We have one for you now that is SO good that it deserved a post all on it's own. It MUST be dissected the way insects are just to make sure they're real and not some idiotic mess patched together by creatures from out space. We've come to the conclusions that it's both in the same. What you're about to witness is the SAME post. WARNING: SOME OF THE CONTENT WILL BE SHOCKING AND MIGHT MAKE YOU SPIT OUT YOUR MILK.
Picture credit goes to the GG Fail
i am so tired of hearing how much everyone hates nate...let me tell you something in the real world there is always a love triangle twist if chuck and blaire just ended up toghether on season 2 then whats the point shows a wrap!
NO. In the REAL WORLD there SHOULDN'T be a love-triangle. If there is you have problems. You should dump your man and let him have who he wants to have - same if it's the girl. However, if you mean in TV SHOWS there's always a love triangle that's something else.
i love nate and blaire a girl always goes back to her first boyfriend /love its a fact to rekindle the what could of shouldve been..i have a feeling you will see a more mature nate who is willing to show blaire he has grown up alot during their time apart and he now is going to build the life blair wanted before ...he will give her security and a arch to the upper class and she can be the socialite she was born to be..i do beleive nate loves blair in the book he loved blair...
I mean.... I COULD say something but I cannot make fun of that level of ridiculous stupidity. I just can't. I feel like I'm making fun of a person with mental challenges and that's just wrong.
its ironic how the series the triangle is not between nate/blair/serena they switched it to blaire/nate/chuck..in the book nate choses neither and sails away ...will blair do the same..??
Yes, because Blair's heart has ALWAYS been thorn about the boys.
i think its great they paired the beautiful past couple up they have so much to discover stop bashing they are the reason you will watch cause they both bring mystery...
(need to stop to laugh on the floor for a bit) OK. I'm back now. No. No I'm not. (laughs more) I CANT SAY ANYTHING - it's too much, it's all too much - the world is full of STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS, I CAN'T TAKE IT!! MYSTERY?? OMG.... (back to the floor laughing)
can blair love nate or was her past an illusion? was chuck bass just lust or s he her one and only?
I think she was trying to be philosophical here so let us humor her. Was Blair's love towards Nate a past illusion? I dont know... when your boyfriend always really wanted your beautiful best friend I think I would fucking wish it where a motherfucking illusion, don't you? Was Chuck just lust? I mean she DID say to Chuck in his father's funeral that the reason she would stand by him through ANYTHING was because she was IN LUST with him. So that explains EVERYTHING.
i also think nate and blair will have a child...the more secure couples in series usually do she will always lay her head down and think of her chuck bass but at the end of the night blair knows where her man is (*nate) by her side no more games let the girl be loved the way she wants...
I know, my brain stopped working here too, her insane rambling is contagious and very dangerous. You start wondering if it's a joke or someone out there really typed this up and genuinely thinks it. It's a mess on a royal motherfucking carriage, what is she ON? I have to laugh again when I read the 'more secure couples' statement because it's the most STUPIDITY I have ever seen strung together in a sentence.
she doesnt have a mom her dad isnt even in the country she just has dorota and her best friend s has her own drama ...nate has no family either ..they need eachother right now everyone needs someone at that time of their life for a reason and we weill find out why...i think the writters are marvolous i can relate to these characters 100% nothing is ever easy...you cant satisfy everyone but they knew what they were doing when they put nate and blair back toghether....
I love that we dont even consider Chuck - as he is COVERED in family that loves him. But Nate. Poor Nate - with this Mom and his Grandad and whatnot - I mean POOR kid. I can't say anymore - I mean, what can you say to a person who is so very submerged in the Kool-Aid? She's adding her own motherfucking sugar to her glass.
and nate is the better man...he may have dated the older woman kissed j and messed with s but he was with venessa for awhile so what hes a boy toy and blair isnt lol
(LOOK) You CANT. CANT. MAKE THIS SHIT UP. YOU JUST CANT. It's too crazy. She's mad. She's a mad-hatter. OMG, she's somewhere out there - RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
plus chuck loves blair so much but has been with more woman then nate in all seasons in 4 episodes..every girl he meets he gets the same look of lust etc i cant tell anymore if chuck is sincer or not but with nate hes only really loved one girl blaire its just taking him longer to realize it cause he had so many other obstacles...
YES. YES. ALL of Nate's issues since the very beginning of S1 have been ALL ABOUT BLAIR. ALL ABOUT HER. I just can't even get into it - it's too hilarious.
this time aropund nate is going to get blaire struck big time and this boy toy isnt going to ever be the same
What is she suggesting? Does she perhaps think that Nate will become a eunuch? Does she think Blair will walk around the episode with little stars in her eyes, humming for the rest of the show? And we'll be enraptured as we watch their magical relationship unfold, as they get engaged with magical happy smiles? And Blair becomes pregnant with Nate and they are gentle and perfect and it'll be wonderful? I can't discern. It's all too much and to even consider the inside of her brain makes me fearful of what else is in there.
