So it goes like this. Some bitches will love what we do. Some others will fucking hate it. It's just that simple. This bitch right here? FUCKING LOVES IT. So we continue our ever delightful FANDOM WANKING!! Because YOU too can be stupid enough to WANK!! I think everyone has the right to be wanked, I know some of you must be sad that we haven't wanked your stupidity as of yet but dont you worry! I am sure you will annoy someone out there enough for them to send in your Kool-Aid inspired statement! Bring it on!
On our Anti-Vanessa Petition ;) 231!!!!
Just randomized stupidity, my fave!
So you see, whenever you feel left out because you haven't been WANKED just post something that is liable to piss the shit out of your fellow men and at one point or another your stupidity will be WANKED!
On our Anti-Vanessa Petition ;) 231!!!!
This so cruel! I would never ever imagine that so many people forget that behind the character there is a real person, Jessica, who has done nothing that terrible for people to wish she loses her job! It's not "Vanessa's" fault that many GG viewers don't like her, it's the producers/writers fault who don't know what to do with her character. I believe that people should be demanding some creative writing for GG's characters and not writing-off some character.
ME: YOU all DO NOT need to worry, considering that her fans think she's BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED beyond belief she will have NO trouble becoming the next Megan Fox. We're helping her out, really. She's NOT shinning in Gossip Girl and she will one day thank us. Also, no amount of re-writing her is going to make the people who already HATE her like her. It's just not. She'll be the new Riley and people still shudder at the thought of that piece of disastrous character.
Vanessa hasn't even been given a chance to really shine yet. Her character does have a lot of potential and I think it's stupid that everybody knocks her and doesn't really have a reason for it. No she should definitely STAY on the show.
ME: Babygirl, she's had 2 fucking seasons to win me over. At the end of these 2 season I can't even STAND to look at her in my TV, that tells you her time has been badly used and should just be replaced for someone the audience can root for. Aren't we tired of this show having all these MEDIOCRE characters? I am! I want other character I can love and look forward to their scenes! Also, check out my Mary Sue post and if that's not enough I will personally write you a cohesive essay as to WHY people HATE Vanessa. With bullet points.
Just randomized stupidity, my fave!
Okay, it's one thing to bash couples and an episode, but it's another thing entirely to complain about the fans. We're entitled to like whatever couples we want and there is nothing wrong with shipping more than one couple. It's just a TV show; we're allowed to change our minds as to what couples we like and we're allowed to like more than one at different points in a show. Blair became more like herself in these past few episodes. In You've Got Yale, Carnal Knowledge, and The Age of Dissodance, she became just annoying, whiny, and screechy, and she's my favorite character. However, toward the end of The Grandfather, she regained her poise that makes Blair Blair. And the fact that she is a hopeless romantic is a large part of her character and always has been. However, if you thought she acted like a whiny schoolgirl, that's your opinion and you're entitled in it.
ME: I agree, therefore WE are entitled to dislike who we want to dislike. INCLUDING you. You're welcome to ship-jump, ship-change, ship-fuck ALL you fucking like. HOWEVER, be prepared for bitches like me to point out that I dont like your well crafted hypocrisy and I think ALL that you said is under the influence of the motherfucking KOOL-AID. On Blair? Let me ask, do you understand the concept of character regression? Because if you dont, I would look into it. It'll clear up A LOT of confusion.
I also think Chuck has always liked Vanessa. There's something about her that appeals to him, for some reason, and he has always been at least somewhat gracious to her.
ME: This stupid fuck is just drowning on the motherfucking KOOL-AID. We do remember when Chuck bought her off, right? Or when he changed his mind about seducing her when Blair told him she was getting a Brazilian wax, right? Gracious indeed. Doesn't matter, she's getting written off soon, we have faith in that and then we dont have to listen to your stupidity that makes us twitch.
on Blair fighting long and hard for Chuck:
"Long and hard? 2 episodes qualifies as long and hard? Blair never fought for Chuck. But I don't hold it against her. The reason she never fought for Chuck is because she has always been in love with Nate. Chuck was the rebound guy. And now that Nate is back in the picture...she no longer needs him." some people already know the fate of NB and will do anything to have Chuck away from Blair: "I hope that Chuck will fall in love with G so we can get rid of him , ah I hate him..''
ME: *is befuddled* Yes. This person REALLY believes this. I wonder if she believes in the tooth-fairy also because it would make TOTAL sense. This particular troll was just last week posting all over about CV. Now she's got a new angle with the new stills that came out. Dont be surprised if after next episode 80% of the 'CV supporters' turn to 'CG supporters'. ANYTHING to keep Chuck and Blair away from one another.
''I remember Nate questioned whether or not Blair cared about Chuck and even said she was maternal. Blair quickly denied this because she didn't want to give Nate the wrong idea. (Pretty solid proof if you ask me).''
ME: Yes, people. She turned OFF her TV after that moment because she obviously didn't see the rest of this episode. That or she continued watching with her fingers stuck in her ears and singing 'LALALALALAAAAA' loudly while blinking rapidly.
