Thursday, April 2, 2009


Because even CHILDREN would notice the mess.

Watch. thefuck. out. It's time for your daily dose of FANDOM WANKING!! Yes, it continues. I know you're tired, I know you're sad I know you need something to make fun of before we all get on Prozac. I know this. So the only way that we know how to make you all feel better is to WANK the fuck out of these mofo's! Let us begin because today - today there's been people who are ESPECIALLY high on the KOOL-AID!

Jessica and Ed have OVERPOWERING sexual chemistry, probably the most out of any two people on the entire show. I love the person Blair has become with Nate. I usually can't stand her, but she's actually being very, very sweet, and Nate is being wonderful as usual. He's the only decent boy left in NYC. I just hope she doesn't break his heart TOO bad when the writers get all CB-happy again.

ME: I think this insipid little person infuriated A LOT of you because I had like five emails on it. You all want me to do her right? Oh, baby - satisfaction GUARANTEED! HA! Let's start out with addressing the CV pairing which, unlike Nair, needs to be centered on definition. By definition, OVERPOWERING is: to provide with more power than is needed or desirable. I think I need say no more. Dont believe me? Check Websters. Me thinks one of you added EXTRA sugar to her Kool-Aid, you all are NAUGHTY! I love it!

Now, let us consider this NB statement for the sake of consideration which is an activity I often find hollow and purposeless. "I love the person Blair has become with Nate." (look) Listen. If you like your Blair needy and insecure about things in her life I understand COMPLETELY why you've always enjoys NB. It's just your thing. Nate - and this is my FAVORITE part is "being wonderful as usual". She must have no read the
Nate Commentary which was SO spot-on god himself couldn't have said it better, so if any of you see her roaming the streets with the permanent glass of Kool-Aid in her hand please hand her that article. I think her outlook on life may change. AND I have to send out an email to my friend who lives in NYC because if Nate is as decent as they get she better get herself and her heart the FUCK out of NYC. It's scary being single these days.


I usually don't like b/n but they were super cute this episode, I think Nate brings out the best in Blair unlike Chuck."

ME: I feel like I should give her pom-pons or something. Right? What I love with these is the use of CUTE. Because EVERYONE wants a ship that is cute. The way the Easter bunny is cute or or frilly pink dresses are, or maybe even VOMIT on my screen. That's FUCKING adorable!


ppl who go for chair are juss horny kids this is proven through tht fic and through the fact that chuck and blair got together in a LIMO it was a one night stand and it was all lust and physical thier mind games reflect thier physical lust for each other therees no real connection at all. when chair hooks up its juss gonna be crazy sex 24/7 wow... i do not wnan see tht espicaly not with uglyy hairy chuck"

ME: OK, baby girl. I am NOT a kid. Cowgirl is not a kid. And for such a 'lusty and physical' relationship can I remind you (that is if you've actually watched the show) that Chair have had sex 'twice' on my screen. And both times they were fully clothed. I've seen more lusty shit on the discovery channel. Watch it - they had a nice segment on dolphins. You'd enjoy it. Now. On the fiction aspect of it - the best fanfiction out there is NOT based on sex, send me an email and I'll recommend you some. Like 500 of them. I dont know if you'll be able to handle it since your ship has like what? Twenty? In the entire fandom? Yeah.

I can't defend Ed's hairy chest but I should warn you, you just dated yourself, baby girl. Let me give you a lesson in men. They're hairy. ALL over the place. When you find one that shaves or 'trims' - I suggest you walk the FUCK out. Fast. That's the only advice I can give you in this life. Take it or leave it.


Nate was also in character, being the good guy and not wanting their relationship to be about other people.

ME: I swear to God this person has not watched S2. LIKE AT ALL. It's impossible OR maybe the Kool-Aid has now mutated and people are starting to forget certain episodes or scenes. I mean, this can be a clear side effect as Kool-Aid use is still new and under investigative research. It's quite possible that we have a brand-new symptom and treatments may change depending on the severity of this new discovery. But, since she's a poor lost lamb - lets help her out. Times Nate's relationships have overlapped - this season ALONE. Nate/Serena/Duchess, Nate/Vanessa/Duchess, Nate/Jenny/Vanessa, Nate/Vanessa/Blair. Nope. It's NEVER about other people. Like ever.

Remember to keep sending this awesome FUCKERY to!!


  1. what was 'tht fic'? I'd like to read it and see if it was actually bad, or if it just went right over their head.

  2. LMFAO BBs u know what got to me?

    the nates in character part holy shit almighty i just cried. Like cried cause some ppl are motherfucking ridiculous LOL.

    omfg hahahahahha LOL to the first and second part!!!

    fucker i still cant believe you made a name for Chuhobo! *Cries* *CRINGES* WHY! and as long as you totally wanked the CV apparently have chem bullshit. i forgive you.

    Keep wanking girls!

  3. most likely went over their heads, hit the wall and shattered


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