Monday, April 20, 2009

dont you wish your fandom had a BITCH like me?


It's Inca, bitch! Inca is back and you know you motherfucking missed me! God it feels good to post again, I've missed it like I miss Blair with blood circulation! So what do I have for you all? I have a lot of motherfucking shit. Trust me, after two days surrounded by family I'm bitchier than ever so WATCH OUT!

Ok. You know what I'm addressing, dont you? That's right! WANKINGS! I love the wankings, man! And OMFG, I'm gone for two days and we're at 442!!!! YES!! You all are awesome, spreading the news!

So we have a new episode tonight and half the fandom's read about it and seen the important parts ;) There's mixed reviews, people see some good things with it others dont. I dont fucking care I just want to wank stupidity, that's what I'm here for. I fucking LOVE stupidity. Here we go!

Even though the epi sounds lame, I'm glad there is lots of NB screen time and minimal chuck, the way I see it, this show is crap no matter what. I might as well just watch it muted and absorb the pretty.

ME: heh. I dont know how to respond to this particular brand of shit. I mean... she's watching it on MUTE and will absorb the PRETTY. Like... I can't even BEGIN to tell you how lame that is. I mean... you can't handle the words coming out of their mouths? You can't handle Blair running around frazzled and attempting to manipulate Nate AGAIN behind his back? Really? Really? Yeah, us either. Come here, bitch let me give you a hug. There's hope for you still.


Still can't believe the awesome NB we got, so many scenes!

ME: I dont think she gets it. Like it went right OVER her head, broke through the wall behind her and is currently running down the street. Let us all wave goodbye to THE point.


yah, Im excited about that, even though the show is crap this season and crummily written I support NB scenes, even if they arent up the potential they can be. That goes for any ship on this show at this point, its like everything is a continuous merry go round, PATHETIC

ME: .... You think? You fucking THINK? What do you think we've been saying ALL along? You think I type here for my health? I think this one might've switched from grape flavored Kool-Aid to cherry flavored Kool-Aid. It's a nice progression.


I used to be a HUGE chair fan, and I will admit, the fandom drove me away, awhile into the second season, I become a huge fan of both Blake and Jessica, and only then did it hit me that the majority of the hate towards both of them came from chair fans, and when it came out that Jessica was dating Ed, bleugh, the way things C/B fans called her and said about her made me LOATHE the fandom, I stopped watching GG altogether for awhile too, but then I found Bleighton_Squee and I love it there, the community is hilarious without the undertone of malice that sites like GGkoolaid have.

ME: Look, if the fandom is what fucking drove you AWAY from your ship then I dont even think you can handle fandom like the OTH one - those fuckers are out of control. I dont hate Blake so you can count me off the list. That's got to be a point in my motherfucking favor, no? :D Dont worry, we stopped watching TV too for a while there so look all the things we have in common!! And we're TOTALLY malicious, baby, we dont even try to keep it down. It's ALL very clear. We fucking hate her like everyone does and is afraid of saying it. We agree on so many things we should make-out! Bleachers at seven? Seven-thirty? You name the time and I'll be there. Bring a friend.


Y'know why? Because *SOME* of us have the abilty to tell the diffrence between a fictional charactor and a real life actress, who just happens to be bubbly,sweet and gorgeouse, not that any of you haters would know, since you all just decided to hate her without giving her a chance.

ME: You see, this is what I say about the fuckers who LOVED CV because of EJ's real life 'chemistry'. If they can say that then I can fucking hate her. And I HAVE given her PLENTY of motherfucking chances. When I say she can't fucking act it's a fucking fact. And that's that. NEXT!


on the DVD cover
I wish Elle was on the cover though. Can you imagine how hot this would be if Chuck were flanked by his two love interests (Elle and Vanessa)? Nate and Blair should be next to each other too. Major oversight. Nate and Blair are the most popular pairing on television in the last 5 years. I would have thought the CW would have been smart enough to take advantage of that. Guess I gave them too much credit.

ME: ... someone pass her some Kool-Aid, she didn't get her required daily dose. Like I've said. You can't make this shit up. You just CANT.


