So we engaged in our own verbal spat in the web this week. Yes, we're out on the boards and websites posting our opinions. We dont curse them out or anything, we keep things civil and contained. We leave the cursing for here. Most of the times we dont get replies. You see, when people are on the Kool-Aid they're stupid and when you reason and give examples behind your thoughts they basically have to shut the FUCK up and walk away. Pretend they never saw your response. It's ok. We understand. Envy our Kool-Aid free mind!
and on the Vanessa front - because aside from CB that's our favorite topic ;)
On Vanessa being a Mary Sue.
and I continue (I was on a ROLL that night!)
and a SMART person replied
So in conclusion, when posting postal shit about CB look behind you, I will put you in your place AND when having a Vanessa-bash post PLEASE call me I'm more than happy to step in :D
KOOL-AIDER: I actually don't hate Chuck. I just hate that his fans vehemently deny he's inherently a bad person (not to mention selfish and scheming, which is why I think him and Blair DON'T work, since they're so similar, even though she's got a good heart and is my favourite) but I think he works well as the villain. Anything else just sucks. N isn't innocent, I think he made a mistake with S but V was hardly innocent and I think his downward spiral began post B. NB bring out the best in each other.
ME: I am a Chuck fan and I'm a Chuck fan BECAUSE he's so very flawed and imperfect. He messes up, he does the wrong thing all the time, he's arrogant, selfish, he's self absorbed, he's deceitful and many other things. BUT he's also caring, loyal, loving, and often times a lost little boy who was ignored most of his life hence his need to develop and morph into the persona he is. He usually reacts to things out of thoughtlessness and sheer fright which is what gets him into trouble. He's the anti-hero and it's what makes him compelling to the majority of people. It's what makes people root for him because of his flaws and his demeanor. The same things with Blair. She's his mirror in so many ways which is why often times they 'get' one another without even having to say 'sorry' because what one does the other thought about doing. BOTH bring out the best and the worst out of one another.
I will give you examples:
Blair was at her best as she attempted to handle Chuck's situation with his father's death. Nate himself noted it when he saw her being motherly and caring. She wasn't being selfish or whiny or needy. In 2.13 she stumbled at times but at the end pushed everything aside to help him. That is bringing out her good qualities. On the flip coin he also does bring out the worst in her, for example the out of control jealousy in 2.07 over the Vanessa issue. YET, I do believe Blair is often afraid of being her true bitchy self around anyone other than Chuck and Serena because he not only likes to see her on top of her game but he finds it a turn on as does she.
For Chuck, Blair has brought out the best in him at times like in 2.08 at the end. He COULD'VE made them a couple but he decided to wait. It was mature and honest of him, more mature and honest than I have ever seen him. She was also the one who calmed him after his father's death, she became his anchor. She's also brought out the worst in him, when he goes jealous over her he can hardly control his actions and he ends up doing stupid, immature things over it.
So it's a ying-yang for them hence the appeal.
Now. I'm ALSO a Chair fan and I'm not child either. So what does that say about me?
later on (because she didn't reply and I got annoyed)
I think that at this point in the show if you still dont 'get' the CB relationship I really dont think you ever will. CB is a dark fairytale, it tells the story of a malicious prince that falls for the girl of his golden best friend. She also happens to be a dark queen of her own who holds her own nature at bay in her need to simplify and rose-color her world. It's Gothic and twisted and very very complex. Both are such magically flawed characters that they're almost NOT real because they're so very extreme. I think the actors brought out that nearly magical aspect to it because they embrace the darkness inside of the characters and every once in a while give you a peak of how much they care for the other and how Chuck and Blair wish, even in the dept of their malice, that they could also be golden and perfect. Well liked and accepted.
and on the Vanessa front - because aside from CB that's our favorite topic ;)
On Vanessa being a Mary Sue.
ME: She's a total Mary Sue. She's a good honest girl from an honest background who is pretty, talented and wise. She has the cutest boy fall for her, she does devious things but we're not supposed to see her as bad but justified by her own misunderstood actions. Here more info:
"Perhaps the single underlying feature of all characters described as "Mary Sues" is that they are too ostentatious for the audience's taste, or that the author seems to favor the character too highly. The author may seem to push how exceptional and wonderful the "Mary Sue" character is on his or her audience, sometimes leading the audience to dislike or even resent the character fairly quickly; such a character could be described as an "author's pet"."
