Saturday, May 9, 2009

mrs PEACOCK was a man??!!

This is apparently a picture of what a Nate/Blair kid will look like. Now. I have a theory... that this person is either a drag queen OR they're a drag queen. It's one of the two.

Speaking of making fun of Nairers - this girl has to totally be a Nairer. I mean... she has all the qualifications of one.

  1. Ridiculous cheering (NB POWER!!)
  2. Talking shit. Literally (never been kissed)
  3. She's kinda 'cute' (self explanatory)
  4. She can't see the poll (aka. the plot)
  5. She goes right past it (aka. the point)
  6. Cant swim (ship jumpers?)
  7. She still thinks she won....


  1. I haven't laughed this much in a long while. Well, at least she didn't "feel like dating" her cousins xD

    And that picture is scary. It creeps me out.

  2. ROFLMFAO "Where's the pole?"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She is twenty? I thought she was about eleven. A.K.A the age of about most Nair fans.

    OH GOD, I think I just had a coronary from laughing so hard.

  3. I love her XDDD she's so dumb. 's funny though.

  4. Oh Lord! NB'S would have issues if it looks like that!

    I pity all the sane twenty-year olds because of this nut ball. I wasn't this crazy at twenty, geez. Of course, I didn't have the IQ of a gnat either so maybe that's the difference.


  5. This is just hilarious - lol

    I mean, that's EXACTLY how they are. LOL

    And that manipulation is just disturbing. I'm going with the drag queen option here.

  6. VB, I envisioned you as the host looking mightily amused at the NB'ers comments, lol


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