Wednesday, April 1, 2009

it turns into a PUMPKIN at midnight

OH Nathaniel Archibald! How the mighty have fallen! When asking a girl to move in with you DOESN'T freak her out enough you turn around and get her a CARRIAGE. YOU must be wearing Dior too. But you know what they say. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But really, it's kinda funny. No. Scratch that. It's FUCKING hilarious. It's a WHITE CARRIAGE. It's like I'm watching Enchanted all over again and there is Nate with his James Marsden good looks sweeping the princess off her feet. And we all know what that ends :)

I'm going to miss filming pictures :( No one to make fun of until July. Of course I'm just kidding, I'm sure Lady Dreadlocks will be ALL OVER the place enjoying her brand new self-made popularity and we intend to give you 24/7 coverage of that particular phenomenon.

Now. What we all WANT to see:

And remember, kids. Stay OFF the KOOL-AID.

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