Really... the madness continues? You all are SOOOO good to me, you know I love making fun of your everlasting stupidity! It's the perfect way to end the work week and it just makes me jubilant and excited! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING STUPID FUCKING SHIT AND GOD BLESS YA!
On to the Kool-Aid!
On to the Kool-Aid!
"pfff this topic is getting more and more ridiculous!! A) I don't understand why not can be a Chair fan a Nair fan or a Vuck fan or any other couple fan too??? Or why not can be a Derena fan a Serenate fan too??? Personally I love Serenate and Vuck , and B) I used to really like Chair too( I just think they should be just a part of the GG, not a longtime couple) but everyone's rooting for them..well almost..most people are...and I'd really like to love them again but C) I just loath their fans! And I'm not hypocrite I just hate that their fans are so rude and obsessed with them, and it's so annoying! I mean you don't care with any other couple but Chair and in every topic you try to humiliate the other couple( especially Nair ) and characters ( Vanessa )....D) it's disgusting and childish! I love Chuck! But yes E) I hate that his fans vehemently deny he's inherently a bad person (not to mention and scheming, which is why I think him and Blair don't work (or just for about 2 minutes and then they'll get boring or annoying) , since they're so similar, even though Blair's got a good heart and is my favourite) but I think he works well as a villain and a womanizer. Anything else just sucks. And I really hate when Chuck trys to be good or be a Romeo or sg like that, because it's not him at all and it makes him miserable and unsexy."
ME: Ok, so let me take this one in parts because we can break it down as such since there's such a ranting argument going on here and I can't wait to get my fingers in it :D
A) Because we here at the Kool-Aid LOATHE multi-shippers. That's all. We see it as a very Nate-like trait were you're just like 'whatever works, I dont care' and us being the passionate individuals that we are dont approve.
B) Please dont tell me you enjoyed Chair and expect me to believe it. How long did you like them for? Three episodes? I'm thinking no more than five - I think you just need something to believe in; no couple has captivated you beyond words hence why you're bouncing around here like a Cat in a Hat.
C) It almost seems like what made her 'loose' her love for Chair was the fans which makes no sense because you should love the couple for what they are, what they've been through and what they will become rather than the fans. I mean, are you shipping fans here or a show? We can almost call it a type of reverse peer-pressure or some sort of rage against the machine.
D) And disliking a couple because of the fans is not childish and immature?
E) I dont know which Chuck-fans you've been talking to but we have never denied that Chuck is bad. We LOVE him naughty; Blair LOVES him naughty. Why else would she had added her line in her love confession about 'darkest thoughts'? Now, Chuck is changing, I know it may be hard for you to comprehend but this is called Character Development. This is when characters CHANGE from their original selves and GROW UP. Hence dropping things like his womanizing ways once he's with Blair and why he is having such inner turmoil with everything because he's attempting to resist the change. I know, it's hard. Very few characters in GG have actually done it so I can see how you'll be confused. Here, have a drink.
BONUS: OH. And we've earned EVERY RIGHT to bash the character of Vanessa because we have put together a cohesive argument as to why she's useless and annoying. So I will bash all I like. As far as bashing Nair? Baby, the show bashes Nair itself or have you not watched the last episode? It's a running joke.
Actually I love love love BN. look at them, they are gorgeous together, better millions times of Chuck and Blair, even their photos.this is my belif. you know I feel the writers are trying to please soome fans calling for CB to be together so they should make BN miserable and to break up and keep breaking up again and again, instead of teaching us how to fix our mistakes. Is this life ?? I don't blame Leighton when she said I fear for young ladies and asked them not to do like what they do in the show...haha Besides, when I've read that writers want to see fans' reactions, I realize that they are not writing what they believe or having aims to show but what the major fans ask!!! again I'm not sure but that's what I've read many times and laughted at !!!
ME: So from what I can gather the reason NB should stay together is because they're 'gorgeous' together and therefore they should be fixed. Right? Hence I can laugh at her, right? I mean, it's ok, right? Please, people. Have you no concept of storyline creations, character consistency, relationship development? I'm SO tired of going over and over this.
I don't want to turn you and congratulate him for ruining her relationship with N" if she doesn't care about N why should she be upset.....and more things ... that I can say N loves B.. and don't forget this season at least he is trying to fight to make C away from his and I don't blame him since C may do sth like before... so even if he trusted B, he couldn't trust C, because these was an incident before...and also do you think that a person can kiss someone who doesn't love ??? (LMAO!!!!!!!! Little girl, please!) even his relationship with other girls is not like with B (but he kissed them so he must love them). I don't see that B loves C, but C loves B : even when she said " I love you " she said it because he is in a bad situation and about to leave without anybody there for him, so there wasn't anybody there except his friends..and coz he kept asking her to say that before so if she can say it he may change his mind instead of leaving, and I can do that out of friendship . If you count how many kissing scenes for B, from s1 and s2, you'll find that B kissed N more than C.
