This episode deserved this detailed breakdown because we loved it THAT much. THAT much. So, are you ready for our own version of the round table? Let's hit it! Ten questions you wanted answered, you're welcomed to post your own answers :D
1. Favorite friendship moment
Cowgirl: NJBC, I mean Nate stood around confused and stated the obvious but we FINALLY (after episodes and episodes) get a few episodes of NJBC. They were adorable on the stairs because I can see them as little kids plotting away as the adults had their dinner parties below. Specifically Nate/Serena it was awesome to see them acting as the friends they claim to be yet we never see it.
Inca: I'm a fan of Blair/Jenny. I really am. I never though I would say this because I was rather indifferent towards her (Jenny) last season but Blair's line of "you're my Queen" made me fall in love with BJ as friends. Queens stick together.
2. LEAST favorite friendship moment
Cowgirl: Nate/Chuck. First of all. What the fuck was that? Second of all. What the fuck was that? You EXPECT me to believe that this is how it is? Like the boys are now OK with one another now that Nair is no longer together? What bullshit!
Inca: Nate/Chuck. Nate just needs to admit he loves Chuck in the Top Gun type of way and get it over with because really!
3. Scene that nearly made you crash your TV
Cowgirl: Anything involving Vanessa but the NV patch-up of floating motherfucking bullshit took the cake. I first hated Vanessa because she's useless. Now she's indifferent too? I would've kicked that man to the curve. All the way to San Francisco. He needs to learn! He tells her he feels bad because of the way he treated her and she says 'that's ok?' Bitch, what is WRONG with you?? She's stupid and apparently they need a reason to keep her on the show so they 'patched' her back up with Nate. Stupid. That is SO not what the supposed fierce Vanessa from the hood would've done in early Season 1. She would've had more balls than that. Reason #466453222457 to write her off!
Inca: I knew you were going to choose NV so I have one of my own. LACK OF GEORGINA IS FAIL!!!! That was a fucking cameo, man! C'mon! I was so upset that we had to sit through that flashback instead of more G but they BETTER bring her back next season or I'll shit bricks.
4. Scene that nearly made you hug your TV
Cowgirl: My Blair!!!!!! "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT CONSUMES ME!" and then she's crying and I'm crying with her and it's a mess and I held her and my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy but it's ok. Because my Blair needed a hug!
Inca: ... bitch. You stole mine! Ok. Fine. Blair nervously going to Chuck to try to tell him that Nair was as over like neon-colored purses. And she was nervous and he thought she was still taken and they made me melt with their little exchange. "I'm so happy to be graduating!" AWWW!!! And then the window of angst moment?? I try not to swoon because you know, I'm in my late 20's but I couldn't fucking help it, dammit!
5. Scene you will watch over and over
Cowgirl: Seduction scene hands down. I mean... WOW. The coat, the headband, the stockings, the slip HOLY SHIT! We're so re-enacting that scene my baby and me.
Inca: You are... you know what? Next time I go first! Whatever. The finale. Obviously. "I love you too", "I love you twice, three, I love you four..." I mean... it was an ending to a perfect romantic film. LOVED it!
6. Non-Chair Scene of Love
Cowgirl: SERENATE!! They talked more this episode than they have all season, usually for Gossip Girl this is basis for a stable relationship so let us see where it goes. Quite honestly I still believe they will hit Serenate next season. Nate's going to leave Vanessa AGAIN so she can sleep with yet another male character. It'll be in character. I think she's going to go with the new bro next season. Who wants to bet?
Inca: Blair/Eleanor hands down. LOVED their scene we hardly get to see them together and it was SO refreshing and I love that Eleanor knows all about Chuck. Now can I get that family dinner next season? Because that would be dream #445,634.
7. Nelly Yuki and Dan?
Cowgirl: I SO ship that! I'm there, count me in. I'm a Daki fan. Totally!
Inca: I knew they weren't going to go Georgina/Dan I just knew it. It was an awesome surprise but what was most priceless was Nate's natefused face at the 'ignored all of us'. He's still didn't get it and apparently his natefusion is contagious as Dan is also going WTF?? CLASSIC!
8. Storyline you couldn't care less about
Cowgirl: Apparently there was Rufly in this episode, right? Humm... didn't see it. "LILY, LILY! WE'RE MOVING IN TOGETHER, LILY, LILY!" man, are the puppets here yet?
Inca: Look. I've said this a million times. Vanessa is still in the show. Vanessa. AKA. Loose canon. Nuff said.
9. We were SO on point moment
Cowgirl: NV who should've been an NO reared it's ugly and we're supposed to be OK with it. How about NO? Does no work for you, writers?
Inca: The very apparent dragging of Chuck's I love you.. It was blatant. I found myself saying 'no, he wont say it yet. it's not the end of the episode'. Because really... he ran out of reasons except that it wasn't on the script.
10. Random WTF moment
Cowgirl: It's a toss up between Vanessa is part of GG's blasts, her attending TWO parties of a school she doesn't belong to (and coincidentally HATES everyone there) or you know the whole NV thing that will bother me for months. MONTHS.
Inca: JONATHAN!! We knew you existed we just never see you. Or your boyfriend. This is nice! Who are you again? Apparently NOT Gossip Girl.
Bonus Question: How will S3 begin?
Cowgirl: Chuck and Blair need to have sex. I mean. I know nuns that have more sex than these two together. They've fucked all of Manhattan except each other this season and this is very troublesome.
Inca: Georgie having a wet dream of a magical threesome between Chuck/Blair/Herself as Nate watches on confused. Because he can't stop staring at Chuck.
