Friday, April 3, 2009

the ATTACK of the 4 minute SHIPS!

The phenomenon continues as people on the Kool-Aid continue to post their crazy, rambling thoughts that have swept the fandom and the rest of us continue to be baffled by both the reasoning behind it and their true belief in some of this mad shit. It's actually rather incredible that one can find something to point out - out of every single FUCKERY that is posted. I'm nearly proud of myself.

welll i respectfully disagree with everything thats been said. while i agree the build up this time was short, i think five years of a history trumps that. and i also think ~ has genuine feelings for V, they were so good together. best CHUCK PAIRING EVER."

ME: Wellllllll..... if that's the type of build up you would like in your ship, like I've said everyone has their favorite sinking ship likes. It's quite alright. Me, like most well training viewers, would like something with a bit more substance. Not to get Biblical on you but ever heard the tale of the house built on the sand? Yeah. It crumbled. Nice story. I also love that Chuck apparently has GENUINE feelings towards Roach-lady and it's the BEST Chuck pairing EVER. Like ever. Like in the history of Chuck and his wandering penis it's THE BEST. EVER. Give me a break losers, I dont know if you like CV because of it or because it takes BOTH Chuck and Vanessa away from your 4-Minute Nair. It's a fucking toss-up. Put the the juice cup DOWN, mofo's!


lol dan would be horrified. yeah honestly think CV could happen, they have tonnes of chemistry and i do think C cares about her even if he'd never say so.

ME: Thought he would never admit it - I think that's my favorite part because it's making her statement win no matter what. He'll never say it. They'll never show it. But he does. It's there. The way imaginary things are. Yup. Just like that. If you pause your screen at 3:56 you'll see it.


Nair is the best. It ALWAYS will be, despite who Blair ends up with in the series. Nate is the better man in this situation. He is so sweet to her, cares about her, want to makes everything right and work out. How cute is it that he wanted their first kiss together to be special, at her favorite spot. He didn't just want Blair for sex. He genuinely wanted to be there for her. Chair may have "fireworks" but really that doesn't mean they should be together. You can't build a lifelong relationship on just having some hot chemistry. There is a lot more to love than that. Like Blair said I think Chuck is something she "just needed to get out of her system" and now she can embrace her destiny, Nate. In a perfect world that would happen.

Secondly, Chair fans don't come on here and bash us or type Chair repeatedly. We don't do it to you. You make yourself look like a fool. It's a waste of everyone's time-especially yours. Considering as most GG fans are immature teenage girls though I guess it should be expected. No disrespect to Chair fans it's just very insulting and incredibly rude. Lastly, you probably shouldn't tell anyone who to ship or to not 'jump ship'. It's THEIR choice. It's a TELEVISION SHOW it will not be the end of the world if one Chair fan wants to switch over. As difficult as this may be for me to say (haha) there is more to life than Gossip Girl. You will survive!

ME: I like that she clarifies that she knows who Blair will end up in the series - there's a touch of realism to her mad Kool-Aid rambling. I like that. There still might be hope for her... or not. Nate. Oh man. I'm SO tired of trying to make you people see what a DOUCHE BAG Natalie Archibald is being but you all dont want to see it. You see, the magic between Chuck and Natalie is that Chuck knows he's an ASSHOLE, he never claims otherwise. Nate actually does try to pull out the I'm a Good guy routing and thus has left in his wake a trail of girls with their hearts broken. BIG difference.

I also love that Chuck has only wanted Blair for sex. Like that time he STOPPED them from having sex because he wanted love, or the time he decided for them NOT to be together because he was afraid he would mess it up OR the time he asked them to take it slow. FUCK! Can we STOP the sex talk! Damn! ;) I CANT TAKE ALL THE SEX THAT CHAIR ARE HAVING ALL THE FUCKING TIME - IT'S LIKE PORN UP IN HERE! Now, the part I LOVE is the time for Blair to EMBRACE her DESTINY has come. IDK about you but that sounds a bit Harry Potter to me, I dont know but I feel like these words have been uttered by some elderly man with a white beard. It must be Harry or LOTRs. BUT - she DOES have enough sense to admit that only in a perfect world that would happen.

Now...I'm kinda upset. I have not heard of this 'perfect world' and no one has invited me to it. I WANT IN, DAMMIT! Anyone know her email? I would like a one-way ticket, thanks! Oh and yeah. We're rude. FUCKING LIVE WITH IT. We're attracted to bitchy and RUDE characters (you DO know that Blair's a bitch, dont you?) hence we're most likely like that. And ONCE more I am a teen girl. I'm kinda feeling young here, man! This is AWESOME! I do like that she gets all preachy at the end, and I do have one piece of advise for her. Your last line? Keep it for yourself. You'll need it more than me. And hey! If YOU want to 'jump your ship' (which I dont blame you because it's going to drown REALLY quickly) let me know. We'll take you in. Show a real good time.



