Valleygurl80: hi
Cowgirlbiatch: hi
Valleygurl80: hey
Cowgirlbiatch: what’s going on?
Valleygurl80: :D
Cowgirlbiatch: :D
Valleygurl80: I cant sleep
Cowgirlbiatch: me neither
Valleygurl80: I love chair
Cowgirlbiatch: me too
Valleygurl80: like a lot
Cowgirlbiatch: like insane
Valleygurl80: yeah, like that
Cowgirlbiatch: she loves him so much it consumes her
Valleygurl80: :D :D :D
Cowgirlbiatch: the window moment
Valleygurl80: the silent goodbye
Cowgirlbiatch: the strip scene!
Valleygurl80: STRIP SCENE!
Cowgirlbiatch: you still there?
Valleygurl80: no, I’m too excited
Cowgirlbiatch: he ADORES her stockings
Valleygurl80: he does! God, he’s too perfectly imperfect
Cowgirlbiatch: I want to hug them both
Valleygurl80: now they have all summer
Cowgirlbiatch: no! the rest of their lives!
Valleygurl80: they’re so getting married in the show
Cowgirlbiatch: and have tiny little chuckies and blairies
Valleygurl80: chuckies & blairies!!!!!
Cowgirlbiatch: little tiny ones with bow ties and little headbands
Valleygurl80: stop it, I’m emotional enough as it is
Cowgirlbiatch: and queens can’t be emotional
Valleygurl80: they can’t! or we’ll end up like Boleyn
Cowgirlbiatch: poor Anne
Valleygurl80: fuck her, she got to fuck Rhys Meyers
Cowgirlbiatch: true. Skank.
Valleygurl80: back on target
Cowgirlbiatch: CHAIR!!!!!!!!!
Valleygurl80: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Cowgirlbiatch: I’m so not going to sleep now
Valleygurl80: im watching the vids over and over and over and over
Cowgirlbiatch: I get the point
Valleygurl80: I don’t want to see anymore. I’m afraid. I just want to end here. Happily ever after
Cowgirlbiatch: I KNOW!!!!!
Valleygurl80: GEORGIE???
Cowgirlbiatch: GEORGIE!!!!!!!
Valleygurl80: Love G
Cowgirlbiatch: G rocks!
Valleygurl80: u were so right, V was never going to go to college
Cowgirlbiatch: I told u
Valleygurl80: she’s too busy being… I don’t know what else to say about that because I’m all out of words
Cowgirlbiatch: we’ve already predicted that her character was inconsistent
Valleygurl80: yeah. Nothing else to say. We’ve said it all
Cowgirlbiatch: im ready for the summer to begin
Valleygurl80: me too
Cowgirlbiatch: fanfiction!!!
Valleygurl80: FANFICTION!!!!
Cowgirlbiatch: SO excited!
Valleygurl80: someone needs to hurry up and start writing, dammit!
Cowgirlbiatch: I know!
Valleygurl80: a one-shot or something I’m dying here!
Cowgirlbiatch: we may have to wait a few days for a good one
Valleygurl80: this sucks
Cowgirlbiatch: I know
Valleygurl80: I think we should go back and watch the videos again
Cowgirlbiatch: I agree
Valleygurl80: then we wank
Cowgirlbiatch: LOVE THE WANKINGS!
Valleygurl80: Wanking business is slow these days
Cowgirlbiatch: like revenge
Valleygurl80: it is! We’re totally channeling Inigo. Now that the wanking business is over. What do we do?
Cowgirlbiatch: become pirates?
Valleygurl80: PIRATES!!!!
Cowgirlbiatch: Pirates FTW
Valleygurl80: God, I’m going to miss the wankings
Cowgirlbiatch: me too, I love it when people are stupid
Valleygurl80: me more
Cowgirlbiatch: how about one last wank
Valleygurl80: for pity’s sake?
Cowgirlbiatch: for pity’s sake!
Valleygurl80: ok, let me grab one, sent in from a lovely viewer
Cowgirlbiatch: *kiss lovely viewer*
Valleygurl80: Ok. She sends: are you guys crazy or something? the perfect couple is nate and blair. chuck is ugly ya know. but i'm sad when i know that blair and nate cannot be together. nate perfect with blair, and blair look soooo perfect with nate beside her, the writer is stupid.