Bonus Question #2: Favorite Natefused Moment
Cowgirl: Nathaniel Archibald you astute fox, you! Yes! Gossip Girl MUST be a Senior like us! He's so smart, my pretty boy. So very smart! Someone give him a cookie. Good boy. Now go to your corner with V.
Inca: Hands down when Blair and Jenny walk into the bar. "THEY'RE A TEAM!" .... I had to pause my TV because I'm pretty sure I was hallucinating things. He can't be THAT stupid! He can't. But apparently he is. Because I rewound and he did say it! What a fuckard! I'll never stop laughing over that. I can just see his little wheels thinking "i kissed both of them! i've fucked Gossip Girl! How did I not notice? Did I miss something? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE??" Point him to the padded room someone, have mercy on his simple soul.
Reason #1 why we STILL love Ausiello. Because he's a true Chair fan and bitches? He's RUBS it in your face! From his Twitter:
What are you waiting for?! Go download the song! Here it is again: "Season of Love" by Shiny Toy Guns!
16 minutes ago from web
'Gossip Girl' spoiler alert: Here's info you'll be searching for when tonight's ep ends: Band is Shiny Toy Guns. Song is "Season of Love"
about 1 hour ago from web
Lots of people are complaining that Chuck's ILY scene wasn't good enough for them, but, I beg to differ. It was definitely proof of how C and B has matured throughout the whole season and how the writers made that contrast with 2.01 3 words 8 letters scene that was super angsty. They wanted to make it "a happy ending", something they wanted CB to have after all the trials. C and B pushed aside all the hurt and anger and opened up more than ever (C's part). This epi was love
ReplyDeleteThanks for the song! I was looking for the name, lol
ReplyDeleteNot good enough wtf...whatever man...this ep was definitely love as you say and if someone didn't like it...then they honestly cannot be helped *shrug*
ReplyDeleteAnd yay...roundtable KAG-style. Of course I love it :D
ReplyDeleteFavorite friendship moment
-Hmm, I'm torn because I fell in love with that BJ line "you're my queen" and it was Daredevil all over again...but gotta go with NJBC...this is what we've been missing and will hopefully get more of..esp with GG following them to school.
And you guys saw Vanessa? Where..that person is not allowed on my screen ;)
Scene that nearly made you hug your TV?
Queen B of course. More than once...when she poured her heart out again and just knew it wasn't enough...telling him words of love and he gently pulled her hands from his face (think that's how it went...hmm guess I'll just have to watch it yet again...hehe)
Scene you will watch over and over?
Well you two are just mean and I refused to be pressured...I love them both for very very different reasons and by both I mean the adorable and superHot striptease (and thigh grabbing...he loves her thighs *grin*) and the IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouthat'sthreeIloveyoufour...they were so friggin happy...season 3 and CB coupledom here we come.
Non-Chair Scene of Love?
Love the B/Eleanor scene in the mirror. That relationship has grown so much. No criticisms or judgements. E just wants her baby to be happy and she knows C can make it happen. She helped B get dressed for that seductive striptease hehe...and Cyrus so ratted B out. Wish we could've seen that conversaton.
Random WTF moment...NY has a crush on Dan? Really? Well, crud I was hoping for Georgie..and there's always S3...she is going to NYU with Dan and Blair. hahahahaha
And ofcourse we weren't getting the ILY right off that wouldn't been too out of left field and too much like right.
Bonus Question #2: Favorite Natefused Moment
Aw Natie...so many moments...I love his line...they're a team hahahahaha. Oh god. Can't believe he went and confessed his whoredom to his grandfather...that GG Blast really blew his mind.
Ausi is the man *kisses*
Emma...yay glad to see her back. Looking forward to what trouble she/Jenny/Eric/Jonathan could get into and Rufly felt like a waste of time to me I'm sorry. Excellent ep. Watched it four times around and half-way through #5 :D
Loved all the CB scenes though one of my faves was the adorably awkward one in the courtyard at grad.... it was soooo cute
ReplyDeleteloved the angsty window gaze!!!!
I have come to the the conclusion that i have a love/hate relationship with Nate... i hated him eps 220-224 but this ep he was Hilarios heheh especially when he said "oh Wait they`re a team" about J/B i dont know why it just made me laugh lol also eff those peeps who did not like the ep...
Girls, I am SO FUCKING EXCITED for season three now.
ReplyDeleteThe Chuck and Blair scenes were perfect, the episode felt like it went by so fast and I just wanted more, MORE, MORE! I was crying like a baby when Blair said she loved him... and my roommate and I squeeeeeed uncontrollably and hugged each other when Chuck said it back. It was perfect. It was BEYOND perfect.
And the gods answered my prayers for Georgie to stay, and we finally get to find out what happened to Serena's dad, and I'm SO EXCITED!!
On the contrary, the scene that i will watch over and over would be the 'tell me you love me' scene rather than the ending. The way she's cupping his face and Chuck's sad sad sad brown eyes and Blair's quivering lips. Perfection! And my inner fangirl tells me that that type of angst cannot be drawn out of acting alone. (but as if we don't know that EL are secretly in wuv with each other. =DDD)
ReplyDeleteI loved it because it took them back to the first time when Blair said ILY outside the limo when Chuck should have said 'I love you too'. The symmetry! YESSSSS. Although I have to admit that at first I thought the song was too much but now I am playing it over and over again and swooning.
ReplyDeleteI also LOVED the scene where Blair ran up to Chuck and tapped him on the shoulder. However I HATED the Nate/Chuck scene and found it hard to believe that Chuck would not have realised they had broken up. Chuck knows EVERYTHING.
Also I loved the look on Blair's face where she's all, 'that's it?'. And I also loved Dan's line about Chuck being a close-talker. Because he so is!