....i think blaire is going to be suprised with how much game boring nate still has in him neer under estimate the underdog....
.................... I am like.... there's tears running down my cheeks. I can't stop laughing, she's hilarious, I love her. I'm almost sympathetic with her, she really believes this, poor thing. How has she survived watching the show all this time? It's even MORE mysterious than Nate and Blair.
and keep him and serena as friends ...dan is the man for s
I love that she throws in this last bit because there is a slight bit of sanity there in the mists of the madness. She kinda knows that Nate has a thing for Serena - I'll give her that much.
Any of you still dont understand why I'm SO concerned for all of you out there? It's a crazy fucking planet!
Picture credit goes to the GG Fail
I think this post makes more sense as a Jekyll and Hyde thing, the inner war between the dual personalities of "Blair" (who...loves Chuck) and Blaire (who...loves Nate or possibly just can't spell).
ReplyDeleteOr maybe it doesn't. It is funnier that way though. Well done, KAGs.
ReplyDeleteshe can't even write blair names right i mean wtf
*stops laughing for a minute*
ReplyDeleteOhh, so this is the person from the news! The one that OD'ed with kool-aid!
Poor thing I hope she gets better!
*keeps laughing*
LMAOO I saw this post over at the cw and I just laughed so hard, like I can't even believe how idiotic people are! like are they watching the same show? YOU ARE AMAzing!
ReplyDeleteThat's what I've been wondering...how can we all be watching the same thing...have been watching and re watching from the beginning and still missed all this magic and stars bullshit that these people are seeing. Time and again people have mentioned the books but they don't even end up together in the books and he's just as much an ass there as in the show (or so I've heard because I'm staying away from those books) One of my very very brave friends actually read the damn things and posted excerpts...thank god CB is written nothing like that. Sometimes I wonder if Cece might've conked SS/JS over the head and that's where this left-field bullshit is coming from. Ugh
ReplyDeleteIt's just amazing...insane and hilarious.
One of the things that bugs me the MOST about the GG fandom is their incessant *need* to compare the TV show with the books to support SHIT THAT DOESN'T MAKE A LICK OF FUCKING SENSE!
ReplyDeleteFirstly, the books are the books and the TV show is the TV show. They are not the same. And, unless you were one of those 'special' children who had books on tape, they don't even come CLOSE to being the same medium. GET OVER IT. Book!Nate belongs with book!Blair? [Even though your starry-eyed homeboy left our bitchy heroine for seamen]fine, let BOOK!Nate and BOOK!Blair run off and have BOOK!babies. Leave OUR Blair and MOP!Nate out of it. It honestly leaves me wondering if people even understand the meaning of 'inspired' anymore. Or do they think that Vanessa *shudder* walking around with horrid hair instead of being a skin head is just an optical illusion? If the books were going to dictate verbatim the television show, Chuck would be a bisexual monkey lover, Jenny would EAT and have secondary sex characteristics, and Judgment Day would be a concept instead of the title of every chapter of the book that is Dan's life.
I'm not sure about Blair(e? - WHAT the hell is this bitch's problem? It offends every single one of my anal/OCD tendencies and makes me want to SLAP the fuck out of her) and Nate procreating. Wouldn't he need balls, and thus sperm, to do that?
Secondly, and I know that this isn't in this crack whore's post, but it bugs the FUCK out of me when ppl (who clearly have only heard through secondary sources about the magic of puberty) accuse Chair fans of being 'immature, whiny, little teenage girls'. Let's ignore the fact that Anne Frank was a 'little teenage girl', and move on to the fact that every single member of the cast has said on numerous occasions that they are approached (nearly on a daily basis) by people of ALL ages who admit that they watch the show religiously. I even believe that Penn and Blake both have had such encounters with - gasp- men! (Balls and all - Ed and Chace checked.) And, unless I've regressed about ten years without my knowledge, I'm pretty sure I'm no longer among the land of zits and lockers. Or am perpetually reading smut laden fics that are just about sex. Chuck and Blair have the *best* fanfiction writers. Deep, tortured angst. Light, fluffy fun. Smart, whitty, smutt. It particularly gets the La Perla's I wish I was wearing in a bunch when you read the language these pissants are using. It's obvious to anyone with an IQ over TWO that THEY are the teenage, immature, Neanderthals who do not have the emotional maturity to understand the complex, tortured, beautiful, and REAL love story between Chuck and Blair. Because if their ages allowed them to vote, drink, or even legally drive a car, they would know that love isn't saccharine fakeness. It's the good and the bad, the bitch and the Bass.
OH MY. You just made my day (night, actually). It's just crazy. Are we really watching the same show? I'm not sure I'll ever stop laughing. Thanks x)