ME: ... I'm just bolding parts because this is just too ridiculous to counter it. I have some dignity, you know. Oh man, that was def. the laugh of the day, she takes the daily Kool-Aid award!
Blair looks happy with Nate..but happier when she's with Chuck....Nate is so nice to her & really love her..but chuck is kinda mean with a deep love (??) ....I think she looks happy with both...but more sparks & drama with chuck!!
ME: Has she met the viewing age standard for this show? Where are her parents??? What's going on here?
Okay, This may sound crazy. But I have been thinking that Serena was just a way for Blair to meet Dan. Think about it. Blair would never be caught dead in brooklyn. (Other than to sabotage someone.) She would never pay attention to someone like Dan at school because she would see no designer labels and completely look through him. With Serena dating Dan, Blair had no choice but to acknowledge him. Serena and Dan can't get back together because their whole relationship now is teeming with incest. I know not fully, but it's still pretty messed up. Plus, why would the writers put Lily and Rufus together again after all the shit they have been through just to tear them apart again? Lufus deserves to be together before Derena. Sorry Derena fans. So Derena is dead and gone. Plus, they work better as a brother/sister relationship. Blair still sees Dan because of Serena. He has now been on her radar for a while. It would only be a matter of time. The writers know that these two would never meet on their own, so they need someone that would force them to see eachother. Cue Serena.
Or if they must make her (Blair) with a guy, I prefer N, because when you watch you feel they are natural, cute and clean, NOT dirty like CB, sorry to say that but this is in my mind along time ago. I'm always shocked when I see people writing SEXY of CB , actually they are NOT.Maybe coz CB fans are blinded by them, who knows. Again ugh I don't like C.
ME: So apparently Chair is dirty. I think she means dirty in a Christina Aguilera type of a way which to us, who have actually had hot dirty sex that felt fucking fantastic and satisfying, can take it as a compliment. Chuck and Blair would too. While Nair go years and years missionary and keep it clean. Hell, they may even get separate twin beds like the Ricardos. And baby? I think as you continue your life A LOT of shit is going to shock you.
Thank you, I'll be here all week!
Wow, these people are pretty much drenched in Kool-Aid! Lmao, they're still losing the battle though. Like they'd ever win anything in the first place.
ReplyDeleteAnd Chuck and Blair are loved because they are bad! Sure, I like when they show some kindness but their naughty streaks are what people love about them. Poor delusional fools. *shakes head*
ultimately I'm convince that Nair and Dair fans are 12 year old and don't know anything about life. Multishipper need to die or something. Their arguments are making no sense. Like the first one is so confused, i think she just needed something to rant about.
ReplyDeleteNair fans are finding new synonymy for "pretty" and "gorgeous" they've move on to "clean" and "cute" actually i take back the "gorgeous. They're not done with that word, yet. Still waiting to see how many multiple shipper ship CB again. You know once CB are together again.
I love it when people say they can't decide between Chair and Nair. Let's see... Blair is in love with Chuck; Blair is not in love with Nate. Wow, what a hard choice. Do I want the character to be with the guy she loves or the one she is simply hanging out with because she has nothing better to do?
ReplyDeleteI wonder what are her pro-con debating points? "He's cute but then they're cute too! Decisions!"
ReplyDeleteThese sad little girls are going through what I like to call "The Rory Gilmore Syndrome." In season 1 sweet little Rory found herself "a Dean" who was cute, polite, patient and not yet slightly psychotic - and Rory loved being with him, because he did everything she wanted thus made her happy. And she thought it'd always be like that and they will be together forever and get married and grow old in a cute little house. Then enter "The Jess" who is just the definition of "dirty" and everything your mother warned you about - and strangely enough he is the guy you have everything in common. And Rory is growing up and realizes she doesn't have to be with the same boy forever and for the first time in her life she is thinking about sex.
ReplyDeleteNow that I think about it, it's very Nate/Blair/Chuck as well - especially since Dean was crazy and stalkerish later. But my point here: these girls will grow up into S3!Rory soon. Until then they should rent 7th Heaven DVDs and leave our show the hell alone.
to the insane parallel-universe-shipper that said "Okay, This may sound crazy. But I have been thinking that Serena was just a way for Blair to meet Dan." :
ReplyDeleteOkay, this may sound crazy. But I have been thinking that the internet is just a way for you to MEET PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU'RE AN IDIOT.
Blair loathes Dan. Not in the hot "I loathe you, Chuck" way that's based on anger mixed with attraction and repression and a bit of denial, but the "I loathe you" as in I WOULD NOT HAND YOU A BAND-AID IF YOU WERE BLEEDING IN HELL AS I WALKED BY WITH THE FOUNDER OF JOHNSON & JOHNSON.
And the only potential Blair/Dan storyline that would have even pretend-made sense is if they had a meaningless hatred hookup - oh wait! VUCK STOLE THAT METHOD OF PISSING US ALL OFF ALREADY!! AND IT DIDNT MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!
also, I'd just like to point out that Schwartz doesn't always have everyone hook up with everyone...Summer and Ryan never did.