Thursday, March 26, 2009

why writers should not SMOKE and write

It was a nice Thursday morning, wasn't it, baby girl? It was swell. Before we saw this FUCKING SHIT. Because let's be honest - it's a big pile of Kool-Aid flavored bull shit.

We are of the not pleased variety. If you're that person who is excited about this let us take this opportunity and kindly ask you to fuck your selves. Ok? Fabby! Now, we decided to do a few things. One we are not watching Monday's episode which is like a first for us - no more late phone conversations on Sunday nights as we devour the Canadian review and snuggle happily in our beds to sleep dreaming of Chuck/Blair doing it horizontal on two thousand dollar sheets. Nope. Not for us.

Monday is not happening. Is Monday happening in your country? Monday is being BANNED from American television. We're dreaming of fucking House that night.

Since EVERYONE is hooking up with everyone - here is a few pairings that have not yet been touched on that would make from GREAT Kool-Aid inspired entertainment and will also piss the shit out of the fandom.
  • Lily/Nate (c'mon! he's got no one else to move on to!)
  • Chuck/Serena (incest is the new insecticide!)
  • Dan/Blair (dare to be stupid, it worked on the O.C. hence y it got canceled!)
  • Jenny/Eric (because he can go BOTH ways - OMFG!)
  • Jack/Blair (didn't they already? Oh, maybe it was more GG FUCKERY?)
  • Serena/Blair (u know u love them, bitches, accept it!)
  • Rufus/Vanessa (a couple that grinds coffee together...)
  • Nate/Dan (N will be confused, D will judge his confusion - WIN!)
  • Chuck/Nate (because u know they already did it!)
On that note. Can we post the LADY DREADLOCK/V -Hate post ALREADY?? I feel a need to be pissed at the world and its KOOL-AID inspired colors!


  1. House is fun! I might watch House but I have a 'fuck you, GG' party to go to - wanna come?

    As for new ships I'm all for Vanessa/Georgina. Have we thought about this one? ;)

  2. Yeah so

    We are of the not pleased variety. If you're that person who is excited about this let us take this opportunity and kindly ask you to fuck your selves. Ok?

    LOL AND WIN TO THAT AHHAHAHA Whoever who thinks this is OK AND GOOD TV should really fuck themselves.

    this is sad, i want to watch it (in canada, sundays) and film it and put it up on my youtube channel, and tell people THIS IS A MASSACRE OF AN EPISODE DO NOT WATCH ON MONDAY. A BIG FUCK YOU GG!

    but ugh.... if i have to succumb to shyttiness.... i think the fandom has to weather this alone without my vids.


  3. By the end of the series, everyone will have slept with everyone.

    What's up with this shit????

    What the hell are they smoking and how do they think those SLs are interesting? FUCK!!!

    They gave me one more reason to not watch Monday night. Next thing you know, CBNV will have a foursome in the next episode.

    Where the hell did these writers go.


    I don't care that you're bringing CB back, I'm happy for it but what about in between, you're losing all of your viewers.

    Good work
    and in case the writers didn't get that, it was sarcastic

  4. Those assholes at GG are so busy trying to fuck with the minds of these poor teens hopelessly addicted to the show they haven't noticed that we have all begun a GG detox program. Please, I used to love this show (only for Blair and Chuck/doing horizontal on 2,000 sheets FTMFW!) I have already completed mine, and am ready to kick some Schwartz and Savage ASS! HOUSE WILL KICK YOUR ASSES AND THE ONLY VIEWERS YOU WILL EVER HAVE ARE THOSE STUPID, PATHETIC, AND TOTALLY DELUSIONAL NB SHIPPERS, THAT'S LIKE THREE VIEWERS YOU FUCKERS! I HOPE MEESTER AND WESTWICK LEAVE THIS SHIT SHOW AND GET SOME MATERIAL ACTUALLY WORTHY OF THEIR TALENT AND HOTNESS WHILE THE WRITERS TRY TO GET LAID FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR WHOLE GOD FORESAKEN LIVES CUS WHO WANTS TO FUCK A TALENTLESS BITCH STRUNG OUT ON KOOL-AID?!

  5. This is fine fine work you do. Indeed, Monday is not happening in America.

    Do we get more V hate posts? Please?!

  6. loved it... cv ewwwwwwwwwwwww no way i'm watching on monday... cv and nb in one episode? EPIC FAIL... cant wait to see the ratings dropping



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