You all have been AWESOME sending in your essays for E, I wonder which E will pick and we will have time dissect the ones that the NB'ers gracious with - lol
So here are some excerpts in order to cement your belief in Chair, because every little bit counts.
Just a reminder to keep going with the TAKE VANESSA OFF THE SHOW campaign, we're up to 170 signatures!! Send it to friends, post it where you like, just keep it coming!! We need to voice our dislike for the troll and it needs to happen NOW!
So here are some excerpts in order to cement your belief in Chair, because every little bit counts.
First let me say, when I first discovered Gossip Girl, it was right after Carrnal Knowledge aired. I watched all of the episodes out of order (not the first time I’ve done that with a TV show) but the characters that immediately popped out at me the most were Chuck and Blair. When I eventually figured out the B was originally with N and then fell for C, I was in shock. How could the writers have ever put Blair with someone other than Chuck? From just the first few scenes I watched with them together, I was hooked.
Now as for why. I completely agree with those comparing CB to Heathcliff and Cathy and Peck and Hepburn. Blair and Chuck manage to pack meaningful messages into time together that would otherwise be completely irreverent. More than the hot or make out scenes, I find myself enjoying the scenes where their simply plotting together, or betting on something (case in point, my two favorite Chair episodes, There Might Be Blood and It’s a Wonderful Lie). This is an amazing feature of the couple, as their not doing anything meant to be slightly romantic. Chuck and Blair have both brought maturity to the other character. Chuck going against his Chuck Bass ways more than once when it comes to Blair (the end of Pret-a-poor-J and the “take me now” scene in The Grandfather), and Blair’s vulnerable side was revealed, if only for two episodes, when it came to Chuck’s teen-life crisis.
This couple will never need manufactured ‘misunderstandings’ or third parties to remain compelling. Can Chuck figure out a way to be with Blair and still remain ‘Chuck Bass’? Can Blair give up control over her perfect ending? We and they don’t actually know, which is fantastic. We do know that this is their only chance for being loved for who they are, and what could be more OMFG than that?
Just a reminder to keep going with the TAKE VANESSA OFF THE SHOW campaign, we're up to 170 signatures!! Send it to friends, post it where you like, just keep it coming!! We need to voice our dislike for the troll and it needs to happen NOW!
"This couple will never need manufactured ‘misunderstandings’ or third parties to remain compelling. Can Chuck figure out a way to be with Blair and still remain ‘Chuck Bass’? Can Blair give up control over her perfect ending? We and they don’t actually know, which is fantastic. We do know that this is their only chance for being loved for who they are, and what could be more OMFG than that?" <--- GOLD. WIN. WINGOLD.