Wednesday, March 25, 2009

invasion of the BLOG snatchers!!

So someone sends us this link. WHEN YOU KNOW WE'RE FUCKED. And we've come to the realization that it's quite possible that the writers of this ridiculous show we're sickeningly addicted to dont know their heads from their asses.

There are some tell-tale signs of this menstrual fuckery. One. You have to post a blog to pimp up the storyline that 90% viewers HATE (I'm ignoring you, you multi-shippers, we HATES YOU) and two the person you send to write this liquid crap doesn't know what the HELL they're doing. Henceforth we might be very well be fucked. And fucked in the way Lloyd likes to be fucked.

Let us explain something to these turtle heads over at the fine CW network. WE DONT LIKE NATE/BLAIR. Never have. Never will. Congratulations, you're ALSO drinking the KOOL-AID! Thank you. Have yourself a fucking fantastic day!


Now. Who votes for Nate to be gay next season?? Breathe if you agree.

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