Saturday, May 2, 2009


from earlier today...

Valleygurl80: so, did get attacked by the continuous pimping of Ed/Dreadlocks?
Cowgirlbiatch: it’s getting out of control, even you have to agree with me
Valleygurl80: I agree
Cowgirlbiatch: thank you

Valleygurl80: hehe
Cowgirlbiatch: I don’t appreciate it that you find it amusing

Valleygurl80: when they break it’ll be so much more glorious
Cowgirlbiatch: :D you’re SO right!

Valleygurl80: of course I am
Cowgirlbiatch: ok, let us move on to important things

Valleygurl80: three more FUCKING EPISODES!!
Cowgirlbiatch: YEAAHH!!!

Valleygurl80: I’m so excited! NB will burn, CB will be born
Cowgirlbiatch: it’s exciting times, my friends

Valleygurl80: and I love how creative our little hamsters are getting
Cowgirlbiatch: they are! They’ve moved past the OMFG, SO CUTE NAIR 4EVA

Valleygurl80: they have. They’re like the new us. Bitter and sarcastic
Cowgirlbiatch: but not as cute

Valleygurl80: never as cute
Cowgirlbiatch: cause we’re the coca-cola of this wanking business

Valleygurl80: I like Pepsi
Cowgirlbiatch: we can no longer be friends

Valleygurl80: why?
Cowgirlbiatch: that’s not american

Valleygurl80: speaking of patriotic, they’re apparently letting Lady Dreadlocks into the whitehouse thing
Cowgirlbiatch: fuck. Can you imagine all the extra security that she had to go through?

Valleygurl80: she had the men in black nervous
Cowgirlbiatch: totally, had to keep certain distance from the prez

Valleygurl80: hilarious
Cowgirlbiatch: for fear of you know, the swine flu

Valleygurl80: SWINE FLU!
Cowgirlbiatch: it’s more popular than us!

Valleygurl80: NOTHING is as popular as us
Cowgirlbiatch: we’re a bit self-centered

Valleygurl80: just a tiny bit
Cowgirlbiatch: so let us address this new list that came out!

Valleygurl80: OMFG, I LOVE the fucking list!!
Cowgirlbiatch: the list is great

Valleygurl80: we can nearly give them props
Cowgirlbiatch: calm down toto

Valleygurl80: fine, let us wank it instead!
Cowgirlbiatch: so this is titled: TYPICAL CHUCK/ED FANGIRLS

Valleygurl80: i guess this is not about me
Cowgirlbiatch: apparently not

Valleygurl80: this is all ABOUT YOU! You’re the new CHUCK!
Cowgirlbiatch: HELLZ YEAH!

Valleygurl80: LOL
Cowgirlbiatch: Ok. So they’ve gone and numbered it and all

Valleygurl80: they’re so cute
Cowgirlbiatch: I know, shut up and listen.

Valleygurl80: fine
Cowgirlbiatch: “1 - inability to accept that Chuck is not a LEAD”

Valleygurl80: and WHO is the lead? Mop with the mediocre storyline in the background?
Cowgirlbiatch: got wood?

Valleygurl80: and cloth
Cowgirlbiatch: then it’s good!

Valleygurl80: ok, what is number 2??
Cowgirlbiatch: ok, number 2. “Thinks that abuse and love are synonyms”

Valleygurl80: omg, we have things in common!
Cowgirlbiatch: I know!

Valleygurl80: because when you string someone along for months making them think you love them is totally emotional abuse!
Cowgirlbiatch: I know! Nair is like Chair!

Valleygurl80: only boring
Cowgirlbiatch: and without facial expressions

Valleygurl80: mystery solved!
Cowgirlbiatch: yay!!

Valleygurl80: give me more!
Cowgirlbiatch: feed me, Simore!

Valleygurl80: :D
Cowgirlbiatch: OK, “3. Thinks that purple suits are classic”

Valleygurl80: Seriously? This is a trait?
Cowgirlbiatch: apparently, let me double check

Valleygurl80: check on that
Cowgirlbiatch: yeah she typed it

Valleygurl80: holy fuck, they’ve gone off the deep end
Cowgirlbiatch: they’ve BEEN in the bottom of the deep end for some time

Valleygurl80: so does this mean that THEY think last year’s jcrew is a classic or are they just pissed cause Chuck rocks?
Cowgirlbiatch: it can be a combination

Valleygurl80: fair enough. Number 4!
Cowgirlbiatch: “4. Condones the guy sleeping around but if the girl even looks the other way she is a whore!”

Cowgirlbiatch: The Powder Ranger has!

Valleygurl80: HAHHAAAAA!!!
Cowgirlbiatch: I know, I love that fucking troll

Valleygurl80: she’s a Nairer
Cowgirlbiatch: I know. It’s sad.

Valleygurl80: I sense mutiny
Cowgirlbiatch: on the bounty?

Valleygurl80: no, in the party
Cowgirlbiatch: “5. Assumes that the death of a family member justifies any negative behavior”

Valleygurl80: let me get the link
Cowgirlbiatch: yes, get the link

Cowgirlbiatch: thank you

Valleygurl80: you’re welcomed!
Cowgirlbiatch: moving on from stupidity!

