Friday, May 1, 2009

long live the WANKINGS!!

It's that time, people! Once more, because we have SO MANY wankings to do we have to start pushing them out. The craziness continues spreading like the swine-flu and we're ALL at risk to either be contaminated or have to watch/read the contamination.


Throughout this episode you could see how much Nate loves Blair and values their relationship. Nate's biggest issue was jealousy/distrust which lead him to not trust his girlfriend and acting mean to his best friend. I don't blame him though, Nate just wanted to make sure Chuck knew that him and Blair are becoming serious, and for him not to try to come in between them. Yes he could've gone about it better, sometimes emotions get the better of us. However when Nate let Blair go with Chuck alone to find Georgina this proved that he does trust Blair also that he was sorry for being rude to Chuck. This I feel helped Nate grow as a person. The look on Nate's face when Chuck said "It's Blair I'll take this outside" made my heart sink. There were other moments where I felt sad for Nate also, but that one stood out the most for me. I just want to say kudos to Chace for almost making me cry, his acting was super in this episode!

ME: OK. Let us start by saying that Blair herself stated that Nate doesn't trust her and Nate confirmed it. So, your statement, is indeed WRONG. Nate did NOT feel bad for being rude to Chuck because he still WANTS Blair. At least today he wants her, I can't guarantee who the fuck he'll want in a bit but lets go with what he wants TODAY. Ok. And on the growing? The only thing that Nate has grown is in weirdness because he's STILL cunt-jumping. What is WRONG with all of you, he was into Vanessa 2 episodes ago!! Do you all suffer from acute dementia? God! You all need to get that looked at, it's not right. And really? Nate ALMOST made you cry?

Fine. Go cry.


Ok, this one really got me because it was in a thread titled: Nair Fans Speak UP. The title itself it hilarious, it's like they're some poor starved third country that lives off the charity of the writers. Actually, that's exactly what they are. :D So this chick posted by herself for like 4 hours or so and no one responded and I felt really bad. Like no one talked to her or encouraged her with a 'NB POWDER' or anything. Like that was just rude. So we're wanking it.

What? You thought we felt THAT bad? I dont think so. This is the SAME person posting over and over again.

181. I would love a Dan and Blair hook up. It would be hilarious. It wouldn't be emotionally draining or a chore to watch like Chair and their silly Cruel Intention games.

Posted 4/28/2009 12:44:32 PM #

182. My favourite Nair videos:

Posted 4/28/2009 2:25:08 PM #

183. Does any1 have that clip of N and B where its in early Season 2, during the time N was still with the cougar, where B twirls her hair at N in a flirty way???

Posted 4/28/2009 2:26:51 PM #

184. For Chace/Leighton & Nate/Blair fans, here's a nice thread I made:

Posted 4/28/2009 5:46:59 PM #

I mean really... someone tell her something. Please. She's typing there by herself.


Are you kidding me? Chuck has been treating Blair like crap all season. He makes fun of her for saying she loves him, stands her up for a couple of hookers, and tried to run off to South America with Elle. The only reason he went back to Blair is because Elle rejected him. That isn't love, that's settling. I realize Nate made some mistakes in the past, but him and Blair are giving it a second try because they have matured and they love each other. To me Blair has always loved Nate more than Chuck, you can just tell by the way she looks at Nate. In the words of Blair Waldorf herself "I love you Nate Archibald, always have, always will."

ME: I dont even know where the fuck to begin with this piece of runny shit, I mean really. His father died and by the end of episode 2.14 he apologizes for what he said about her love and they embrace. I dont understand what part of that concept you DONT FUCKING GET. I dont. Elle's sole purpose in life was to make Chuck go back to Blair. Almost like a fucking road sign. You see? Of course you dont, you've got Kool-Aid blinders on. So I'll settle for that. Nate's made a lot of fucking mistakes, I can write a book about them but I'll fall asleep halfway through writing them. They haven't fucking matured, Nate left Vanessa for ACTING like Blair and then went to Blair which made as much sense of nothing at all. And from what you've written I'd say you know jack-shit about what Blair does and doesn't love so I suggest you shut up. That's all.


Chair fans, you know they break up in Prom Night.. So let us Chair fans enjoy them while they're still together, without Chair fans picking and overanalyzing every little thing.

ME: We can't help it but because you're a realist and are semi-decent I will let you pass. Enjoy it, baby girl and sweet dreams, you wont get wanked by me.


  1. The first post makes me wonder just how retarded these people are. How do you honestly sit and watch a show and take away from it the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of the writers' intent? How hard do these people have to be trying to miss every single point made on the show? Perhaps it's Chace's two facial expressions that are fooling them into their delusions. "Aw, look, Chace looks so sad. Wait, that's the same as his 'confused' face. And suspiciously similar to his 'stoned' face. Wait, wait, I know what this means!! HE IS ABLE TO PORTRAY SO MANY EMOTIONS WITH JUST ONE EXPRESSION. MY GOD, WHAT TALENT."

  2. the Dawson face will never get old - lol

    and yes, they're as delusional as anything.

  3. LMAO i love Dawson's face. I was thinking that Dawson and Nate do same a lot of similar characteristic. I almost felt sorry for that girl, but then again I don't. I mean kind of sad to post on you're own post 4 times. I would have said something to her, like have some dignity and give up.

  4. okay, chace is very pleasant to the eye to say the least, but his acting skills? sorry, but NO, he doesn't have some spectacular skill in that area.
    admit it ppl, he only got the part because he's hot and knows how to look confused.
    so the only way that dude could make me cry, would be if he gave me an orgasm, which I really doubt cause I'm an Ed girl :P


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