Can we say how disappointed we are at the 'compelling' Nair arguments posted on E! Online for the monster 250 word essay we had posted about before? First of all, a shout out to our peeps Alice and CJ for winning! You both are AWESOME and deserve ALL the praise you're currently getting. Now. Let us address this little 'contest' that was brought up by E!
I hear a lot of people calling it unfair because the pro-Nair statements pale in comparison to the eloquent pro-Chair ones. So let us take a moment to consider how they all went down:
INTERN #1 - So, I read over all the pro-Chuck/Blair essays. I'm having a hard time choosing which one because there's a few that are really awesome. I can't believe these people watch some teen show. I think I might start watching it.
INTERN #2 - Are you serious? How come I had to read the pro-Nate/Blair ones? It's not fair!
INTERN #1 - Because you think Chace Crawford is pretty.
INTERN #2 - I'm pretty sure I lost IQ points reading these.
INTERN #1 - Really? They didn't speak of Brandon, Bogart or Taylor?
INTERN #2 - Who?
INTERN #1 - The mystery is over as to why you got the Pro-Nate/Blair ones.
But really? Go read it, if it doesn't make you feel sorry for them then I dont know what ever will. Oh and vote on the motherfucking poll, people. Thanks!
I hear a lot of people calling it unfair because the pro-Nair statements pale in comparison to the eloquent pro-Chair ones. So let us take a moment to consider how they all went down:
INTERN #1 - So, I read over all the pro-Chuck/Blair essays. I'm having a hard time choosing which one because there's a few that are really awesome. I can't believe these people watch some teen show. I think I might start watching it.
INTERN #2 - Are you serious? How come I had to read the pro-Nate/Blair ones? It's not fair!
INTERN #1 - Because you think Chace Crawford is pretty.
INTERN #2 - I'm pretty sure I lost IQ points reading these.
INTERN #1 - Really? They didn't speak of Brandon, Bogart or Taylor?
INTERN #2 - Who?
INTERN #1 - The mystery is over as to why you got the Pro-Nate/Blair ones.
But really? Go read it, if it doesn't make you feel sorry for them then I dont know what ever will. Oh and vote on the motherfucking poll, people. Thanks!
Also, the last time I checked the poll on E!online was for Chuck in a landslide ( I believe he garnered about 81% of the votes). If Josh and Stephanie check out the web as often as they say they do then this little contest right here should be like a brick to the head for them.
ReplyDeletegirls, LOL our little gerbils need food LOL or a littlee run on the wheel.
ReplyDeletei was like is that all O_o NBers can give? Uhm.... is that all? *shakes computer* that cant be right *knocks screen* is that all? gosh im depressed cause i feel sorry for them! i thought we culdve gotten a fight, but it seems not, LOL.
and COME ON 80% chuck for blair. i want the fucking writers to slap themselves and shoot themselves if they can cause this is pure STUPIDITY for them to even drag this motherfucking bullshit.
BRAVO to our Peeps! beautifully written!
Seriously the NBers say Kristin got her interns to pick out the worst NB essays because apparently there were better in the private NB livejournal community. Haven't seen any of them yet though.
ReplyDeleteI love this blog!
ReplyDeleteUpdate on the Eonline poll!
Updated with a new Nair argument, just because we're friendly like that...
Done and done. (For the record, we chose the very best and most eloquent four arguments from among the original 23 Chair and 6 Nair submissions.)
haha 6 NAIR
*The new Nair argument!
Ivan: Here is what I think is a better argument for team Blate since everyone is angry that the competition is unfair, please consider that by posting a more appropriate Blate argument fans of the WWK team will be happier with you guys! Please post it.
Jacob, for Team Blate: I would like to start saying I perfectly understand why people would like Blair to be with Chuck. I remember thinking back in season one that Nate never really cared about Blair, and one of my favorite G.G. moments will always be when she and Chuck had sex in the back of the limo, but at that time I had no idea that a few episodes later Nate and Blair would also look so perfect for each other after the dance when they slept together. Knowing Blair is a fan of Hollywood Golden age makes me think that she desires a perfect Hollywood ending…and what could be better that ending up with your first love? Even though this couple has had little screen time we have been hinted that they know each other a lot since they grew up together. For a long time Blair thought Nate was her charming prince and then she found out they did not worked. But after the events of the past year Nate has grown up a lot, having been removed from the comfortable world he lived in. Blair got to grow up too by trying a different kind of relationship with Chuck and releasing the evil side of her personality to a maximum, but neither one of those worked for her. Now the two of them can try again and maybe find the happily ever after they planned as kids.
I wish Id entered now, I know we won but I like defending Chair. It gets me quite worked up lol!
ReplyDeletethe new Nair argument doesn't even make sense... what? Nate has matured? SERIOUSLY?!
ReplyDeleteNate had his money taken away, sure. Poor little rich boy, basically learned that he was wrong in season one and that he DOES like having money all along. Did this make him mature? Not in the least, I think. The only time he showed any mature judgement was with his dad/fbi situation, and even then Vanessa and Chuck had to push him to make a decision. Not to mention he was acting angry at Chuck half the season for NO REASON.
Don't even get me STARTED on his manwhoring ways!
the fact that there were 23 Chair essays and ONLY 6 Nair essay still crack me up. :))