  1. I believe, firmly, truly, that the koolaid is a blinding agent. *nods*


    Not like her best friend this week or this year BUT THIS LIFE.



    *takes calming breath*

    Obviously, 'best' and 'better' and 'sweet' don't mean what I think they mean. *eyeroll*

  2. girl you need a hug! Let me hug you


  3. Seriously!!! Nate SLEPT with Serena, LIED about it for 6 months/a year (who the fuck cares, he lied). THEN he was too much of a pussy to break up with Blair when Serena came back, instead he kept pining after Serena and refused to have sex with Blair. THEN that little motherfucker only USED Blair because of his family. THEN that hypocritical motherfucking asshole had the nerve to dump Blair after finding out Blair slept with Chuck AFTER NB had broken up.
    And THATS the guy that gets called "sweet" and "nice".
    *head explodes*
    Im so sick of this fandom where CBers get called supporters of abuse and Nate gets called the sweet and nice guy.

  4. The majority of people who claim to like CV are NB shippers. They like CV because they want to get Chuck away from Blair and Vanessa away from Nate. That way there are no serious threats to their couple. No one honestly thinks Chuck/Vanessa have "overwhelming sexual chemistry." And if they do, it's only because they have a skewed view of reality (these are the same people who claim Nate and Blair have crazy chemistry). While I'm sure there are a few older NB fans, the majority of them are young preteens or teens. This is confirmed by the fact that NB posts are often rife with misspellings, grammar problems, and text-speak. Seeing posts like this makes me want to rip my hair out. I once saw someone say that Chuck and Blair during The Dark Knight was too sexy and "lustful"...they much prefer NB's sex scene because it was so tender and loving. This person is going to have one boring sex life when she's older. I also suspect that NBers/CVers (again, one in the same), post over and over and over again to try and make it seem as though they hold the majority opinion (and despite their efforts, it is CLEAR that the main ship is still CB).

  5. Brilliant, my friend - I love you. Lets have lunch sometime.

  6. oh god im sorry bbs your LAST rambling about the poor girl made me laugh so hard I wnt to the gym yesterday so my abdomen hurts, now that im laughing it hurts more.

    i blame YOU my Kool aid friend.
    Whats this bullshit about a perfect world?!


    OH god BBs you dont understand(okay you do) How i keep reading these fuckery over n over and over again. i dont understand! the fuckety thats in their minds

    CV HAS CHEM CV HA THIS NB HAS CHEM NB HAS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKERS ON? Do they know what chemistry is or....are we mutherfucked? oh god can we save them? CAN WE HUN? I doubt. Theyre at this perfect place we got denied from *CRIES*

    But seriously this fuckery must stop >.<

    Love the rant ladies made my day.

  7. If anything, I should be taking you guys to lunch...this blog helps keep me sane in the face of overwhelming madness! It also keeps up my strength so I can go out into the internet and lay the smack down on NBers/CVers.

  8. OMG, I can't believe how abusive Chair's relationship is! I mean, Blair looking after Chuck when his father died and he needed her most, Chuck wanting her to say 'I love you', Chuck helping her look after her best friend, Chuck writing a speech for her, Chuck constantly bringing her flowers, Chuck going with Serena to try and rescue her when she didn't get into Yale... and the bit where he said he didn't want to play games just INFURIATED me. How dare he be so insensitive??? Chair is probably the worst couple ever, and Nate is just too CUTE, OMG! He just oozes cuteness *fangirl scream*. I don't care if he doesn't have a personality, but he is just so PRETTY and CUTE and ADORABLE!!!!!

  9. LOL @ Nate being the "OMG, sweetest guy EVAR!" Ugh. It annoys me that people can still think this. He's a habitual CHEATER, and everyone just gives him a pass because he's as dim, blond, and shiny-haired as a golden retriever.

    Also, WTF is up with people claiming B/C are just about sex. That's funny, considering THEY HAVEN'T HAD IT IN A YEAR AND A HALF! Yup, that's clearly all they want each other for. GTFO with that.

  10. Love this blog!! This shows that CBers have a clear view of reality and what not. Honestly, I'm so sick of the obnoxious NBers that claim CB reminds them of domestic violence. As far as I know, violence is an action or instance INTENDED to hurt which means the person is conscious of what his/her actions lead to.

    I'm not gonna pretend that Chuck is a saint because he's NOT. He has hurt Blair several times but at least he TRIES to make up for it. If anything NATE is the one who is subject to domestic violence, I mean at the beginning of the series, the issue about Serena basically started or fueled B's insecurities which CAN lead to her relapse of BULIMIA.

    Nate was NEVER there when Blair needed someone. How many times have you seen him "help" Blair and his "friends" when not forced into helping? Sheesh what a d-bag Nate is!! He should be reduced to recurring status because he does not bring anything to the show all he does is stare blankly or look confused!!


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