Monday, March 30, 2009

take the CAPE, leave the boots

This is a post to recognize the gallantry of those of you who are still out there posting sane comments and showing your love. Time to applaud you, strong soldiers. Carry on!

Vanessa has no storyline whatsoever. Her only job is to pop in at just the right time to sabotage everyone else's relationships, good or bad. Her excuse? "Oh, I'm filming a documentary!" Yeah, that was believable. The first hundred times it was mentioned.

ME: You tell them, baby girl!


Blair, Nate, Chuck and Vanessa were all out of character, Serena was selfish for taking over Jenny's party (hello, she clearly didn't want that kind of party!) and Jenny was actually ok. I'm proud that she got revenge on Serena, because she deserved it. Eric was, of course, awesome, and Dan was really cool too. But seriously, what the heck was with the N/B/C/V plotline? For the C/V scenes, I didn't see them as C/V, I saw them as Ed/Jess. Seriously. I couldn't even comprehend out OOC Chuck and Vanessa were.

ME: THANK YOU! You tell them!


Chuck and Vanessa on the other hand...I'm sorry, Cherry, but I completely disagree. I think Vanessa is quite unattractive, both inside and out.

ME: *happy grin* (I'll ignore your NB comment, be thankful, but I have my eye on you)


Vanessa was formerly the worst thing to ever happen to the show. Now the Chuck/Vanessa pairing is the worst thing. Visual vomit, destroyed characters and just an awful episode.

ME: *raises toast*


what the hell is wrong with the writers seems everything is screwed upthis episode sucked i actually thought things were getting better after last week's episode but i was wrong the characters were all wrong they've basically ruined chair for me ugh this show is in a real slump imo

ME: Agree


If the writers have a story they're trying to tell, right now I'm not seeing it, which is why I'm incredibly disappointed and not watching. If they pull everything together somehow, they'll have me back as a fan, and I'll apologize for ever saying anything remotely bad about them. Everyone's entitled to a few mistakes, but I've been appalled at the stories of late.

ME: I'm not sorry, you shouldn't be either. HIGH FIVE!


I'm not a Chair fan. I am a Vanessa hater.



I think Jessica's gorgeous and seems like an awesome girl, but they really need to either get rid of her character or give her something to do besides hook up with UES boys. I feel bad for JS, but Vanessa is pointless. If she and Nate have nothing in common, then she and Chuck have even less. And I don't want the writers to try and sell me on the "Vanessa is the new Blair Waldorf! She's totally like Chuck!" angle. No. Just no. Get her away from Chuck, please. I never want to see a relationship between these two. Ever. And I fear that's where they are trying to go, maybe not right now, but in the future, and I refuse to follow. I don't even want them to have a close friendship. The Chuck Bass I know would always think someone like Vanessa was beneath him. He might have a grudging respect for her and feel slightly friendly towards her, but I have no desire to see Chuck and Vanessa be besties or anything else. They can have occasional scenes together, but I do not want to see any deep friendship or relationship between them. Please dump this storyline before it's too late.

ME: Word. On all. Except for you know being ok with with LADY DREADLOCKS.





The plotlines are so stupid now. It seems like the writers are just throwing things together now that make NO sense whatsoever. There's no development into these plots... they're just so random.

ME: I second this. Maybe third it. Possibly forth it.


people can like it if they are a NBer or CVer but as a GG fan, it was a disaster. the characters were so OOC, didn't make sense with everything that happened so far.

and since I don't ship couples on this show I'm just gonna go out and say it. can everybody just stop attacking CBers and calling them immature? Do you even know how long they've been waiting for their couple to get together and they get this crappy episode? It's a real slap in the face. You didn't have to wait, you just got your couple thrown in randomly.

Yes, I have a soft spot for CBers because I see all the comments of people hating them and calling them names when they have every right to be mad after what happened.

ME: This person is a good person. I like them. We should invite them over for like tea and crackers or something.

Keep it shinning, people! Keep it shinning! Bitch until people HATE you.

And I think we're done for tonight. We're going to cuddle up and read some Chair-fiction!


  1. AWW i love the CB love going around!!!!
    And you;re welcome. Ive been going around Lj's forums and shit just posting my CB awesomeness
    and some retard are like YOU GUYS ARE IMMATURE CB IS BORING ETC

    and im like O_O FUCK YOU WHORE! I Have more eloquent words than you could ever muster up! Then again you ship CV O_O WHICH means your brain is fucking fried! and NB which means you dont -HAVE- BRAINS.

    BTW the entire fandom is combusting. I think this is what josh wants :/ fuckery

  2. I know you are defending CB, which I LOVE keep it up! But, please, please DO NOT compare vanessa to BLAIR, even if it is to say they are different...

    THE QUEEN and the hobo shouldn't even be in the same sentence!

  3. Wow, I managed to be quoted on the blog! I feel famous. Well, except for the whole being anonymous thing. Still, I feel proud to be acknowledged for doing my part for the fandom. And I will soldier on, trying valiantly to make articulate points in the face of overwhelming ridiculousness. I don't know how long I can remain civil in the face of NB = twu love type comments.

  4. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! I think more and more people are becoming afraid of stating their opinion - which is BULLSHIT - I commend you for having the balls to say it like it is!

  5. I love that last quote :) Would def have tea and crackers with her!


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