I can't help but compare the Nair relationship with the relationship of Fiona and Charming. I mean, he was perfect. Perfect teeth, hair, smile, charm - blah blah. And she wanted it all, she wanted the perfect life with the perfect prince that she had been dreaming of forever. THEN this nasty creature kinda rescued her. He had no morals, no scruples, was gross, was everything she didn't want. Yet he ended up being the one she chose. She had serious self esteem issues and they lied to one another. Until they realized that she didn't want to live in the fantasy and he didn't want to be alone and an ogre anymore. This is how I see NBC and this is how I believe the writers write them also. Note: I'm still not sure who exactly Vanessa is in this story, actually, I'm not sure who exactly Vanessa is in ANY story so at least there's consistency there.
And now that we understand this dynamic, let's WANK this MOTHERFUCKING FANDOM!!!
I like how Chair fans are slowly dying so you need this thread to reassure yourselves. You are losing soldiers. Haha it's like a Greek Tragicomedy.
ME: She DOES realize that a tragicomedy has a happy ending, right? I mean, esp since it's OUR story she's referring to she just gave us like encouragement.
oohh good that was the cutest kiss scene i've ever seen on the show, finally a little sweet stuff . I really dont get wut everybodys sayin about blair beeing clingy for the first time ever she's actually sweet and kind and its time for blair to grow the fuck up and stop thinking that she'll get wut she wants by hurting others.
ME: *looks around* WUT? Did you get it? Did we get it?
yes yes Nair all they way!Nate/Blair is so awesome. I love that they're back to being friends and the chemistry between them is fantastic. Blair deserves so much more than Chuck and Nate can be that for her. I don't mind C/V either, since Vanessa brought out the most human side of Chuck I've ever seen, though this seems a bit desperate and pathetic of them.
ME: Let address this one in two parts. The NB part and the CV part. This is another stupid fucker who forgets all that Nate did. ALL of it. He's like a clean slatted little fluffy angel. Prince motherfucking shinning, in his white horse, shiny teeth and tussled hair. See the picture above. It's explain TONS. Now, since she's at heart an NB'er this CV angle works very well for her, doesn't it? Especially since it was Vanessa who comforted Chuck when his father died, when he's shown to be MOST vulnerable. Oh wait. That was Blair. Fuck! I'm like ALSO watching the selective channel.
"Oh and I would chose Nate because I don't want to repeatedly be treated like shit. Plus, he genuinely cares about her (at least this time around), he HAS become a better person, and well he is gorgeous! I don't hate Chair but I definitely don't ship them. Blair and Nate do not have the fireworks, but I feel like they have something better than that. Nate was adorable to her in the last episode, he didn't cheat on vanessa (even though I really thought he would) That just shows he has grown up in the last year. They have a friendship now, that lack of one is what really screwed them up last time. It's easy being together, it doesn't hurt. You shouldn't ache all the time because of the person you love. They should make you feel elated and happy, I think Nate and Blair can give that to each other. They did in the last episode. I just personally think they deserve a shot together. I think they could really make each other truly fulfilled and happy. Even if you don't ship them I mean c'mon! You have to admit they look like the perfect picture couple."
ME: We have to take this one in parts because the stupidity of it continues to baffle me. I LOVE that she admits that THIS time he doesn't threat her like crap. THIS time. heh. And well, he's GORGEOUS, what else do you need to ship someone? Is there really anything else? AND because she knows she hasn't convinced us AT ALL with her crappery she throws in that you can AT LEAST ADMIT that they LOOK the perfect couple. I mean. AT LEAST admit that. Because now that they LOOK like the perfect couple they can BE the perfect couple. A moment please as I laugh my fucking ASS OFF.
"I would choose Nate bec he is way nicer, sweeter, more romantic and better looking than Chuck. Going by the question, which is if I were Blair, I wouldnt want to hurt anymore. Id realize that real love doesnt hurt."
ME: I THINK what she's trying to say in her little language here is that Blair should be with Nate because he's romantic and more better looking than Chuck, which of course is a clear side effect of the juice. I also dont think she has been notified that real love is complicated. She's going to spend her entire life confused.
sum of these r to long for depth of content. sum part are pointless & writing
is vry blunt. eps probly wudnt b ne better if like this.
