of Blair, and it was clear he had a relationship with her that he shared with no other. This year, he's showed more concern for Serena, *Vanessa*, a nanny whore, Jack...everyone but Blair. Clearly the lion's share of this blame lies with the awful awful writing. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I also believe Westwick has contributed to this. Several times his acting choices have been questionable to my mind, especially during CV scenes. (I understand if you don't want to let this post through, or if you want to wank it ;) )
Have you guys seen this?
The fuck? If V is pregnant with Chuck's kid or even has a pregnancy scare, I'm OUT!
April 7th, 2009
Spotted: B and N at the Topshop New York launch party. They were being interviewed by a reporter. So good to have these two back together. The UES was missing a golden couple. J getting her dress dry cleaned. No matter how much you clean it, J, your Sweet 16 was still disastrous. *V walking into her doctor’s office.* Boring. Moving on…D perusing the wanted ads while drinking coffee at CafĂ© Grumpy. Looks like someone is in need of a job. Will work for Yale. C chatting up a pretty blonde at Baraonda. We hear they left together. What else is new? And finally, S at the Barcelona Airport. She was seen at Customs getting her Passport stamped. The Serena has landed. Let the fiesta begin…
The rest of that epic battle, here:
this is a litte off topic, but we were doing a case scenario at my lectures just before and there was a fictional character called - wait for it - lady deadlock!!! ahahahaha! i was LOLing all over the place i just had to share it XD...maybe my lecturer reads this site too? hrmm...