Cowgirlbiatch: Ok, I changed my mind. I’m GLAD the wankings are over because if I have to listen to stupid people post stupid shit like the cracked-up shit above I would start loosing IQ points. Like hard and fast
Valleygurl80: hard and fast
Cowgirlbiatch: HARD and FAST
Valleygurl80: I swear, people have no sense esp this little fucker
Cowgirlbiatch: sadness all around because I really think she’s 14
Valleygurl80: and her parents let this senseless child watch gossip girl
Cowgirlbiatch: I’m never having kids
Valleygurl80: hah!
Cowgirlbiatch: never
Valleygurl80: I love it that she thinks WE are the crazy ones
Cowgirlbiatch: yes, that’s my favorite part too
Cowgirlbiatch: That just gave me a headache
Valleygurl80: fuck, it gave me a headache too
Cowgirlbiatch: yeah. Glad the crazies have been round up once more
Valleygurl80: someone throw away the fucking key!
Cowgirlbiatch: how about some hate mail?
Valleygurl80: oh I have LOADS!
Cowgirlbiatch: how many? lol
Valleygurl80: like 15 or something this time
Cowgirlbiatch: :D
Valleygurl80: :D
Cowgirlbiatch: any good ones?
Valleygurl80: I love this one!
Cowgirlbiatch: show!
Valleygurl80: this is more ‘confusing-mail’ more than ‘hate-mail’ - “I go to your site everyday but stop the Jessica hate but I love you guys, rock on!”
Cowgirlbiatch: I’m so fucking natefused
Valleygurl80: oh, so is she
Cowgirlbiatch: I feel like she wants to start a Nair-like relationship with us
Valleygurl80: yes!
Cowgirlbiatch: like, ‘I like PARTS of you. Not all. Hide the bitchy side. CHANGE that.’
Valleygurl80: OMFG! Total Nair-shipping us!
Valleygurl80: UGH. I got momentarily sick
Cowgirlbiatch: me too
Valleygurl80: diet coke
Cowgirlbiatch: diet coke
Valleygurl80: watch finale video
Cowgirlbiatch: watching…
Valleygurl80: you know what I just LOVE about all of this?
Cowgirlbiatch: the ship swimmers?
Valleygurl80: yes! The ones that jumped and are now swimming back to the boat asking for a line
Cowgirlbiatch: fuck the line!
Valleygurl80: fuck it! Let them drown, fuckers
Cowgirlbiatch: you’re such a sadist
Valleygurl80: at times
Cowgirlbiatch: I wonder what the Great Attention Whore is doing lately?
Valleygurl80: I don’t know.. maybe trying to get attention?
Cowgirlbiatch: yeah. That would be in character
Valleygurl80: can we talk for a moment how the writers totally read our blog???
Cowgirlbiatch: THEY DO!!!
Valleygurl80: they called the Hobo ‘dreads of dumbo’ (of was it gumbo?? Who the fuck cares?)!’
Cowgirlbiatch: LADY DREADLOCKS!!!!
Valleygurl80: they love us
Cowgirlbiatch: I want her off the show so bad
Valleygurl80: apparently she’s standing right there
Cowgirlbiatch: ugh, dreads
Valleygurl80: but let’s keep the episode comments until tonight
Cowgirlbiatch: yes! For the cohesive ranting and praising
Valleygurl80: im so excited!
Cowgirlbiatch: now we have to wait FOREVER for new episodes
Valleygurl80: fuck I’m depressed
While I am 100% the writers do read your blog, I'm pretty sure they called Hobo the "dregs of dumbo"- which would make more sense, and yet still not make sense at all because there is no way V has enough money to live in DUMBO.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is a new interview with J Sore that might make you cry inside, if you want to check it out:
She says there will probably still be a lot of drama for NV in college... UGH. WHY?
why do you have to mess with my flow??
ReplyDeletelet her and N have scenes together just less time I will have to fastforward through the eppies!! i would prefer her to not be on the show altogether But if we are forced to endure the crapiness at least double it up with other crappy sl's so there is more time for CB!!! squee!!