Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fans should not be afraid of their writers. Writers should be afraid of their fans.

We here at Kool-Aid want to continue SALUTING those of you who CONTINUE making sense WITHOUT having to utter the words 'we'll I still love CB but I'm OK with NBCV for right now'. You have RESISTED the juice, have not fallen asleep and continue CARRYING THE BANNER! ROCK. THE. FUCK. ON!

I think this is one of my very FAVORITE ones. This chick ROCKS. I love her, want to have her babies. LOVE her. Like five of you send this one in so we're totally giving her the medal. Here it goes:


Seriously, this fuckery is unacceptable. It was like being sucked into a parallel universe where every character was stupider than the last.

And I'm just gonna fucking say it, and sorry to you C/B haters, N/B shippers, and C/V shippers (the dozens of you that there are) that don't want to hear it and/or refuse to acknowledge it, but the truth here is that the writers struck fucking GOLD when they paired Blair with Chuck. When those two are on, they're like fucking money in the goddamn bank because they have chemistry in SPADES. And people can whine all they want about how "Chuck is abusive!" (which, sing another tune because B gives as good as she fucking gets) or "Nate's a better/sweeter/nicer guy for her!" (which, you can believe what you want, but how long til N does to B what he did to V? Something that HE'S ALREADY DONE to Blair, with her best friend, mind you.), but the fact of the matter is that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the viewing public wants to see these two finally get past their shit and be together. Do you hear me, Josh Schwartz? The truth, simple and undeniable, is that when it comes to Blair, and when it comes to Chuck, any other pairing you dream up for them just cannot hold a motherfucking candle to what they have together. Everything else? Is just bullshit.

Can someone please lend C some ammonia so he can get the stench of Brooklyn off him?

THAT is your brain OFF the Kool-Aid!


  1. YES, YES IT IS!!

    Rock on.


  2. Holy shit, I am honored.

    Seriously though, when faced with dumbfuckery, I only seek to educate.

  3. you totally ROCKED! Carry on the banner, baby!


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