Valleygurl80: carry on, captain!
Cowgirlbiatch: “6. Justifies evil actions because said person is chuck bass”

Valleygurl80: I don’t get it
Cowgirlbiatch: I know

Valleygurl80: cause chuck is the anti-hero. He does bad things
Cowgirlbiatch: all the time

Valleygurl80: yeah
Cowgirlbiatch: confused

Valleygurl80: so are they
Cowgirlbiatch: “7. Thinks having a body that resembles the pillsbury doughboy is athletic”

Valleygurl80: …
Cowgirlbiatch: I know. They’ve totally confessed to being 13

Valleygurl80: they’re going to be in for some seriously RUDE awakening when they reach their late 20’s and 30’s
Cowgirlbiatch: I could sit and watch

Valleygurl80: with your hobocorn?
Cowgirlbiatch: totally

Valleygurl80: next!
Cowgirlbiatch: “8. thinks whispering and squinting will earn you emmys”

Valleygurl80: no…. but standing around perfecting the stages of confusion apparently will!
Cowgirlbiatch: at least a nod

Valleygurl80: a total nod
Cowgirlbiatch: “9. Has violent tendencies when confronted with logic”

Valleygurl80: we’re violent ALL the fucking time, I resent that
Cowgirlbiatch: this comes from the people who scream NB FTW!!!

Valleygurl80: I know, this list is just making them look bad
Cowgirlbiatch: no one proof read it

Valleygurl80: more more more
Cowgirlbiatch: “10. Justifies rape as a part of personal growth”

Valleygurl80: how did he grow, it happened in the pilot
Cowgirlbiatch: I know. I mean it if it had happened like in late S2 then maybe

Valleygurl80: I wonder, does fucking the best friend count as personal growth?
Cowgirlbiatch: apparently ANYTHING is personal growth!

Valleygurl80: that’s it?
Cowgirlbiatch: they only had ten

Valleygurl80: fuck… I liked this game
Cowgirlbiatch: it was good

Valleygurl80: I’ve got hate mail!
Cowgirlbiatch: YEAAAHHHH!!

Valleygurl80: I LOVE hate mail!
Cowgirlbiatch: HATEMAIL FTW!

Valleygurl80: Stop it, you’ll let out our violent tendencies
Cowgirlbiatch: sorry

Valleygurl80: be calm like Nair!Blair
Cowgirlbiatch: Ok. I’ll be Nair!Blair

Valleygurl80: good girl
Cowgirlbiatch: yes, master

Valleygurl80: ok. Check this one out: “You are immature, rude and overall horrible people! Grow up!”
Cowgirlbiatch: BUT! We pay taxes!

Valleygurl80: we certainly do!
Cowgirlbiatch: which is more than a lot of people can say

Valleygurl80: or afford
Cowgirlbiatch: lol… we promised no economy jokes

Valleygurl80: fine
Cowgirlbiatch: I’m so tired

Valleygurl80: me too
Cowgirlbiatch: it was the wine

Valleygurl80: wine sucks
Cowgirlbiatch: aye

Valleygurl80: you post, I’m outtie, I’m going to P-A-R-T-Y


  1. Have I... told you lately... that I love you? I'm here with my nice red wine and my really gross-sounding stewed onions and your convos make for a great read.

    I'm going to miss the Powder Ranger next season, but I'm sure that there will always be something to blog about. Anyway love you girls!

  2. Okay, I don't think this is in context but I'd really like you'll to do a reasons why CHAIR rock or something. It makes me feel so good :P
    Or you can do something like what you did with NAIR? Please!

  3. oh god thank you for wanking that list. I saw it on the youtube videos with -7 and I opened it and then sent it to you. so yeah. it burns. it was fairly creative though, perhaps some nair fangirl is mad that it'll be short lived. and yeah I get tired of people ragging on Chuck. he looks fine. these people are all probably fat or scared their boyfriend's fat or something, and they're so insecure about it, they're letting it out on chuck :P

  4. This is from an lj community: "chuckoff". They love bashing Chuck AND making fun of other people. Mature huh?

  5. Man, NB fans are starting to bore me. It's the same crap over and over again: Ed's appearance (lol, bitch please, he's probably better looking than the rest of you), rape (which he doesn't do), acting (which he can do unlike certain others), abuse (again, where?), blah blah blah. Come on, accuse him of killing your kitten or something!

    See, this is why I can't wish swine flu on them; where will my entertainment go?


  6. I know, I'm bored of it already! It's repetitious.

    Oh and Anon, 9:53? Good thing we post intelligent essays and petitions otherwise we may rename ourselves to "chuckon", dont you think?

  7. LMAO Nair shippers are lame. It's amusing they have to bash other people and characters to justify their pathetic blip.
    #5 is disgusting and so disrespectful.

  8. And some people call CB fans immature...Seriously more power to you guys for actually responding to Nair/Dair/Vuck fans & Chuck haters...they are all the same & their assiness & rudeness can literally kill brain cells.



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