Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vintage CHAIR!

If you love Chair then you will LOVE these. Per your request to the Nairy-like relationships we've compiled a few Chair-like ships. If you're not familiar with the films it's a good thing to enjoy during the Summer break :) I decided to do two batches. This one, which is Vintage Chair-like couples and then a more modern view of Chair later on.

Now, I am a firm believer that NOTHING is like Chair but a few comparisons are always amusing.

The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)

One of my absolute favorites. Sir Charles (heh) Litton is a retired jewel thief, his wife Claudine knows very well of his activities. Through the film Charles spends the movie attempting to find out who is pretending to be him (in a heist) but all along it was her who stole it. The best scene is without doubt the end when he rolls the breakfast cart to her hotel room, pays off the waiter, and surprises her in bed. To then reveal that it was SHE who stole the diamond all along. Both are so much alike, both love their little games. She stole the diamond because she realized he was bored and he appreciated it, which was adorable. Their little back and forth especially in that last scenes is very Chair-like. Especially when she admits to stealing the diamond and he looks at her with such admiration, reminds me a lot of our own Charles and Blair. To be honest Ed would make a wonderfully Sir Charles Litton and Leighton would be superb as Claudine. Both are conniving, both love one another very much, both love the game, love the high life and love playing Inspector Clouseau. If you have Netflix, they have the movie in 'view now' :)

Two for the Road (1967)

In Two for the Road it's almost like going back and forth in time. The good times in their relationship and the bad times and at the end the one thing that binds them together like glue is that they love one another more than they love anything else. There are so many Chair similarities between Joanna and Mark but the two favorites are when they're driving after a party one night and he asks her what would she do if he didn't exist and she replies that she would've married David (the Nate) and he's upset by it to which she retorts that he's in her life and there will never be another like him for her. She starts nibbling on his ear and he gives her a side looks JUST LIKE the one Chuck gives Blair in 1.17 when he says 'lets get the bitch'. They then proceed to have sex in the car :D Then the final scene of the film, it's years later and they've nearly reached divorce status a few times but they keep finding their way back to one another. They're driving through Europe and they talk about how they've changed, how they've grown up and maybe that's why they keep fighting because neither wants to admit that they've grown up. They reach a country border and he realizes he can't find his passport. He freaks and starts searching the trunk while she, cool as a cucumber, pulls it out of her purse and pins it on the steering wheel. He comes back and is still frantically looking for it when he spots it and he smirks at her. He kisses her and says 'bitch' and she smiles back at him and says 'bastard'. And thus it end. Chair in the making. One of the scenes.

Cleopatra (1963)

If you've read some articles that have compared Ed and Leighton as the new Taylor and Burton then this is the movie they're referring to. If you've never watched it, do it. Because you're missing out on one of the most spectacular on-screen chemistry ever captured on film. Cleopatra, being a Queen in her own right, knows this and she's politically wise, uses herself to do what she has to do to maintain her throne. She's smart, sexy, manipulative and very much a woman who will fall in love. To me, the film gets interesting once it's time for Antony to step in. She's the widow of his once good friend, Caesar, and at first he helps her escape Rome. He becomes one of the triumvirates of Rome and the scene that just captures the power struggle between the two is when he arrives back in Egypt, after they've had a n affair and she makes him kneel before her. The tension and the amazing acting from both Taylor and Burton is very reminiscence of the chemistry Ed and Leigthon have. "You Will Kneel" and "Never Be Free of You"

The Philadelphia Story (1940)

This films starts off with Dexter and Tracy getting a divorce. Both are Philadelphia socialites, both love one another but their back and forth games and plotting end their marriage. Years later Tracy is about to get married and Dexter, without anyone knowing it, forms an extensive plot to get his wife back. Through a few hours he manages to run off the groom, let her think she's fallen for a poor poet only to turn around and marry him once more. I love that when he confronts her with her flaws she fights them yet she ends up repeating his words at later time. I also love how he almost has nothing to do with the plot but is always hanging out in the background throwing in smart-ass comments to make the viewer believe that Tracy and Mike is the main love story until the end when you realize that they're both very much in love with one another and that even though she realizes he plotted the whole thing she still loves the bastard. "You had more to do with this than anyone else. // Possibly, but you were a great help."

Sabrina (1954)

There's a few versions of this, my personal favorite is the Audrey and Humphrey one and I think Blair would agree ;) Linus and David are two brothers who both fall in love with the same girl, Sabrina and this film really captures the Nate/Blair/Chuck dynamic. Especially this new triangle we're seeing when Nate finally really wants Blair, the same thing happens with David when he finally wants Sabrina. You see, David never really wanted Sabrina while she always wanted him. Linus, afraid of what this will mean for the business, makes a plot to keep Sabrina entertained and away from David but while his plot is being plotted they end up falling for one another. My favorite is that in the end David, realizing that his brother is in love with Sabrina makes his brother fight for Sabrina before the entire board of directors, this spurts Linus to run after his Sabrina and confess his love. Very NBC. Sabrina realizes it was a ploy and David realizes Linus is in love with Sabrina. & The Final Scene

The Thomas Crown Affair (1968 & 1999)

I dont know why Vicki was renamed to Catherine in the remake, I personally loved them both because the concept and their personalities are very much the same as is the plot. Basically Thomas Crown is a billionaire with too much time and money in his hands. In the originally he steals from the Bank of Geneva and in the remake he steals a painting for some fun. Vicki/Catherine is sent in to retrieve the money/painting and she does so by seduction. The awesome thing is that Thomas knows all about what she's doing the entire time because she blatantly tells him she's investigating him. I have a few favorites in both films. In the original, hands down Chess as foreplay (King & Queen??) & the 1-minute kiss takes the cake. In the remake is the final few minutes of the film when he returns the painting, avoids being arrested and makes her realize that he really does love her all the while 'Sinnerman' plays in the background. That and the plane scene "I'm going to break both your legs".

