Monday, May 4, 2009

for the love of CON!

For all of you who were good and formally saw the episode without spoiling yourself too much and for all those of you who sat down and enjoyed it or not from beginning to end I ask:

You're also welcomed to use this space for Episode discussion.


  1. I loved it. It was like old times. I actually forewent the recap last night and somehow managed to stay clear of the boards and this place today (TORTURE) but it was worth it. That CB scene was amazing. I literally screamed OHMIGOD and of course they made me cry because they're CB...Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. Can't wait for more.

  2. fuckin finally,, waited for this for a while now ...chuck and blair= Epicness..georgina=bitcheness...vanessa=there wasnt any so that makes up for 50% of the reason why this eppy was good

  3. Dan just pissed me off during the whole episode and so did lily... I dan the effing snitch and lily what the eff is her problem?

    Chair scene, still left me speechless. I tried not to cry but i was still tearing up. I cant wait until next week.

    But i loved the whole episode minus a few things here and there.

  4. Lily was unbelievable and most it was set up for the flashback stuff I'm thinking and Dan the snitch. Loved it all though. Georgie one of my favorite bitches back in action...fully exorcised hehe. CB...I totally bawled. Had to watch a few times *biggoofyassgrin*

  5. Finally, it feels like the show is coming back. Lily pissed me off and Dan babbles too much for his own good. But Georgie's return, Chuck admitting he loves Blair = beautiful.


  6. You can tell Jesus that the bitch is back.

    FUCK I love Georgina. Why can't she be a series regular?! Kick off Vanessa and bring in Georgina!

  7. Here here *nod*

  8. Can we please wank the people who - after watching the latest episode - keep saying that Blair and Chuck need to officially call it quits, and that Blair and Nate could have an interesting story line if only the writers would "let them"?

    A) Blair and Chuck let it go in the bar scene. That was what the scene was ABOUT. How can people watch that scene and then say, "Gosh, I can't wait until Chuck and Blair put a stop to their merry-go-round?"

    B) What is the basis for the 'interesting' story NB could have? Aside from the fact that they look nice together. Someone, please, tell me. The writing, the acting, and the history all combine to support them having a very UNinteresting relationship.
    The only ways it could be interesting are if it's about a role reversal in which Blair is now in love with Nate's best friend (which is the path the writers have chosen), if it's about a loveless UES relationship in which both parties are settling and never truly happy and popping pills all the time, or if it's about teaching young girls the lesson that sometimes boys cheat on you and don't love you but then randomly decide they do love you a year later and it's a totally smart move to date them again.

    C) Anyone who is disappointed that NB are not going to last needs to get their IQ checked. The entire season has been about Chuck and Blair being in love. Nate and Blair had no build up and hooked up after one episode of interaction. The very fact that you allowed yourself to believe NB could be something proves you are stupid. The writers didn't deceive you, you walked into that trap all by your mentally-challenged self.

    Sorry. Rant over :) On the bright side, I loved this episode so much!

  9. I loved the episode. CB was just amazing!!! Loved Georgina too....

    What I hated was the whole thing with Lily. I have always regarded her as selfish....but she took the whole cake in today's episode!!! She was beyond self-centered!

  10. Amazing, heartbreaking, epic CHAIR scene plus the G bitch is back!!! Awesome episode!

    And "Nate getting coffee" ...... (lol)!

  11. send me their quotes, baby girl and I'll be HAPPY to wank them. I mean, if Inca doesn't snatch them from my hands first.

  12. i loved this episode! CB were epic and made me bawl my eyes out! EPIC!!!

    Lily's just a big ole bitch and not in a good, evil way like Georgina! So glad she's back! "Tell Jesus the bitch is back!"
    Best fucking line!
    Dan was a total Cindy Brady! Annoying!
    No Vanessa!! "shouts from the rooftops" Wooot!!!
    I wish Eric had more scenes. he's sadly very underused on this show.



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