Has anyone noticed that the fandom is a bit quiet lately? Like in the past few days? Anyone noticed this? Sigh. PLEASE keep the random stupidity coming. It's like AIR! More wanking, MOTHERFUCKERS!
ME: I like that this one brought a mathematical equation. How about I give her back one? Ok? How about you + thoughts = disaster? Oh how about this one! YOU + words = idiocy! No? How about this motherfucking one. WATER + MIX + SUGAR = MOTHERFUCKING KOOL-AID. Yes, that shit you're drinking. I know, that last one was complicated, I hope you were able to keep up.
On a less philosophical note, the reason C & V were hot is partially because of how Nate and Blair acted during the episode. N&B should never have happened - EVER. And the way they happened was really disgusting. When C & V hooked up it felt a little like vendication.
ME: OK, HONESTLY. HONESTLY! You expect ME to LISTEN to ANYTHING you have to MOTHERFUCKING say AFTER you just called CV hot? WHAT THE FUCK? Are you still talking? Is there an ECHO? I bet you were one of the ones that you to claim that CV would ruin things for you, right? I know your type because I know your type. Like am I'm a type. I'm the type that says SHUT THE FUCK UP - that's my type. Here's your sippy cup back.
i used to ship chair, but i never will again because i do not want to associate myself with some of the shippers.
ME: DONT YOU WORRY, MY LITTLE JUMPING BOSTON JELLY BEAN. WE dont want to associate you YOU EITHER. AND I love that you move around because of other people. That's kinda hypocritical, isn't it? Ship something you can't believe passionately about? No wonder you're attracted to Nair. It's a four minute mediocre relationship patched up by a lame attempt at boosting ratings and starting fandom wars.
Chuck is a sleazy, sleazy man and only wants Blair when he can't have her.
ME: I dont judge her because her DVR broke the day 2.07 & 2.08 aired. She never saw it. So, like I said. We can't blame her. She's just misinformed. Oh and 2.13 AND 2.15. Shit, this bitch's missed half the motherfucking season!
CG = LOVE = NB :)
I want that last one on a bumper sticker. The diabolical mix that is kool-aid.
ReplyDeletelmao you know what i noticed? did anyone pick up on how UNinterested nate appeared to be whenever vanessa told him that what's going on between her and chuck is 'physical'? i did and boy did i laugh hard. it's the funniest shit in the world if you think about it. that entire episode nate appeared to not give a shit about Jaws. Which made me happy because NO one gives a shit about jaws.
ReplyDeletethink back to last season, when it was revealed to nate the betrayal that was chuck and blair. nate hulked up became mad and pushed chuck around. this time when jaws admits to enjoying chuck's koolaid? nate just doesn't care. but not only does he not care, he also dishes to jaws a 'compliment' that was actually supposed to be a dig. i say compliment because he compared to her to blair waldorf.
meanwhile, vanessa just takes it in 'stride' and goes to bang chuck. wtf??? was it to feel better? was it to be more like blair?
isn't the whole appeal of vanessa intially, was that she was the 'anti-waldorf'? she was SUPPOSED to be wholesome and honest and the luke skywalker to the UES darth vaders? but hmm let me see, all that she's done her entire run on the show was come in and be creepy over dan and try to steal him away from serena. to hate on the likes of blair and chuck and everyone who's rich basically...then somehow it morphed to her being interested in NATE of all people and we're supposed to believe it. then season two she devolves even more into a pathetic piece of brooklyn girly shit who's worse than the people she feels she's better than. case in point, she lies to jenny her 'best friend', she blackmails blair, then also remember kiddies, it was SHE who kind of fucked up Chair during the Preet a Poor J episode by crying to dan and making it seem like it was all blair's fault. Actually that's like the ONLY time that nappy headed bitch appeared in the episode at all.
now i hate vanessa as much as the next person, but it kind of saddens me that no one has touched on one pretty obvious reason that she needs to go. and that's the fact that she's not of the writer's creation, she's just a pathetic piece of girly shit adapation that for some reason the writers decided to 'changed'. she's the one main character from the novel that has changed the most and this shit NOW is NOTHING i repeat NOTHING at all what the writer had created. did i say NOTHING? oh that's right i did. and if i'm not mistaken, cecily herself had expressed distaste in the way vanessa is portrayed. i would be too if someone jacked my creation up to fit their liking? i think the writers should reduce vanessa to making appearances every once in a while like they've been doing or ship her ass back to vermont. yeah the actress is pretty i guess, and nothing personally against her but vanessa abrams ain't clicking with the fans and it's just beyond retarded now.