NB'er - I'm debating on watching the NC scene bc watching chuck throw a pity party full of hypocrisy might make me hurl

CB'er - Hypocrisy is the act of professing beliefs that are contrary to one's actual behavior.
Chuck telling Nate that Blair has changed because she chose Nate is not in any way hypocritical. Nate telling Vanessa off because she is like Blair Waldorf and then proceeding to date Blair himself is, in fact, hypocritical.

ME: PASS THE HOBOCORN!!! God, this was good, like watching a lifetime motherfucking movie or something! I wanted there to be like hair pulling or something, maybe some nails involved. You know I've decided to make a formal announcement.

For the finale, we here at the Kool-Aid, will be providing corners. Yes, corners. Corners so that all you stupid fucks who lived in denial through this entire time can go there and CRY. WE will bring the corners, you bring the motherfucking tears.

How you like them wankings? I think I've still got 'it'. And fuck! I wanted to do the Confused Faces of Nathaniel Archibald post! Cowgirl! Wait... what am I saying? There's PLENTY of material for a round 2!!!!


  1. Yay! You're back.

    And thank you for wanking the JSzohr fans that seem to be oddly proud of the fact that they're such "good" people (who can't spell) that they don't care if their actress cannot act.

    That NB'er/CB'er convo is gold.

  2. uh, that person who said elle shld be on the cover and that she and vanessa are chuck's love interest - yeah, i dont think she's ever seen the show. or like she watches a german version of it without the subtitles and doesnt understand what's going on. i mean even with a truckload of koolaid, you just cant explain that kind of ridiculousness

  3. No joke. I did a doubletake at "Elle" and went, who??? For about a 20 seconds.

  4. when she said that NB is the most popular pairing in the last 5 years was she confused and thought CHUCK was Nate.... she is nutso but oh so hilarious!!!!

  5. Just becasue EJ are dating doesnt mean i want to see CV on GG. I don't think people should be torture that way. Ppl should really stop saying that they're 'hot'becasue it's far from it.

    And how about Vanessa/Jessica had a chance to win us over and fuck up every chance she got. I sick of people defending her and then they can't give us reason why they like her.

  6. sometimes these comments are so blatantly stupid, that they seem too good to be true (like the one about the DVD cover). Maybe somebody is actually thinking of the dumbest thing to say in order to show off and get attention - which is an epitome of lame btw :)

  7. oh and yes, you've still got it. bitch ;)

    I'm a die hard CB shipper and I can be biased and delusional. But, definitely not to that point where you might just as well kick yourself in the ass because you made yourself look stupid...

  9. '..a real life actress, who just happens to be bubbly,sweet and gorgeouse'

    Maybe if you were smart enough to spell gorgeous you would see how bad at acting she really is.

  10. on the DVD cover
    I wish Elle was on the cover though. Can you imagine how hot this would be if Chuck were flanked by his two love interests (Elle and Vanessa)? Nate and Blair should be next to each other too. Major oversight. Nate and Blair are the most popular pairing on television in the last 5 years. I would have thought the CW would have been smart enough to take advantage of that. Guess I gave them too much credit.

    OMFG! That made me fall off my chair. Seriously that is one of the funniest things i have ever fucking heard. You're right you can't make this shit up, you really just can't!

  11. Oh man, remember the days when NB fans used to make sense?

    ...Yeah, neither do I.

    And DVD cover chick is drowning in motherfucking koolaid. It's practically dripping out of her nostrils and ears.


  12. I wish Elle was on the cover though. Can you imagine how hot this would be if Chuck were flanked by his two love interests (Elle and Vanessa)? Nate and Blair should be next to each other too. Major oversight. Nate and Blair are the most popular pairing on television in the last 5 years. I would have thought the CW would have been smart enough to take advantage of that. Guess I gave them too much credit.

    In this case Nate HAS TO sit next to a reflective surface, 'cause it's too cruel to separate him from his TRUE LOVE.

    OMFG, where did you read this?? MUST. KNOW. I have to see this with my own eyes. There's just... Is he/she/whateverbacterialform is FOR REAL? Hahaha, I mean, uh, can't breathe. This is TOO FUNNY. Can she/he get an own show on Comedy Central, plz? Or at least a segment on Colbert Report. *puppy-dog eyes* Oh, my, next she is going to propose fake-British Lord to be on the cover and SIT NEXT TO CHUCK, 'cause he OBVIOUSLY lusted after him. I mean HOW COULD YOU MISS IT? BAWAWAWA. I love this shit.


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