Wednesday, April 1, 2009

side effects may include vomiting, diarrhea and a blinding headache

We've been getting asked some questions so we thought we'd put a guide together on how to identify if you OR a loved one is on the Kool-Aid.

If you are to find someone on the 'aid' please do not hesitate to beat with a verbal stick. If you find that it is yourself who is on the juice please proceed to give yourself a good slap. If you cant bring yourself to doing it come here and I'll do it for you. Okay?


  1. They find Nathaniel Archibald sweet. And mature.
  2. They find that all story lines are completely in-character and have been well thought-out and developed.
  3. They have a CV or NB icon (this is the FASTEST way to spot one, if you feel you cannot handle on your own please contact your local authorities)
  4. They post things such as "NB 4EVA OMFG!!" OR "OMFG CV HAVE HOT CHEMISTRY!"- these are dangerous, please proceed with caution.
  5. They like Vanessa. They can't really tell you how awesome she is OR what POINT she has on the show they just like her. (note: correlation between liking her and liking LADY DREADLOCKS often goes hand in hand) NOTE: If the root of the contamination lies in their 'LOVE' for LD I suggest you leave them the FUCK ALONE. No treatments have been found for such illness.
  6. They SUDDENLY love NB/CV. Like a 'dormant' part of them has awoken. Do not be surprised if creatures erupt from their stomachs.
  7. They communicate in crazy-talk. It's gibberish, makes no sense but to them and the others on the juice. Crazy-talk is a CLEAR indicator of juice-usage.

So if you OR a loved one is suffering from this horrible contamination please do not hesitate to take the necessary steps in order to save them.


  1. The first step should always be to isolate the individual. If it is yourself in the contamination please proceed to lock yourself in your closet and do NOT come out until the finale. Things will be better then, I promise.
  2. SMACK THEM/YOURSELF. Quick, easy and relatively pain-free.
  3. Shake them. Thought this treatment is not 100% guaranteed it can bring great satisfaction to yourself.
  4. Read fanfiction. There's over 500 Chuck/Blair fanfictions in Go there, stay there, dont move until contamination slowly leaves the body.
  5. Watch Chair videos. Over and over until you no longer see NBCV kissing as being anything other than FUCKING GROSS.

Repeat as needed. Remember, be careful out there. Be safe.


  1. This is all so true and #6 is genius funny. As is #5 actually. My favorite thing is when people respond to 100 anti V posts with "I don't think she's so bad. Cut it out". No defense, no reason...

  2. girls! i just googled "kool aid" on google blogs - sorted by date - (and yes i am addicted to your site so stop laughing at me) and this post appeared first! XD it makes me happy for some reason and i thought i'd share it :)

  3. came back in here to rant: multi shippers annoy the hell out of me >< i was on a gg fansite forum just before and there are ppl who are like all "woo cb for end game" and then goes into another thread and is like "yay i like vanessa - cv was hot". it makes me want to lock them up in a closet and beat them up at the same time >:(

  4. I love this. :)):)) It's so funny. :)):)) LOL

    CV/NB sucks. GO CHAIR. :):):)


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