Star Wars Trilogy (1970's & 1980's)

She was a haughty Princess, commanding the rebel forces, she was the scoundrel captain of his own ship that answered to no one and really didn't care for the greater good of humanity. The three things he cares about in life is Chewy, his ship and money. Sounds familiar? Their banter starts right away as Luke stands by like an idiot - a lot like Nate as Han and Leia jump right to the wrong foot. As the movies progress you see them shift from fighting all the time, to admiration for one another, to denying their feelings (esp on her side) so finally admitting love for one another. The scene that is most resonating of Chair is when Leia tells him that she loves him - to which he answers 'I know' with a slightly cocky grin. Their chemistry sizzles and they're well written to boot. Some of their best moments.

Gone with the Wind (1939)

I think any fan of Chair can agree that the dynamic between Rhett and Scarlett has Chair written all over it. Why, you may ask if you've never seen it. Mostly because Rhett and Scarlett are the same people in two bodies. Both ruthless, shrewd and self-interested. Yet once they begin falling in love with one another it changes a lot. I for one, believe the GWTW comparison only pertains for Chuck/Blair episodes 1.01-1/13. It ends after Chuck tells her he doesn't want her anymore because that's where the movie ends. Chair goes off into their own story. But for those episodes, Rhett's ardent pursuit of Scarlett, her stubborn resistance, their bickering, their kisses, their fights, his jealousy and her sudden realization that he's the one she wants all too late is very reminiscent of Chuck/Blair. The show has even gone as far as to make Chuck state the last line of the film. "Tomorrow is another day" which are Scarlett's last words on her determination to get Rhett back. Some favorite scenes:
You Need Kissing Badly
I dont give a damn
Kiss a woman right enough and she'll agree to marry you
The first conversation (after he eye-raped her on the stairs - lol)
Rhett gets drunk and the infamous stairs scene (she happened to like it, though)

I'm putting together the list for the modern ones - 1980 and current that remind you of Chair so feel free to give me some opinions. Any other 'vintage' ones that we should check out?


  1. VB, forget Leighton (all hail the queen) and marry me, or at least lets have an open relationship...

  2. open relationship sounds like a plan!

  3. This is genious! I'm so happy for the "Two for the road" reference, I believed I was the only one comparing those two to Chuck and Blair! I trully believe that Chair deserve their own show! Ok, GG is entertaining and funny at times but these two could capture huge audiences if they were a couple on a different, more sophisticated and well written show and on a major network as well!

  4. Umm, only my favorite movie EVER, "It Happened One Night!" She's a sassy spoiled little rich girl about to marry this bland superdouche but she falls in love with the brash sarcastic reporter.

  5. Never seen it but now it's def on our to view list. Let me add it to my nexflix as we speak :D

  6. "The Thin Man," Nick and Nora Charles

  7. Yay! And I mean, come on, Clark Gable is in it. Worth it just for that.

  8. Ah yes, Anon 8:23, Nick & Nora are so Chuck & Blair in their witty communications!

    I love the list! Can't wait for more!

  9. Oh It Happened One Night, def a must see. And loved seeing two of my faves there Dex/Tracy & Han/Leia.


    "Umm, only my favorite movie EVER, "It Happened One Night!" She's a sassy spoiled little rich girl about to marry this bland superdouche but she falls in love with the brash sarcastic reporter."
    AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! (also my fav movie ever!)

    * Love with the proper stranger (Rocky & Angie)
    * Wuthering Heights, 1992
    * Breakfast Club (Claire & John)
    * Reality Bites (Lelaina & Troy)
    * Much Ado about Nothing (Beatrice & Benedict)
    * 10 things i hate about you (Kat & Patrick)

  11. BTW, "A room with a view" it's a perfect example of a Nair relationship (Lucy & Cecil)

  12. I love you guys this is great I absolutely loved that you included the Rhett/Scarlett reference, that's why I fell in love with chair they remind me of them.

  13. Oh yes...Beatrice and Benedict. Definitely C/B, the back and forth banter and UST. The scheming and set up. Resisting being in love and then finally admitting the truth to themselves and one another.

    Another of my favorites His Girl Friday. Yes another one with Cary Grant, but it's good. Rosalind Russell was amazing in this one as well. Hildy/Walter. Exes, he's her editor and she's his star reporter and he's tricking and scheming trying to get her to give up her dreams of having a 'normal' life.

  14. Thank you for the list... because of it I went and rented "Two For The Road" and loved it... now that's how you write a complicated love story after a couple gets together. I hope the writers rent it for some ideas.

    And yes... I really needed a diversion from doing actual school work. Not.


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