When I say, and I keep saying, that you can't make this shit up. I dont kid. You CANT make this shit up. You just CANT. I have been laughing NON STOP for over an hour. I go back, read this and start laughing once more.
I mean, c'mon! At least give me a challenge! Something for me to be scared of! Something to believe in! But noooo, I get this.
So I heard about the whiny fans and their stupid VANESSA petition, whom many others and myself happen to LOVE.
well bitches, two can play at this game. A friend of mine is running a Blair petition and not only are we having real people join, we'll boost it up with hundreds of alts so lets see how that works out BITCHES
Getting rid of character when she has a big part, how dare you. Don't come crying to me when shit happens to Blair. Ha
Boom Boom POW.
Do you see what I'm saying? Do you see? How can I NOT laugh? I mean... man! That's Kool-Aid to the tenth power!
Omg these people seriously need help! "big part" my ass!!! big fuckin' stupid part that is. I've never encountered a more idiotic, meddling, self-absorbed charater like Vanessa. They actually think that Blair's character will be influenced by a petition? Blair? Blair IS "Gossip Girl". Blair along with Chuck that is! If they go, then GG is gone. Finito, no more. Do they really think that the writers/producers would choose Blair over Vanessa? Totally delusional! Ah, let them have their petition. They can have fun playing with themselves while we have our fun watching them!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, in all my years of watching television shows I've never fast forwarded more scenes than I have with V scenes. Those who are "petitioning for Blair" are just insane. She is half the show for most people(Chuck being the other half of course;)
ReplyDeleteOMG!! ROFL!! I needed a good laugh so badly! Thanks a bunch!
ReplyDeleteI think we laughed about this for a good hour before I was able to put together ANY kind of post. ;)
ReplyDeleteRolling on the floor lmao. Seriously I cannot stop laughing. I don't even have anything to say because that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. OMG let me go continue laughing until my stomach hurts.
ReplyDeleteThe funniest part is that she doesn't provide a link to the petition. She's like WARNING us it's coming.
ReplyDeleteOMFG. Did she actually write Boom Boom Pow? That's for cool kids. Woah, I'd ask her to stay off the Kool-Aid but I think she lives in a bubble and shoots it into her veins. ps: who hates Blair? Beyond the characters in the show. Between NB and CB I'm pretty sure almost everyone loves her...
ReplyDelete*ROTFL* OMG THEY CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!! *Can't stop laughing*
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is this person on?! That must be the the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life! So she's complaining about the "whiny" fans with the Vanessa petition, then goes and makes a petition against arguably the most loved character on the show! Hypocrisy much??
ReplyDeleteI love that she doesn't even link it!
I love the site by the way! It keeps me entertained! *Still laughing*
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell?!?! People are insane. I just hope we get the link to that petition so that I can laugh a lot longer when reading it. I can only imagine:
Dear CW, please get rid of Blair. she has no point in the show! All she does is to copy queen V! AND her stupid fans are ruining everything! Either she goes or WE (YES ALL 3 OF US!) leave!
Boom Boom POW!
"okay WHAT THE FUCK get a life much? I declare a petition and some shitbags named Koolaid make fun about it? You wont be laughing when i post the petition because blair is 10xxx annoying than lady V. She is rotten spoiled conceited immature heck SHE is the hypocrete herself! she can do shit to other people but it can never hit on her flat white girl butt. i dont even see how people like her, if anything vanessa is much more relating to the bulk of the fandom and reality because she is middle class and independent, not always doing shit with benjamens and honest abes she MAKES her honest abes so V keep on pouring that coffee in our cups and strenghtening your artistic career for there ARE real fans out there who admire your presence and enough with the mary sue shit if anything serena is the ultimate mary sue i need not have to explain that shit its so clear as night and day you want a petition? just watch me, ignorant fucktards."
Like I've said. I have no words!
I. CANNOT. STOP. LAUGHING. This lunatic provides me with a new source of entertainment while I endure the hiatus. BOOM BOOM POW!! LADY V IN THE HOUSE!! you have got to be kidding me... haaaaaaaaa. Made my day, stay off of the koolaid kiddies.
ReplyDeleteOMG, LMAO!
ReplyDeleteI can not believe that person! She wants to write Blair off, but then says Serena is Mary Sue. LOL!
And has she been living under a rock? white girl Leighton does not have a flat butt, LOL
clearly she has been living under a rock - leighton has one of the hottest butts around. FACT.