Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My favorite! I love the long well done series! VOTE VOTE VOTE!

And the nominees are:

Breakfast at the Basses by Shelby
Castaways by Isabelle
FUBAR by Gleechild
In Love & War by Isabelle
Temptation by MackayFire
Try Honesty Series by A Moment in Time
My Saving Grace by believin'inluv


  1. This one is actually really easy for me... I love all of these... BUT... I can't tell you how many times I have read ILAW, it's sick really, I think Isabelle would be creeped out by how much I love it. It is my absolute FAVORITE fanfiction in any genre EVER!!! and by the votes it seems like people agree with me :)

  2. "In Love and War" destroyed me in the best way possible. <3 <3 Amazing.

  3. No! BATB better win, I effing love that fanfic. I spent a whole day straight reading it- epic!!

  4. Oh I love ILAW...it's one of my absolute favorites of all time but so is Castaways...I've re-read them both multiples and just CB trapped on a deserted island sans interruptus. It's like a fastasy made real...or on the page.

  5. either ways Isabelle has the best story ever... but
    My Saving Grace had me in tears...

  6. Ahhhh I'm having such a hard time choosing between Breakfast at the Basses and Castaways!! Both are some of my absolute favorite fanfics!!!! But, I think I'm going to vote for Castaways...

  7. you all have to read My Saving Grace and Try Honesty because they're SO much more amazing than they're getting credit for.

  8. I don't want to vote yet because I haven't read them all. But just going by the ones I *have* read I can't decide because both Castaways and ILAW own my soul.

  9. Wow, thanks again. I'm so flattered.


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