So you see, whenever you feel left out because you haven't been WANKED just post something that is liable to piss the shit out of your fellow men and at one point or another your stupidity will be WANKED!
Actually I would quite like an essay on why you hate Vanessa, including bullet points.
ReplyDeleteYou got it, baby.
ReplyDeleteFound that in the lj community you have in your affiliates. Apparently someone didn't like the pimping of the anti-Vanessa petition.
So Jess and Vanessa ruins your fantasy or hope.and that's why you hate her how pathetic,you really have to get a live.
I don't know what it's more pathetic you hating Jess because she has Ed, or you hating Vanessa because a storyline in a tv show.
I can imagine the cw people who read your mails worrying about your mental sanity.
I think that should be a project for the site...a compilation of Vanessa hating essays. I saw someone say that people never gave reasons for hating her. A few people have put ones up on spoiler tv that were like a page and a half long.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite alright, we fully expected people to react badly to the anti-Vanessa petition but then again we expected people to react badly to this entire blog in general. Those statements dont really faze us, otherwise we would be already crying in a corner. Which we're not. ;)
ReplyDeletePlus alot of Vanessa fans defend her by saying people are either jealous of Jess and Ed or pissed about the C/V thing. But I, and it seems most other people who don't like Vanessa, have done so ever since she came.
ReplyDeleteclearly koolaided-vanessa-lovers are rattled by this awesome movement girls - they're really scared that their "awesome" vanessa will no longer be able to ruin the whole damn show anymore. all together now: awwwwww. NOT.
What sickens me the most is that when Chuck and Blair get back together (which they will, because do you really think the writers would spend nearly two whole seasons building up their relationship only to destroy it?), the NBers will go right back to shipping Chair and pretending they never wanted NB to happen.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Chuck/Blair fan as well and I am also VERY irritated with the show, with the writers and with the bad storyline (Blair/Nate 3.0) but seriously this blog is so ridiculous and not in a good way.
ReplyDeleteI don't know your age (or how many you are running the blog) but you come off as 13-year old girls.
And you make others Chuck/Blair fan look immature.
And a petition to get rid of Vanessa. I'm not her biggest fan, but come on, let be serious two second.
It's not because the show is becoming a big atrocious joke, that people had to begin acting like idiots.
This blog is amazing!!! It speaks the truth, the truth that most people are afraid to say... It is the only thing keeping me interested in GG in a time where I'm not watching the show. If you want a place where everyone is politically correct and respectful then go somewhere else. This is the internet, polite and mature are boring. These girls keep me entertained... I'm not quite sure what you were trying to say by that last sentence, but at the moment, the show is a FUCKING JOKE, and those of us who read this blog know it...
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work Cynical Cowgirl and Valley Bitch!!!!!!!
Just kidding, we're young at heart, does that count? And I dont think ridiculous was ever meant to be used in a positive light, babygirl.
Hah! I'm sure that person is a true CB fan. Do you also find CV hot? And/or DS interesting?
ReplyDeleteI personally love Vanessa, but I'd be perfectly fine with having her leave the show if it would help out my GG community. I don't know why they even kept her on this long if they weren't even going to pretend Nate gave a crap about her. It just makes both of them look pathetic at this point.
ReplyDeleteCan I offer a compromise? Nate realizes he loves Vanessa just as she is in mortal danger, so he goes to save her. Unfortunately he is incompetent and gets them both killed. Chuck and Blair look kind of sad at the funeral for a few seconds, then go have sex in one of the confessional booths.
^ LOL! i think i actually love this vanessa fan XD
ReplyDeleteme too. I'm confused.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, if this scenario would play out I might even ship them after death. ;)
Well, I think that you both like many things can be considered online personalities. An exaggeration of real things, which I seem to enjoy very much. Often stating things that we otherwise don't say. I do think that many of the things you all state can't be taken seriously, and mostly provide for good entertainment. I perfectly understand what it is you're attempting to do here and I applaud you for having the 'cohones' of saying it when everyone else is attempting to be politically correct. And anyone who believes you act like 13 yr olds obviously hasn't read all of your posts. ;)
ReplyDeleteI like this blog too! It´s fun and it helps us poor C/B-shippers through a hard time. I can´t see anything wrong with this blog and i really hope for those people, who are offended by this site, that they don´t get pissed that easily in "real life" too. cause HONESTLY, guys: do you always take everything that personal?! These are all just opinions here! in the end GG is just a show! The purpose of a show is to entertain and while there are still people here (including me), who think this site is entertaining too, i really can´t see the problem!
ReplyDeleteand to get back to the topic:
about that comment about Blair NOT fighting "properly" for Chuck!? WTF?? I don´t know, who wrote this, but I´d really like to see that person being on the receiving end of Chuck´s behaviour. I mean, C´mon!!!, although he behaved like the biggest asshole on earth (ok, i admit, its understandable after he lost his father and all, but still), she still tried to be there for him. if i were blair, i may have given up the fight even earlier. a person can only endure that much pain... the writer of that glorious comment should ask her/himself, how she/he would have felt after finally declaring her/his love and then getting mentally slapped in the face (several times) by the "loved one".