Monday, May 4, 2009

a bit PARTIAL, aren't we, Ed?

I mean seriously. They're just encouraging my morbid fascination I have with this teen couple. He's doing NOTHING to help me out.

"If I had to pick between a Blair and a Serena I would got with Blair. I dont know there's something UH. I'm a bit partial to a brunette . Yeah... but they're both great girls in real life."

... when did we start talking about Leighton and Blake?? Ed! Oh Eddie! Let me hug you.

Keep throwing us crumbs, McEddie.

And I'm still like on cloud nine after watching the scenes on youtube. I mean... let me let out a happy sigh here.


  1. so i'm usually all "no EL cant date cos that might ruin CB" but after seeing this video i'm all: EEEEEEEEEEEE EL EL EL EL!!! :D

  2. YAYY!! *squeals*
    Leighton go back to brunette!!

  3. The interviewer's a total CB fangirl! The way she's 'heehee'-ing at the headband comment and asking the last question. Like of course it's B... tell us something we don't know eddie.

  4. What makes me giddy about this is that Ed brings RL into this. They are asking him about the CHARACTERS, and boom! It's all Leighton suddenly. I'd hate to be Seb or LD, but they are necessary at this point to keep EL apart until GG is cancelled :D

  5. YAY! He loves Blair, and the scarf!! <3

    And it just made me so happy he said Arsenal! They're my team :) Oh Ed, could you be anymore perfect!!!!

    and I love what you said about it being real life, I didnt even realise he said that at the end!

  6. I maintain my belief that this boy had and still has a MAJOR soft spot for Meester.

  7. he got so nervous when asked about Blair or Serena, he's so cute! He definitely has a soft spot for the meester ;)

  8. EEEE the way he says "Blair" *thud* Could he be more cute or amazing? AWW XD EL so LOVE each other, theres no doubt about that <3 I still hope that once GG is over they would date *giggles* But NOT when GG is still on.

  9. AW, he is getting all embarrassed and everything! Tee hee.

  10. I think he means to say: "Blair, because Leighton makes her so freaking adorable."

  11. My EdCrush its getting bigger by the minute...

  12. I LOVE that he just says 'Blair' point-blank at first. LOL!! Like, duh.

    OH Ed. *pats* You're such a CB'er.

    He loves the headbands, the scarf, and Blair... <3 This boy knows what makes the show tick! ;)

  13. he's been Grosswick for so long that I'm pretty overwhelmed by how HOT Sexwick I need a cold shower pronto

  14. FUCK he is GORGEOUS, I was drooling the whole time he was talking. Ahhh so hot!

    And he is SUCH a CB fan it's fantastic! The headband, the scarf, choosing B! A+, Sexwick, you are a GOD.


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