POP-UP-VANESSA: A person of questionable principles and purpose who randomly materializes themselves in situation, plots, parties and beds of people she/he should have nothing to do with. This person's point or purpose is as murky as a polluted lake yet they continue in the box as we anxiously wait around to see when she/he will POP UP and scare the living shit out of us. Such people should be treated with caution, feared and above all NEVER TURN YOUR BACK TO THEM. This term can also refer to sudden random behavior that has nothing to do with the normal flow of things and can be considered as a forced attrition that is far from the commonly accepted behavior.
Try using 'pop-up-Vanessa' in a sentence today.
President Bush's 'pop-up-Vanessa' bouts of intelligent statements baffled the media today during the pro-War press conference.
His emotions are such pop-up-Vanessas that it often left Daniela wondering if his feelings were true or not a concocted scheme to get her in bed.
Despite the group succinctly emphasizing their indifference to her presence, Megan continued her pop-up-Vanessa behavior when she showed her face at the beach party.
You know if i didn't know any better, i would start to think that you girls have developed a little infatuation with Vanessa. As the saying goes, there is a thin line between love and hate.
ReplyDeleteI'm more of a Nate girl, Natefusion is so much more rewarding
ReplyDeletegood think you know us ;)
ReplyDeleteThis was good!!! You girls rock!
ReplyDeleteOh and you can't hate the troll.The emotions that the troll triggers every time her ugly mug appears on the screen are much more violent than plain ol' hate. If you're suggesting that the line between love and repulsiveness-nausea-aversion-disgust-loathing-why-is-this-moron-on-my-screen, then yes this girls and 90% of the viewers indeed are infatuated by that leech.
But somehow I doubt that
Come on girls ,give us more, show your "infatuation"! Buahahahahahhahaha
Hate her so much. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteYou guys should pimp the "Do you like Vanessa?" poll on Spoiler TV. Everyone needs to vote NO.
Aww i don't which i like better POP-UP-VANESSA or Natefused...
ReplyDeletecheck out this article...
There's a link to the New York Times where this new originated from.
More Jessica "Vanessa Hobo" Szohr on my tv!
WTF is wrong with these people? Do they really think we like her!? Why aren't they using one of the characters we actually like? Oh wait, I know they actually have projects going on! :P
I'm just disgusted that she'll featured in these ads instead of say Chuck and Balir! If they really want good advertising then that's who they should in their ads! Morons!
I'm so done with it, really. Because Vanessa is the SOLE reason we tune in to the show. Here's hoping that we see Chair pics to get buzz going because people who are only a bit into the show wont know this is Gossip Girl they're talking about.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they shoving her down our throats? They can't make us like her no matter how hard they try or how many ads they feature her in! It's just not going to happen.
Chair is the only way to generate buzz for this show for sure!