TBH with you all we will give the damn thing a chance; I would've rather they had chosen ANOTHER episode to show this flashback mess - something like 2.20, yeah - that would've been GREAT. But we're not ruling it out yet just because Andrew McCarthy is there and Andrew was our boyfriend in the 80's so we can't help ourselves. Makes us want to do a mini-marathon this weekend. 80'S LOVE! Personally I'm more of a James Spader-lust-girl but Andrew will do ;)
I am a James Spader girl too, most definitely, but Andrew works too. Srsly, James Spader makes the word "biiiiitch" sound just as good as, if not better than, when it is said by one and only Chuck Bass.
ReplyDeleteJames Spader was the original Chuck Bass - def. If Pretty in Pink has been a TV show it soon would've turned into the James and Duckie show ;)
ReplyDeleteThey should have ditched the ews fuckery and done it then instead and worked it in better than 'Serenas in jail, oh I remember when I was in jail'. Every episode should be as good as a finale; they dragged out boring stories so they could keep the good stuff for the final few episodes only to trade on that to launch another show. Plus its Lily so it would have to do alot to convince me to care and to not be pissed that the 20 minutes of screentime could have gone to characters on the show I'm actually watching.
ReplyDeleteI'm only curious about young Cece, really.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching it because of No Doubt reuniting for the epi
ReplyDeleteIf they wanted me to watch their spinoff, they shouldn't have driven their main show off of a frigging cliff. I have a deal for them...kill off Vanessa in the finale, I'll give the spinoff a chance. Otherwise? No dice.
ReplyDeleteJames Spader <3 Steff WAS the 80s Chuck Bass. No doubt about that. And Blaine was the 80s Nate, which I find hilarious after I saw someone posting that Keith VdW is based on Blaine. (Not sure where they got that from, they were talking about a Keith VdW promo), if its true it means Lilys dad is the original Blaine, her first husband was a Blaine and the best part is that in that case Nate is the Keith to Serenas Lily.
ReplyDeleteIt has FAILED.
ReplyDeleteCheck it >>> http://www.deadlinehollywooddaily.com/that-gossip-girl-spinoff-dead-at-cw/