I want to address the emails we've received from people about this blog giving them something to latch on to. That this blog keeps them sane. Well, I think it's only fair that we also come clean and admit that often times we have wanted to walk away from the fandom, from the show.
So, after some consideration I have decided to make a post about WHY it's so hard to walk the fuck away.
You know you've considered it. The fuckery on TV, the coming spoilers, the rampant idiots on the Kool-Aid that make it hell to keep loving the fandom, the distress and the negativity all around - it's VERY disheartening. So the question becomes - when do we get to the point when enough is enough? Many people stated that is was when Chuck and Blair stopped loving one another. As far as I can see they're still very much into one another despite what the coke-inhaling asshole claim. Other people stated when NB got brought back and Chuck was made to see them once more. It's happened and many have gotten up, dusted their boots and left regardless of the outcome. Many more stated that CV was their line. You cross that line and you obviously dont need me anymore as a viewer. I have seen that post been eloquently posted in many boards by people I wish we didn't loose from the fandom.
Everyone has a cutting point. So I've become interested in what is YOUR point of no return. What is the point that will make you turn off your television and walk away? Is there even a point like that for you?
So, after some consideration I have decided to make a post about WHY it's so hard to walk the fuck away.
You know you've considered it. The fuckery on TV, the coming spoilers, the rampant idiots on the Kool-Aid that make it hell to keep loving the fandom, the distress and the negativity all around - it's VERY disheartening. So the question becomes - when do we get to the point when enough is enough? Many people stated that is was when Chuck and Blair stopped loving one another. As far as I can see they're still very much into one another despite what the coke-inhaling asshole claim. Other people stated when NB got brought back and Chuck was made to see them once more. It's happened and many have gotten up, dusted their boots and left regardless of the outcome. Many more stated that CV was their line. You cross that line and you obviously dont need me anymore as a viewer. I have seen that post been eloquently posted in many boards by people I wish we didn't loose from the fandom.
Everyone has a cutting point. So I've become interested in what is YOUR point of no return. What is the point that will make you turn off your television and walk away? Is there even a point like that for you?
Yeah... I've said earlier that a Vanessa/Chuck pairing would be the one pairing that would completely turn me off the show AND Chuck. And now that it's happened I still don't know if I'll even tune in when the show comes back. I never thought the writers would be horrible enough to go there, but I was unpleasantly surprised. It's not just CV though, it's two seasons of not even seeing them together and all the stupid obstacles the writers throw at them because they're too lazy or incompetent to come up with interesting and entertaining stories for Chuck&Blair when in a relationship. I think CV really is the last straw for me. Maybe not that alone, but on top of everything else that's happened... I just really really hate Vanessa! I didn't know I could hate a fictional character so much or so intensely, but she just sickens me. And CV? Their shipper name really shouldn't be Vuck, but Upchuck.
ReplyDeleteIm upset. i still have to think about this.
ReplyDeleteIm upset with the entire show and i want to shoot someone in the face. but your lists BBs ... so many possibilities. I'll get back to you after i have gone confucius on people and found my own light in this fuckery world!
Hah! Upchuck, I love it. Let me use it in a sentence...
ReplyDeleteJacob from TWoP is freaking mainlining the Upchuck Koolaid these days, I see. I wonder what color it is?
Love the site!
Yeah, CV was the line for me as well. After 2.07 aired, I said that I would be done if the writers tried to sell me on a CV pairing. At the time, I really didn't honestly think it would happen. It seemed ridiculous -- the most popular character with the most hated character? CHUCK BASS with Vanessa Abrams? That would be insane. But, they did it. Just like they put Blair back with Nate for the THIRD time. As much as I hate NB, I hate CV a million times more. As soon as I read the Canadian recap of 2.20, I vowed to stop watching. And I did. I haven't left the fandom entirely; I'm keeping up with spoilers and will watch the finale if I think it sounds worth my time, but for right now, I just can't bring myself to watch. If they drop Chuck/Vanessa, then some of my faith will be restored (and by drop, I mean DROP -- I don't want to see this pairing rear its ugly head sometime next season). If they EVER do a VCB triangle, I will be done for good. I will walk away without so much as a glance in the rearview mirror. I'm so tired of all the contrived angst, and in what world could Vanessa ever be taken seriously as a competitor if her opponent is Blair? The writers would have to really twist things around to make that make any semblance of sense, and I'm just not interested in seeing the writing deteriorate even further. Having said that, Chuck or Blair having real feelings for ANYONE besides each other would really ruin them for me. Those two belong together, no matter how much the writers might want me to think that Nate or Vanessa could be worthy options for B and C. Let's hope this season gets back on track and we get a C/B coupling that is worthy of the characters.
