Thursday, April 2, 2009

the importance of being WISE

This was sent to us and it made us relatively sad because there is truth, honesty and wisdom in her words. These are the types of people I fear the fandom is loosing. People who sit back, observe the story and then bring forth analysis on it. The fact is that our show, as intriguing as it once was, is no Jane Austen or Margaret Mitchell. So when you read things like this you realize that WOW - the sanity IS out there it's just that the sanity is leaving. We are not saying that the writers DO NOT know what they're doing but the fact is that NO ONE can deny that stuff is just wonky.

Gossip Girl has become a feint approximation of what someone in the midst of a stunted adolescence thinks the show is. Instead of emulating Edith Wharton, Henry James and Evelyn Waugh, Gossip Girl has begun to reflect pulp fiction. In playing with the idea of being a guilty pleasure, the show has actually become a guilty pleasure. Except there is nothing pleasurable in the destruction of things which should be sacred to any writer - consistency; characterization; continuity; narrative structure. To exchange these things for voyeurism, for flippant, empty dialogue, callous exchanges and capricious characterization, is an act of sabotage.

Would anyone have deemed Pride and Prejudice a great work if Darcy had given up on Elizabeth on a whim halfway through the novel and shacked up with Jane instead? Would Gone With The Wind have held any fascination decades after its publication had Rhett declared he preferred Melanie’s banal charms to Scarlett, despite his previous ardor for and pursuit of the latter? Josh Scwartz and co have destroyed something rare and treated its audience with total disdain and disrespect. They clearly think the chemistry between Leighton Meester and Ed Westwick can be replicated elsewhere. It cannot. This is one viewer who will not be tuning in to watch this massacre.

Let's appeal to all shippers here for a moment, OK? Fairness is fairness and she's inspired us to be fair.

If you love Nate/Blair - you've been seriously jipped. And I mean these for the people who have ALWAYS shipped Nair, not just now because it's what the cool kids are doing and because it's on your screen. These people have ALWAYS loved their NB and most likely always will. You have been JIPPED. Seriously. Your storyline was messed up from the very beginning by making Nate an idiot and Blair a needy person. In S1 after he does COUNTLESS things to her he doesn't notice her or miss her until he sees her happy. Now Blair is always very forgiving of her men, if they come honest to her she accepts their apology and gives them chances, this is her personality trait. So once she's back with N he dumps her once more and proceeds to ignore her and treat her like crap. He hooks up with EVERY OTHER girl on the show, never showing not one inch of interest and in one episode he suddenly wants her. If I were you I wouldn't be elated. I would be MAD AS FUCKING HELL. Where is the development? Where is the grand story? Aren't you the least bit pissed up at them? I mean, you've been waiting over a year for Nate/Blair to even look at one another. This is a sad thing.

If you love Nate/Vanessa - man yours just got FUCKED UP five ways from Wednesday. We all thought they were finally giving Nate a stable girl and he goes from being enchanted with her to dumping her. In like 2 episodes. And let's not even talk about Vanessa because that's another mess that is contrived and out of control. I would also be MAD AS FUCKING hell if I were you. Your ship's been fucked with from one end to another. They pick it up and then they drop it, they pick it up and then they drop it. WTF?? Make up your fucking mind, writers! Give us something to root for!

If you love Nate/Jenny - YOU ALL got screwed over. In the history of Gossip Girl that is surely that most WTF did just happen until CV came along. They had a good thing going on with them in S1, they were friends and we were hoping they would've developed that more but NOOOO, they go like 7 months without talking and suddenly they're running into one another outside bathrooms and sensing sexual tension. W.T.H???? I am APPALLED for you! I mean, I am downright LIVID with you. You DO have every right to HATE Vanessa, but you know who you should hate? You should hate the writers because if I were you I would've rather then never even touched NJ as this stupid plot devise to add drama, waited until NV was over and then bring back the friendship that would've developed into a relationship.

If you love Dan/Serena - WOW, you all were fucked with weren't you? I think the majority of the fandom rooted for you all early S1 and then suddenly people are calling them BORING and STUPID and you're just downright MAD! You HATE this - YOUR ship should get the attention - how DARE they??? You should also be mad because the fact is people ARE right. Their relationship has been turned into a ping-pong of stupidity. I mean, let's list them. Georgie, Aaron, random girls during Summer, ho-bag teacher - the list goes on and WILL go on because the writers just dont know how to handle them so they're FUCKING UP YOUR SHIP. Get MAD at them, dammit!

If you TRULY ship CV, and I mean, TRULY. Like it's not about EJ, or anything like this. If you're one of the three people that TRULY ships CV - I would be mad too if I were you. I mean like REALLY mad. Because YOU are being jerked around for the sake of drama too, you know that what you're watching now is all good but the truth is that you KNOW it's not permanent. You know you'll be fucked with. You SHOULD know this. If you dont... well I dont want to insult you since I've been all civil with everyone else but you know what I mean.

If you LOVE Nate/Serena - man you all are wondering where do you all fit into this. You're wondering why you never got a chance, you're wondering where this is all going. You're like downright PISSED. The thing is that I think the writers will go down this route in S3 but I'm just afraid that it'll be as random and stupid as everything else they've done lately. So yeah. I'd be leery.