" On a less philosophical note, the reason C & V were hot is partially because of how Nate and Blair acted during the episode. N&B should never have happened - EVER. And the way they happened was really disgusting. When C & V hooked up it felt a little like vendication. " whoever wrote this... um okay C & V 'hot'? I'd sure hate to see what you'd find 'ugly' there's nothing hot about that at ALL. it's wrong. wrong like a baby launching a hand grenade with one hand while holding a crackpipe in the other sort of WRONG. it's just disgusting. HOWEVER. i do agree with your last line. i think you're right.
only it's 'chuck's' vindication. he's hurt and confused and kind of PISSED OFF that his supposed best friend is now making goggly eyes at HIS girl. remember, nate was the only one who knew of chuck's feelings about blair before anyone else. nate was the one who got to hear that chuck 'loved' blair. and it's not as if nate isn't aware of what's going on between chuck and blair. he's commented on it before. so i think out of respect, blair should be the last person he hooks up with. and blair? blair should know better about trying to get with nate again anyway. she knows C don't play that. (lol) but blair is a BITCH. matter of fact she's 'QUEEN BITCH'. she's only trying to get nate because she knows it will bother chuck the most. WHY? because she's a bitch! she's our version of joan crawford and we love that bitch for it. we even love the wire hangers she beats bitches with. WE LOVE IT. but that's just who blair is. that's the way she was written and that's not really out of character for her.
and chuck is an evil mastermind and we love him for that too. now if i were an evil mastermind and my girl was kind of dating my best friend and BOTH of them bitches know that i love this broad, i think i'd go for the best friend's former girl or current girl, wtfever. so what if she looks like vanilla jaws? i'd bang that too if i knew that the girl i loved was in such deep hate with her. which is exactly what chuck has done.
and if it had been just a one time thing, then i'd be all for it. BUT at the way it ended, it's CLEAR that vanessa is into it and wants to actually indulge in sexual relationship with chuck! are you fucking serious? not only does jaws look pathetic in the first place with the way she's acting now she looks like a fucking whore (THE BIGGEST) whore on top of that.
i think you're all about as stupid as the mind who came up with the stupid c and v pairing. and you all need to check into retarded people rehab.
may the force be with you.
To the second anonymous, who wrote and wrote and wrote right on:
ReplyDeleteI wrote this:
" On a less philosophical note, the reason C & V were hot is partially because of how Nate and Blair acted during the episode. N&B should never have happened - EVER. And the way they happened was really disgusting. When C & V hooked up it felt a little like vendication. "
And to answer this: "um okay C & V 'hot'? I'd sure hate to see what you'd find 'ugly' "
-> Blair screwing with crack-sniffing, would be rapist, middle-aged uncle Jack
and this:
"there's nothing hot about that at ALL. it's wrong. wrong like a baby launching a hand grenade with one hand while holding a crackpipe in the other sort of WRONG. it's just disgusting"
-> Did I ever say it was right? Did I? And it felt like a fucking vendication to me. Nate and Blair storyline pissed ME off. In terms of the "hot" issue itself...perhaps this requires a little clarification. There are scenes, which are hot because they're charged with overflow of sexual tension (like the Limo scene). This wasn't the case. This scene was "hot", if you will, because of the meaning behind it - which was Chuck seducing Vanessa to punish Nate and Blair and being so fucking good at it. This was a meaningless hookup (to Chuck) inspired by anger(toward Nate)and desire of punishment (toward Blair). Chuck was working Vanessa during this episode. It was clear from the beginning that sex was his idea of revange. No, I don't think that Vanessa and Chuck make a great, "hot" couple. I don't believe I ever said this either.
I'm not going to lie. I'd fuck Jack.
ReplyDeleteAnd no amount of 'vindication' or personal vendetta against badly written storylines can justify anything that was done with Chuck's character (or Blair's). Justifiably so I get mad at the writers of the show that have fucked it up to the point that we need to think that CV is ok even as a vindication, even as meaningless because it shouldn't have happened. Just like Nair shouldn't have happened because it's a break of continuity and that is what pisses me off. Justifying either storyline is just as bad as endorsing it because either way it's accepting shitty writing.
Once more, I'm mad at the writers, dont take what we say personally, we're a heightened reality of what people all around are feeling.
I actually like your blog a lot..otherwise, I wouldn't be commenting on it :) For some of us, it's just taking some time to accept the reality of what's happing with the writing on this show after the Christmas break.
ReplyDeleteJust staff off the K-juice, babygirl and we'll fucking love ya.