ReplyDeleteI still love cb, but cv was just too much. i havent seen last episode and i dont plan to watch next one either.... i'll just watch the cb's scenes on youtube and pretend that ellen, vanessa, nate and jack never happened
ReplyDeleteI hate Vanessa with a passion, so CV made me want to throw something at my T.V and puke. Nate N/B is like old grandparents hugging; sweet, but boring as hell. Let's pair the two most hated characters with the two most loved and what do we get....this crappy SL the writers are throwing at us.
ReplyDeleteI really thought CV was my breaking point, but like many of you I never thought it would ACTUALLY happen. I'm so grossed out because with the combo of 2.07 and 2.20 we know that the CV hook up can't just be platonic, and i effing HATE this. I really feel like the writers have dug a hole that they can't get out of. The only way redemption can come from C and B outright REJECTING V and N. And when I say rejection, I mean rejection. I want to see V and N cry while C and B do it. Since the writers seem to have V always win against B, I doubt this will happen. I will continue watching because of the CB chemistry, but I feel that much of the sincerity is gone (thanks to the writers). I really thought B was the only girl C would let in, but apparently fucking not because Vanessa Abrams is a magical fucking fairy who "gets" people. Fuck. Plus, I have a bad feeling that the season finale is going to include the much-photographed reunion of CB as the camera pans to V holding a positive pregnancy test, while Dashboard Confessional plays in the background or some shit.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember which option I picked, because so many apply.
ReplyDeleteI mean, clearly at the end of the day, EITHER Chuck or Blair developing feelings for someone else would really end Chair. They are supposed to be the dark fairy tale, where all is ultimately forgiven because they really do only love each other. In fact, I would argue that in an ideal world, the worst that they do to each other is BECAUSE they love each other, and their personalities and insecurities and fears result in them lashing out.
If Blair chose Nate...that would obviously be a whole "oh, sorry, the last year didn't really exist fans" and another killing blow.
If they're crappily written, I'm not going to watch either because it just destroys what went before.
However, looking over it I really think the Chuck develops feelings for Vanessa is the ultimate death knell for Chair. Because it goes against SO MUCH of what we were told...Chuck's fierce loyalty to those he's known for a long time, the fact that Blair was pretty much the only one whose opinion he respected, that he is closely guarded, very smart and doesn't appreciate others up in his business. In fact, things that his interactions with Vanessa have already partly destroyed.
CV to me is proof that the inmates are running the asylum, that good writing is a thing of the past on the show, and that nothing is too important to be sacrified to an OMFG moment. It flies in the face of both what we know of Chuck, and the Chuck/Blair dynamic...and it also makes a mockery of Blair's struggles to help him this season. Is once again the conclusion to the story that Blair was never really loved? Why would I want to watch that? It makes Blair's love for Chuck the ultimate practical joke of a particularly cruel god.
Sorry. I got a bit over the top, but whoever wrote "Vanessa Abrams is a magical fucking fairy who 'gets' people" deserves a medal. Please, whoever you are, e-mail that to the CW.
For me it was the C/V. It was a cheap and manipulative ploy on the writers part to force Vanessa into the forefront. Knowing that it isn't going to end soon is keeping me away from the show for a while. I don't think it was planned, but when the writers put B/C together they created an epic pairing. Unfortunately they didn't know how to handle the force they unknowingly created. Even if B/C are together at the end of the season they've been tainted to such an extent that I don't think I will even care.
If Stephanie Savage is truly listening to what fans are saying online she is doing it wrong.
i wasnt very sure where to put my vote - i mean as of right now, i'm done and done with the show bb. i dont see why i shld be loyal to a show that isnt loyal to its fans. and i cldnt agree more with the post above mine - CV took away a part of the magic of CB [i think i cld have even, maybe, taken it if they had only had sex once and they both realized how stupid and disgusting it was - but they had sex twice - twice! like we're supposed to think that they actually enjoyed it and didnt puke along with the rest of us @#$!#@!]and i am disappoited/furstrated/motherf*cking mad at the writers for treating something so special with so much disregard. i'm so done right now that i cldnt even care less that the show is on a 3 week hiatus. i enjoy the fanfics so much more.
ReplyDeletebut. if the last episode is really the worst it cld ever get, and the show does get better - and by better i mean so f*cking awesome it blows vanessa right out of the show - then i might start watching it again. but i dont think - no, i know it'll ever be the same. so i guess i know which option to choose...