And finally Rufus/Lily. You all are not very liked, are you? People dont even often consider your pairing. You're often disregarded and ignored or just plain out cursed out because of endless amounts of reasons. Why is this, you wonder? Mostly because it's all over the place. A moment Lily pushes Rufus away, then she pulls him in, she's always sending him mixed signals and it's always just a mess. However, as much as I dislike this pairing (more like it doesn't APPEAL to me, I should say) I have to admit that the peppering of scenes with conversations here and there mark the one contrast in GG versus the other couples. The one thing I didn't agree with and will forever hold against the writers is how they were written in 2.13. I mean, her husband's funeral and you're running away while your step son is breaking down? Just crazy. Badly done and did not show Lily in a good light. I think by now she's nearly redeemed but there's SO much fandom hate for Lily (not as much as Vanessa, people are literally hunting for her head) but there is a lot of craziness over Lily's actions.

So. In conclusion. What has this fandom in the current UPROAR is the lack of continuity and storyline development. If things were developed nicely, if things flowed with one another, as if part of an intricate well designed plan then people wouldn't be so enraged. Because they saw it coming. But because it's so SHOCKING - hence what they want to create - people are just downright pissed and are leaving for that very reason.

There is a magic in writing and writing foreshadows that follow your story. It's magical to find these as you go back and analyze them. Yet to find nothing is to have nothing and to have nothing is fucking depressing. Storylines should not be created out of need for roadblocks in an immaginary journey that everyone is failing to see. Storylines, good storylines, flow - there's magic to them, there's epicness. It inspires you, it uplifts you - it makes your fandom have LOADS of awesome fanfiction because the inner river of creativity inside a writer's heart stirs and becomes alive with possibilty. So they produce and invent and it's driven by an unexplained appeal that is uncontrolable and obsessive. THAT is good writing. That's the stuff's that dreams are made of. Create magic not mania and you will have a story worth remembering. Worth writing about not worth fighting over.

I can nearly understand why so many people have taken up the Kool-Aid. Everything is just so fucked up that you might as well get fucking drunk. Cheers!


  1. Who wrote this? It's genius.

  2. It was sent anonymously and we agree. She inspired us to write ;)

  3. i agree with everything she said!!! we are all screwed!!! the show got too much hype imo right away and they lost the great direction of season 1... boo...

  4. Brilliant stuff. Pretty much everything we've all been complaining about GG for a LONG while. I honestly don't know who is still sticking around to watch GG sink even deeper into the mud. I threw in the towel before Monday's ep after I read the recap of its contents.

  5. This is a spectacular article and the very reason I am walking away!

  6. This is SO creepy KAG's SO creepy. You know that don't you?


  7. Please throw in what you think of those who ship Jack/Blair for good measure so that the list will be complete, kthx.

    Seriously, I agree. Those who haven't walked away yet are just enduring whatever the writers have done to their respective ships and are still hopeful that whatever crap they've gone through will be mere BLIPS in the timeline.

  8. totally agree. wtf is this bullshit the writers have come up with?? everything really is just for wtf factor and it comes from nowhere with no meaning or relevance whatsoever. can we have some plot with this fckery?

    also, cv and nb have as much chemistry as a wet sock. the end was so much bad, and most of the scenes with the four of them, it was so obvious blair and chuck were just trying to get each other jealous. again. well, that and blair and chuck disappeared. like fully. completely. those people on the show were not blair and chuck and I want them back. :( a little piece of my soul just died.

  9. KAGs you know how much i love your fuckery!
    I have even made a special post about it over at GG fail. ;)
    Bask in the WORD-ness of it all ;)

  10. That is probably the most cohesive argument out there for why just so many fans are pissed the hell off, or rather if they put the Kool-Aid down they would be. I'm applauding from over here.

  11. This is brilliant....Not that I don't love your guys blog, I so do, but this needs a wider audience. Because...if you come here, you are already part of the people who have it figured out. The powers that be and other fans need to see it. Anyway to get it wider dispersal...

    And this is far and away my fave GG site. Even the chuck/blair lj comm is so full of Kool-Aid (interestingly, only of the CV variety) that it's disheartening.

  12. I know, I hardly hang out in any CB sites because I have to swallow Chuhobo and that is NOT why I joined the community. Post wherever you like, I dont mind at all :) You can send it as a letter of anything. Be proactive in this little war of ours

  13. WORD to everything above! i woke up today morning and i was just feeling sad - not angry, not motherf*cking mad - just sad. because the day the writers decided to create NBCV is the day that a part of CB died. and i agree with you - it was done so suddenly, with so much disregard to the show, its characters, and the fans, that GG no longer holds the appeal it once had over me. Josh S once said that he didnt run his show by the ratings, that he wanted to create a show he was "proud of" - i wonder if he can look back at this and be proud of what he's done with GG and all its mistakes.

  14. this is great. finally someone said everything there is to say about this show. i will stick to the end because i am hooked with it. but now i know it just poorly written and they've destroyed some incredible material. someone should do something about this because the cast and the story in itself is pure gold. wake up you damn writers! start reading fanfiction and blogs and start stealing some ideas if your own are so lousy!

  15. How about an online petition based on this. Just have people log on, if they agree. If it's a poll, it will be logged so people can't vote twice if there are concerns? Or maybe we're actually outnumbered by Kool-Aiders now?

  16. How about you email us the questions that you have in mind and we will consider it?

  17. Wonderful article and so effing true! How this show can go from being one I can't wait for to being one I don't even care to watch anymore is explained in this article. Whoever wrote it is a genius! Totally made my day....


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