Vanessa is the quintessential Mary Sue. No surprises why nearly everyone wants her to DIAF. None.
and I continue (I was on a ROLL that night!)
ME: The writers DO care about Vanessa, if they didn't she would've been gone already, any long time TV viewer can attest to that. I can give you a clear example of when Vanessa was portrayed as perfect. 2.07/208
She goes to blackmail Blair and ends up hurt. She's the victim. Blair's the neurotic one.
In 2.08 she tells Dan that CB used her as catnip and this statement is never corrected nor her initial involvement in the entire situation cleared up. Hence she's the victim.
And let us not forget the who NJV triangle - despite my misgivings towards NJ; Jenny lost and Vanessa won despite BOTH doing things wrongly. Vanessa got the guy.
and a SMART person replied
I completely agree with 4:18's assessment of Vanessa. I've never actively hated Vanessa (until now, because I cannot, just cannot believe that Chuck Bass would be honestly interested in her), but I was never well disposed towards her, either. I have never been a DS shipper, but I enjoyed their relationship in the beginning, and I was extremely annoyed to see Vanessa lurking around, trying to screw that up. She never really DID anything, but she was a potential obstacle, and since we barely knew her (and really, we still don't know her particularly well, nor do I ever really care to at this point), she rubbed me the wrong way. By the time she was introduced, I'd already had five episodes to get to know Serena and Dan, so I was naturally going to be on the DS side of things. Now I feel as though Vanessa is always lurking around, waiting to ruin a pairing. That's all she does, apart from making her "documentaries."
It's clear that the writers have no idea what to do with Vanessa, which is why I'm confused as to why they keep her on the show. I dislike how she's always wedged into scenes she shouldn't even be in, and how she's made to interact with people with whom she would never interact. They have no real reason to have her involved with any of the UES kids except Nate and maybe Serena, so they have to invent one. There she is, camera in hand, just waiting to suck. It's also incredibly annoying that she claims to want to document the manipulative machinations (which she claims to so despise) of the UES kids, and yet she engages in the very same bad behavior that she condemns in others. I just wish the writers would stop trying to force Vanessa on me. I don't like her, and I'm not going to like her. It's too late. And this last ditch effort to somehow make her over into Blair Waldorf is just insulting. It only makes me despise her more.
So in conclusion, when posting postal shit about CB look behind you, I will put you in your place AND when having a Vanessa-bash post PLEASE call me I'm more than happy to step in :D
amazing amazing :D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you decided to post this :)
ReplyDeleteI emailed you about it I liked it so much! Your comments/analysis is so smart and sharp. Bravo.
I loved the two posts you wrote over at Spoiler TV. I don't really consider myself a shipper but I root for these broken UES kids' happiness and in a bizarre way Chuck and Blair are each others best hope of that.
ReplyDeleteyou know apparently vanessa was initially only supposed to be in for 3-4 epis but apparently the writers liked her enuf to make a regular [lady dreadlocks said so herself in an interview]. i mean wtf?! exactly which part of that boring, useless, hateable trashbag did they like?! it's quite clear how their kool aid addiction has developed over time to become so bad - to the point where ppl are calling out that vanessa is totally pointless to the show but the writers are still keeping her ><
ReplyDeleteI swear to god Jessica Szohr has some kind of mind control machine. How do they not see how AWFUL she is. Just a terrible actress.
ReplyDeleteyou'd think that the current ecconomic crisis gives them the perfect chance to fire her: "i'm sorry j whore, i mean - szhor, but it's getting to expensive to hire a hairdresser to brush your dreadlocks every day". easy.
ReplyDeletei don't know about her acting skills, but you'd think she'd go and find a new show to ruin now that's she's made gossip girl into this fuckery. i blame her, not the writers, for the shit we see, because it's her trying to make it this way, not them. By threatening them with her nasty feet or her promises of voodoo magic to show them the way to win it all mary sue style. DD: