Monday, May 11, 2009

true LOVE vs Natwhorism

So you see, this is when I die before my TV and just spasm uncontrollably. Yup. That's me. There. On the floor.Dont worry. I'm happy.

For fuck's sake if she has to ask him ONE MORE TIME I will personally enter my TV, choke him and then lock them in a closet together.

Now, for fuck's sake bring on the Sneak Peaks and Sunday and Monday and JUST GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!

And now for the spoiler:

Lindsey in Boston: Anything you can share about the Gossip Girl finale?
You know how we saw those Gossip Girl set photos where Blair kissed both Chuck and Nate on the street? One of them was a total fake-out. Teehee! In other finale news, Little J comes into her own (and there's a nice rapprochement between her and Blair), Gossip Girl calls Nate a whore, you won't realize Lily-Rufus spawn is already there until the very last minute and there's a hint that several familiar background faces might become recurring or even regular characters in season three. (We'll tell you more about the realistic prospects for those recurrences after you've all seen the finale on May 18.)

I cannot tell you how SHOCKED I am that the Nair kiss is fake. I mean. Just SHOCKED. But what really makes me just LOVE this is that FINALLY someone calls Nate a whore and it's said by the only person that matters!! I propose a new name: Natwhore; a male seriously lacking in facial expression that continues to seduce unsuspecting women with his badly combed nappy bangs, remains confused through the duration of the relationship and cunt-skips from woman to woman. Natwhore.


  1. Nathore; use it in a sentence today.

    "My friend became a total natwhore when he left one girl for another we still dont know why they're dating but apparently he's still in character."

    "Young good looking men often become natwhores in their late teen; this is a common symptom amongst American males."

  2. i saw the promo and nearly died of happiness. that scene at 0.17!!! i'm willing to give up a whole week of my life and never have it back but DAMNIT I WANT NEXT MONDAY RIGHT NOW!!!

  3. I hope the finale is much better than that piece of shit episode I saw last. WTF WAS THAT. I'm tired of the previews having everything that happens on the show because it seems that if you see the preview little trailer thing you've already seen the whole episode because they keep dragging shit. Where's whoregina and Poppy or whatever, FOR REAL WHERE DID LILY FUCKING COME IN? AND HER MOTHER. Couldn't they leave it for later?! Oh god I cringed the whole episode it was so bad, never been so bad at GG before and now I understand you mean.

    Sorry, had to rant.

  4. Next week. The madness is behind me and I want Monday. Now...right there with you choco-dreamer.

  5. gasp baby, the nair kiss is fake? say it aint so! Personally SO SHOCKED GASP! *rolleyes* xD

    eh, finally a promo worth gushing over.

    it only took them, oh say 10 fucking episodes to make it right. geezus.

    xD so fail!


    new word to be added into the douchebag series dictionary.

  6. I actually use to know someone who was a Natwhore... Now I can laugh about it.

    I was sitting still while the preview was playing, To say I was excited was an understatement. OMG they're are so gonna makes us wait the last five minutes of GG for the ILY scene, but it'll totally be worth it. That's i keep thinking about.

    So off topic: Can I just say that Jenny needs friends of her own age, I mean other than Eric and Jonathan. Give her a plot.

  7. Natwhore xD It's in my vocabulary, bitch!

    If only GG gave out awards. I know who would get 'The World's Worst Best Friend AND Biggest Douche Of The Universe' one.

  8. I just love being called dellusional by Nairers for saying the Nair kiss pics were fake. Who's dellusional now babies?

  9. Don't worry bb, they were always delusional

  10. One of the worst episodes ever.... Although they have been basic shit since 2.15 anyway. I still cannot believe they used the prom episode as the flashback episode. Worst decision ever. Kind of like how B's birthday this year was completely overlooked were as in season one it was a huge event. If they wait until the end of 2.25 to bring Chair together I am going to be royally pissed. I want to see them together for more than 1 minute for fucks sake.

  11. Nelly Yuki spazmic dancing lol.

    She is dancing for Chair!

  12. The image of you fitting but happy on the floor just made my day XD LOL!


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