ME: This one was sent in - it's a review on a CB fic. The reason I am posting it is because I was wondering if any of you have a English to gibberish dictionary that you can provide for us in order for us to translate it. Thank you for your cooperation!
BBs i really feel like bashing some of this Mofo's in, not even funny.
ReplyDeleteReally. I need some paxil reading all this fuckery
NO. I need some vikoden xD Are you taking vikoden with coke with this baby? is that how you can handle this fuckeriness? LOL
for the last one. yeah Im bashing that persons head in fo shizzo LOL
P.s" I love how Chucks shrek. Dude you just made me LOL
didint prince charming turn into motherfucking bubbles? LOL like bubbles u can pop? LOL or something or was that his mom? oh nvm we can fix that.
BABBBYYYY Vanessa is O_o vanessa is thin air mebeh LOL or nothing
maybe the fungus in the lake? depends LOL
PLUS i hate these fuckers so much my brain EXPLODES. its too bad they dot have brains and we do. so i dont reeally want my brain to reach the same size as theirs but god xD help them please. its like Nate didnt do anything stupid? or what?
SO nate's gorgeous... and because of that he gets a free pass to do any fuckery he wants and all past fuckery is forgotten? WHEEEEEEEE fuck off! Lol. we've been getting hostile lately no? OH WELL!
TOUGH! :P another awesomery postage bbs!
Nate is GORGEOUS, Nate is ROMANTIC blah, blah, blah...
ReplyDeleteYeah right BUT with the personality of a card board
He's like an innocent puppy that Chuck ran over with his car *sheesh*
Nate is crappy boyfriend, best friend and person, he thinks he's so morally upright that he JUDGES people.
I'm not saying Chuck is a saint BUT at least he owns up to his flaws.
Reading this makes my head spin if it weren't for your wanking I wouldn't be able to survive that.
ReplyDeleteAnd hey i keep hearing people talk about the chair mafia. Does anyone know what tht is?
the Chair mafia? Yes I know of them. They were the true CBers from the CW boards that got banned for staying off the Kool-Aid.
ReplyDeleteseriously?! they got banned from the CW boards cos they were that off the kool aid? I WANT TO BE ONE!!! :D
ReplyDeleteI think it's hilarious that one freak of nature is saying our ship is dying. Hmm let's check the recent polls :
ReplyDeleteOn the CW Source we have NBers outnumbered 4 to 1 (we chose we wanted to vomit from last ep) and in that poll the NJ fanbase is 4 votes behind NB meaning in that poll NJ fanbase is right there with them. (Check it out here, bitches http://blogs.trb.com/network/cwsource/2009/03/gossip_girl_sweet_16.html)
Then there was another poll on Buddy TV (here-http://www.buddytv.com/articles/gossip-girl/more/gossip-girl-recap-episode-220-27378.aspx?pollid=2001795&answer=2006209#poll2001795)asking what they thought of the NB crappery-27% said Nate was their choice, but 43% said Chuck would get her anyway and 30% said Yuck NB is disgusting. What does that mean- 73% of the fanbase hates them and thinks Chuck and Blair will be together.
Let's also look at the Spoiler TV poll in which no episode has ever had the Awful votes beat out the Awesome votes, yet this one Aweful is the number one choice. I don't know that might be another clue....
I guess besides not being able to read or see actual chemistry these idiots can't do math either. Stop doing the Kool-Aid,go to school, date a man, not a boy, Nbers, you might get somewhere in life after that. It's doubtful, but you might as well try.
Haha, i want to be a chair mafia! I wonder if theres a site they go to or something.
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome blog! Its the only thing keeping me sane when people are getting so crazy now.
NBers make me laugh at their stupidity... they are whacked if they think Nate is a Price...lmao. Oh and the fact that they also think CV are true luv and think Chuck is at his most human with her!!!! is down right delutional... like do they effing watch the same show or do they just see what THEY want to see...